Hey, look!

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There. I've broken your heart. Sue me.

On a more serious note, the pokewattys votings are up! If you think I've done a good job and deserve a pat on my back... go and vote for me!

Here I'll even leave you a link! Aren't I just an angel --> http://www.wattpad.com/27088913-voting-book-how-voting-is-going-to-work 

In case the link doesn't work, you could search for pokewattys in your search bar and look for the [VOTING BOOK]. Yes, it's in CAPS.

So... I have two entries: [Deadly Alliance] an adventure book and [Don't be a Hero] a one-shot. Yeah.

While you're here, go check out my other works:

[The Scenario Game] - http://www.wattpad.com/story/1050456-the-secenario-game

[Playing Second Fiddle] - http://www.wattpad.com/story/6669820-playing-second-fiddle-pokemon-fan-fiction

I guess that's it...? Dang it's short - much shorter than expected. Perhaps I should write some other stuff...

ChanYingXu's writing tips 101!

1) Make your characters suffer! People don't want to see your characters lead  boring and mundane lives, they want to see them suffer! Face it - the crowds are sadistic, just look at the Romans and their colliseums. Also-

Isaac: So it IS you!

Me: Wha-What! Isaac?

Isaac: You're the one always making Pokemon attack me and making me just suffering in general!

Me: What the hell are you doing here? Hello? I'm trying to give nice and sound advice to me readers.

Isaac: Hmm... I dunno? You are the one writing, no?

Me: Isaac... *Shakes head disapprovingly* What did I tell you about breaking the forth wall?

Isaac (Whispering): It's just another one of his cheap ploys to get votes with minimal effort.

Me: *Gasp* I would never!

Isaac: Oh yeah? Then what was the stupid Epilogue 2 about? A bunch of non-plot related stuff!

Me: How would you even know what Epilogue 2 is about? You weren't there!

Isaac: And don't get me started on the amount of plot holes you have in your story!

Me: Wha... Plot holes? No, that's called foreshadowing! If I fill all of them up, there wouldn't be a sequel to write about!

Isaac: Bla-bla-bla... Always about excuses. Maybe I should call you Mr Excuse for once.

Me: That doesn't even make any sense.

Isaac (Shouts): Don't vote! This is a stupid chapter! Lalilalilalilah!

Me: Isaac, shut up! BEGONE! *Claps hands together* Disappear from the chapter!


Me: I can't believe that worked. Now, to more serious suff...

Isaac: Just kidding! I'm the main character, I can't die!

Me: Oh gimme a break. Let's just move on to the trailier.

Isaac: Ohh a trailer! Is it going to be starring me again?

Me: *Quickly signals the trailer guy*


(I am now going to attempt to make a trailer... using words. My video editing skills amount to nearly nothing to I'm not going to torture you with a poorly made one. Cue epic music.)


[Dark screen]

Announcer: You have read the first part of DEADLY ALLIANCE... Now, the journey must continue...

[Slowly, 3 pairs of bright dots appear, arranged in 2 straight rows, then fades out]


"Team Rocket's in Sinnoh?" Professor Kenneth Maple said as he turned his head to look at his daughter.

"Yes." Emma said as she nodded her head.


"Isaac, where are you going?"

Isaac turned and saw his mother with a worried expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Mother. There's trouble in Sinnoh... and I'm needed to stop it!"

Isaac's mother frowned as she stared into Isaac determined eyes. "Isaac, before you go..."

Isaac immediately sensed the grave tone in her voice. "What is it, mum?"

"It's... You wanted to know about your father?"



[Camera fades to darkness]

"Isaac... Forgive me." A low voice said. "I should've done more to protect you..."

[Faint light enters the room and camera focuses on his torso]

"Much more..." The man said as he gripped the golden pokeball in his palms.


Announcer: Starring Isaac Faraday!

"You want me to give up?" Isaac said in a mocking tone. "Why don't you give up... trying to make me give up!"

Announcer: Emma Maple!

"No... We were too late!" Emma said with distress in her voice. "Father!"

Announcer: And... a new enemy looms.

"Isaac Faraday..." A gruff voice said. "It's all your fault! I... want... REVENGE!"


Announcer: Premering December 2013! Deadly Alliance part 2 - Broken bonds!

[Six dots from the beginning reappear]

"Sometimes... I wish I could go back in time... to correct all my past mistakes. But all I can change is the future... and that's fine too."

[Dots slowly change colour - the first row becomes red, the second becomes blue and the third becomes grey]

[Dots fade out, leaving the words: Dec 2013 on screen. Music stops]


And that concludes my attempt of making a trailer. So... How was it? Yay or Nay? Regardless, I hope you have enjoyed yourselves and until next time, thanks for reading.

*Scenes here might or might not be in the final product. I've been known to be fickle minded, haha!

Deadly alliance (Pokemon fan fiction) [Pokewatty Award 1st runner-up 2013]Where stories live. Discover now