Chapter 21 - Rude Awakening

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Chapter 21 – Rude Awakening


Night was falling. It turned dark much faster than Isaac had expected and he promptly regretted stomping out of the farm earlier. He had meant to ask for permission to stay the night there before setting of the next day, but obviously was not thinking rationally after Falkner’s call.

“WormaDAMN!” He cursed loudly. “Now what?”

He quickly checked his Pokégear, It was already nine thirty in the night, and he had walked for more than three hours after leaving the farm. One thing about letting anger fuel your actions was that it keeps you distracted and preoccupied, letting minor things like fatigue and tiredness slip by. One that anger wears out, all of it would come rushing back. This is probably why people often find themselves breathing more deeply when they get angry. This was exactly what was happening to Isaac. Tired and shelterless, he simply sat down in a cool corner under a tree and closed his eyes. Before he knew it, Isaac was already snoring softly, dreaming about what might await him for the rest of his journey.

-The next morning-

“Annabelle, we HAVE to do something.” An unknown voice called out.

“What do you propose we do?” Another voice said.

“I… I don’t know!”

Slowly, Isaac opened his eyes, only to see two people – a boy and a girl – staring at him.

“I see you’re awake now.” The second voice said.

“Hey there.” The boy said as he gave Isaac a cheerful smile.

“There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Give me your hand.” The girl held out her right hand and gestured towards Isaac. Isaac was shocked but took her hand regardless.

The girl had a firm grip and pulled Isaac up easily. As he stood up, he took a closer look at the two of them. The girl seemed to be the older of the two and was slightly taller than the boy. She gave Isaac an easy smile, which put Isaac at ease, but her eyes looked sharp and calculating, not in a bad way, but then again Isaac had only met her. She had blond hair which was tied in a pony tail and looked quite beautiful, actually. She wore clothes that did not stand out very much, but was wearing a belt with several red spheres attached at the sides – pokeballs.

He turned his attention to the boy. The boy was rather short, compared to Isaac who was about slightly above average height. He was also quite skinny and looked at Isaac questioningly, as if he was wondering if they should really be helping a stranger. Despite that, he was the first to introduce himself.

“Hi there, my name’s Don.” He smiled at Isaac.

Isaac was not sure how to react and just stood there.

“You all right?” The girl asked with concern.

“Y-yes… Thank you, Annabelle. I’m fine.” Isaac replied.

“Ah, then you know who I am?” The girl raised her eyebrows.

“No, actually… Your brother mentioned it when I was still sleeping.” Isaac smiled. It always felt good to surprise someone.

“Tell me, what’s your name? What brings you here?” The girl seemed really interested in him, her eyes scanning his entire body.

“Umm… My name is Isaac, and I’m on my way to Olivine City. Why do you ask?” He narrowed his eye suspiciously.

Deadly alliance (Pokemon fan fiction) [Pokewatty Award 1st runner-up 2013]Where stories live. Discover now