With that, the Marquis rushed to the main hall where all of those that served the mansion has assembled. And as soon as he arrived, it seemed as if the place itself was enveloped in darkness, judging from the fear that the people held onto, including the two maids from earlier.

"Without further ado-"

"Who were the ones that were present during the incident?"

Three maids slowly stood from their position amongst the crowd that knelt in front of the Marquis that they feared. Their hands and legs were shaking, yet one of them surprisingly managed to retail what was required to be told without stuttering.

"It was us, milord. The three of us originally went there to clean up the room. But the moment we opened the door, the place was already-"

"Are you wenches deaf or what?", the Marquis interrupted and continued.

"It seems like you three misunderstood my words."

"I wasn't asking who were the first ones to witness the aftermath-"

"But those who were there when it happened behind their backs."

Marquis Aubetré's gaze then, immediately glared at the faces of the men that were assigned to guard the room, while he was gone.

The duo immediately knew that this would be their last day. Rather, it would be a miracle if they were given a chance to keep themselves alive.

They shivered a lot, not having the courage to stand voluntarily and reveal their identities, just to go with the flow that they've already foreseen. It's not like they had a death wish either that they couldn't cooperate accordingly.

But not long after, one of them stood and ran away as fast as he could. His legs helplessly moved on its own, having the thought that he could be saved from this nightmare, as long as he could successfully escape from the place. However-


His sight went upside down in just a second.

Never did he knew that that moment, his head was already sent flying out of the rest of his body. And when it reached right on the floor, the last thing he saw was nothing but a monster, never batting an eye over his death.

"Now then..."

As the Marquis set down his gaze back to the rest of the servants that widened their eyes after seeing the occurrences, he added.

"I think you should show yourself by now, young man."

Everyone couldn't follow when their master uttered those words. But more than that, they were speechless to have witnessed a slaughter before their eyes.


One of them suddenly began to feel nauseous. It's true that they have watched scenes as such for multiple times already, in this mansion. However, it's been a first experience for them to see one of their kind to die in their front, this way.

Most of the time, it was something done discreetly, after all. Furthermore, it has also been a while since a part of them has been punished like this.

Once again, they were reminded of how fearful the man that stood right there, was.

"Is standing so difficult?"

The other person that also guarded the place during the incident then, was brought back to reality, and slowly stood with his shaking feet.

"I......... I.....!"

He couldn't speak well, being conscious of the fact that the person who was with him just about several moments ago, was now lying on the floor and breathed no longer.



Amid that, the same two maids from earlier had gone to go with the same pattern as they did a while ago. But this time, the maid that was addressed as Avery began to look teary as she covered her mouth, so she could avoid herself from letting out a sound.

Just then, the head butler that stood beside the Marquis interrupted.

"Milord, as far as I remember, this man is called Reiner Lawrence."

"A surname, I see.....", the Marquis murmured and thought.

Although it isn't a well-known Family, it doesn't change the fact that he is a noble...

"You are quite a uselessly troublesome one, Sir Lawrence.", he said with a sense of disappointment.

"You lot, go and scan the study. Find all that's missing. Now."

Without giving their master a reply, all of the attendants around the area rushed away from the setting as soon as possible, except for one. Avery, the maid, was the last among them to leave the place as she watched the manservant that remained.

"I humbly thank milord for sparing my life.", Reiner expressed his gratitude with his forehead, kissing the floor.

The Marquis gradually moved his feet away from the hall, smirking behind the guard's back. For certain reasons, he found Reiner's actions amusing.

"I'm looking forward to it.", he whispered with his butler following him from behind.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now