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Jack sat in his office located in the Torchwood base, he felt like he just woke up from a dream. A dream in which the Doctor was back right after The-Year-That-Never-Was. Not only that he dreamt of being in the world of Harry Potter. What was that dream? Was it even a dream in the first place? After all it felt so real.

He found it that he needed to get outside of the base, maybe to get some fresh air? He didn't know, whatever it was, something inside of him was pushing him to go outside of the base and just have a walk.

As soon as he walked out of his office, the sounds of his team talking to each other reached his ears. Gwen, Ianto, Owen, and Tosh all laughing together. That was nice.

"Hey, Jack!" Gwen shouted as she was still half-laughing.

Jack was still deep in thought and he did not respond to Gwen's greeting. Tosh noticed this then asked, "Is everything alright?"

Jack finally snapped out, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a bit of fresh air,"

"Oh, alright then," Tosh responded

"See ya!" The team said in unison,

"And don't go standing around rooftops too long!" Owen humored, Ianto nudged him on the shoulder and Owen responded, "What? I was only saying the truth!"

Jack smiled, he exited the base through the invisible lift, which was basically just a lift with a perception filter on it.

Jack arrived outside of the base and was now officially in Roald Dahl Plass. He looked around to see civilians casually doing their day-to-day things. Everything was normal. So maybe it was just a dream. It was just one of those days when Jack dreamt of something incredibly impossible (Like that doesn't happen often).

That was when he heard the familiar wheezing noise that he loved to hear. In the peripherals of his eye he was able to see a blue box slowly appearing out of thin air. It was him.

A man with brown spiky hair walked out of the box, the TARDIS. Jack immediately ran to him.

"Doctor!" He got the Doctor's attention,

The Doctor turned his head and cheerfully said, "Jack!"

Jack suddenly had this feeling to just blurt out what he had experienced, "I– had this dream...," He started,

"What, that had you coming into the Wizarding World and that Daleks were invading?" The Doctor promptly said,

"I–," Jack wanted to explain but was then dumbfounded that the Doctor said exactly what he had wanted to explain, "Yes, I did!"

"It wasn't a dream Jack, it all really happened," The Doctor said, lowering his voice,

Wait... Doesn't that mean...? Jack thought,

"You– killed those Daleks...?" Jack muttered under his breath,

There was a moment of silence, the Doctor smirked to one side, "You stopped me Jack,"

Jack's eyes widened hearing those words,

"Last minute decision, you changed my mind," The Doctor's smirk turned to a smile,

Jack looked at the Doctor, "Does my team remember any of that?"

The Doctor shook his head, "I closed up the rip to the other dimension, and did a soft reset of the nearby Cardiff area, used up all of the Time Vortex energy that I had left, you remembered because you were in the eye of the storm."

The Doctor sighed, of course his other self knew to only give just the right amount, "And that was only a fraction of what a full absorbtion of the Time Vortex could do,"

Jack was a bit sad with this news, it meant that the Doctor was know unknown again from his team, then he asked, "But, doesn't that mean that the Daleks will remember, too?"

The Doctor replied, "Yep, but I've moved them to the other side of the universe, they'll still be back, and when they are they'll be very, very, angry," The Doctor came to a realization, but then decided to ignore it and just deal with it when the time comes, he always does.

"All in all, thank you, Jack. For being there," The Doctor said,

"Sounds like a normal day at work at Torchwood, no problem Doc!" Jack threw a salute, and the Doctor did a mock salute back at him, "See ya, later?"

"See ya, later," The Doctor nodded.

Jack walked back to his base leaving the Doctor on his own again. So the Time Lord just sauntered back into his old ship, as it disappears with that familiar noise, off to adventures in time and in pace.

The End.

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now