Chapter 32 - More incidences

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Chapter 32 – More incidences

<Cherrygrove City>

“Waaah!” Once Isaac opened his eyes, all he could see was the scenery rushing past him. His mind flew into panic as he tried to process what in the world was happening. Then, there was a sharp pain at his side and then, there was darkness.

“Isaac… Isaac… Isaac!”

His eyes flew open. “What!”

“Gaah!” Emma shouted. “Isaac! Stop doing that!”

“Whoops.” Isaac stuck out his tongue. “Sorry, Emma. I can’t help myself.”

“Whatever, we should go find Mr Stone now.” Emma said.

“Where are we?” Isaac asked.

“Don’t you remember? We are in Cherrygrove City now. We were tasked by Falkner to find Mr Stone as soon as possible to show him the stone. It’s with you right?”

What’s with me?”

“Stop messing around. The stone! The diamond shaped rock that Falkner handed to you in that carriage!”

“Oh, that! No worries, I put it in my… Gah!” Isaac seemed distraught.

“What’s wrong?”

“My bag! I put it in my bag! Where is it!” Isaac looked all around to look for his missing sling bag. “I had it with me before we teleported!”

“A-Are you sure?”

 “Wait a minute… Where’s Xatu?” Isaac shouted. “He may have stolen my bag!”

“Don’t be silly, Isaac. Why would Xatu want to steal your bag? It’s right there at the side, resting.” Emma pointed to a place slightly out of Isaac’s field of vision.

Isaac immediately ran towards where Xatu was resting but found out that Emma was indeed telling the truth. It was standing still with both its eyes closed and its wings wrapped tightly around its body.


“Xatu, did you see where my bag went?” Isaac asked.

No response. Not even a twitch of the eye.

“Isaac, isn’t that it?” Emma suddenly said.

Isaac turned and looked at where Emma was pointing. “Where?” She was pointing at the branches of a tree near them.

“Right there! Can’t you see it?”

Isaac squinted and stared for a moment. “Wait a minute…” Hidden behind some branches was his bag. Its sling got caught in one of the branches. “How in the world did my bag get up there?”

“Probably when you fell?”

“When I fell…? I fell?”

“Yeah, can’t you remember?” Emma asked. “The fall even knocked you out.”

“Did you fall too?”

“No, I was already on the ground after we teleported.” Emma thought for a moment. “Weird… Why didn’t we end up in the same place?”

“Well, Pokémon seem to hate me…” Isaac muttered

“Aww, don’t think like that. Xatu probably made a mistake!” Emma gave Isaac a cheerful smile.

“Forget about that… How am I supposed to get my bag down?” Isaac reached for his belt. “Dang it I forgot… Peace is still with Falkner.”

Deadly alliance (Pokemon fan fiction) [Pokewatty Award 1st runner-up 2013]Where stories live. Discover now