Chapter 10: Exploring the Sanctuary

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"Hello Doctor..." A humanoid reptile entered the room, "General Mectal..." The Doctor's face turned dark, "What do you want? Last time you almost destroyed a planet, with your... Military experiments." The Doctor for the first time felt like he needed his wand.

"Seeding a level 5 planet is against the galactic law." The Doctor stood his guard, "How did you get here?" General Mectal started walking around slowly, "When my ship's scanner picked up a giant source of artron energy, I tried to track it. When I did, I found a rip in space and time." General Mectal grabbed a flask and shook the flask.

"My ship got too close to the rip, it was sucked into the rip. My ship crashed here, when I found out where this is, I saw that our next generation can be stronger, faster, more intelligent." Mectal said, "And... How are you going to do that? Breed it with dragons? That is just..."

"It's normal isn't it? Just find the parts of the DNA that fits with my species' DNA so we can improve. That's what you humans are developing right now, the technology to combine animal and human DNA." Mectal said, "Now get out my way! Guards!"

4 hooded figures apparated into the room, "Stand your guard." Lupin said. Lupin, Charlie and the Doctor pointed their wands to the hooded figures, who were also pointing their wands, "EXPELLIARMUS!" Lupin did the first spell, but the hooded figure he was shooting it at blocked it.







"THAT'S ONE DOWN!" The Doctor said, "MR. SMITH JUST GO AND CHASE THAT REPTILE THING!" Charlie said, "WE'LL HANDLE THESE PEOPLE!" The Doctor nodded and ran where Mectal ran away to.

"I know your coming for me, Doctor!" Thr echoes of Mectal's voice echoed through the hallway, The Doctor's eyes scanned around madly, but he couldn't find a sign of Mectal, "Behind you!" Mectal whispered behind The Doctor, *BANG* the Doctor was hit with something on his head making him pass out.


The Doctor felt he was strapped down on a table, he slowly opened his eyes, Just like before, let's see the situation. He thought to himself, he scanned through the room, the room he was in is dark and cold, even for Timelord standards.

How long have I passed out for? The Doctor can feel time itself helping him, An hour eyh? He saw where his coat was, the Doctor groaned, "Great..." He saw that there was a mirror right infront of him, seeing himself, "I got some bruises... That's not good is it?"

"Nah, it'll heal up." He shrugged, "Now how do I get out?" The Doctor started thinking and talking to himself, "I put my wand in the coat didn't I?" He looked down at his blue suit, "Yeah, I did." He frowned knowing there's no easy way out, "There's always a way out, let me remember those books."


The Doctor is sitting down laying his back onto the chair, "How does these wands work?!" The Doctor rubbed his head, "I know it can do things, but, where does it get the energy? Can you do magic without wands? Questions that lead to more questions! It's like a loop."

"Having troubles Mr. Smith?" Dumbledore came in chewing something in his mouth, "Yes... It doesn't happen very often, I just don't understand how wands work!" The Doctor flipped through some book pages angrily.

"I can't find it." He pointed at the book, "Well, it isn't a written fact. The wand works as a... A sort of way to focus all the energy needed to one spot, and expells it, with whatever gesture has been made by the wand owner." Dumbledore explained, "But just pointing the wand and aiming the energy down, will take a long time to really cast a spell. Then we take a shortcut by saying the names of the spell."

"Doing magic without a wand is possible although, only highly skilled wizards can conjure a spell with no wand." Dumbledore puts his hand on the Doctor's shoulder, "And... The energy comes from the core! If it needs extra energy it takes in energy from the owner, but there's a limit, the limit is set as high as the owner allows it to be!" The Doctor shouted in a whisper, remembering he's in a library, "Thankyou!"


"I knew I had some stuff in there!" The Doctor started focusing his power to able to conjure a spell up, "ACCIO WAND!" His coat twitched in one spot, supposedly where his wand was. He focused once more and tried again, "ACCIO WAND!" He tried to concentrate as hard as he can, "One... More..." He started gasping for breath, "ACCIO WAND!!"

A stick came flying out of his coat right into his hands, "HA! Time to use one of the spells, let's see... Um... Oh! That's a good one, PARVA VULNUS!" The belt on his hands were cut into little pieces, so did the ones on his leg. As he was freed he quickly ran to his coat, quickly putting it on.

As he was back on track he tried to search where the door was, "There must be a door somewhere..." The Doctor kept looking around the room, but found nothing. The only thing that struck him as odd is that there was a wall with nothing near it, like there was something supposed to be there, since there was no other walls that wasn't filled with tables and lab stuff.

He walked over to that odd wall, "Must be where the door is..." He walked slowly nearer and touched the wall, "Now, every door must have a handle. Which must be right around..." He tapped a spot on the wall, "Here!" The wall opened up revealing hallways for the dragon sanctuary.

He walked out of the room and started looking around, entering every room he passes, "No wait, was that, it has to be." He saw another empty spot on the walls.

He tapped it on the excact same spot where he tapped the previous wall, but this time it only revealed a code panel, "Ooh, they don't want anyone going in this room." The Doctor garbbed his sonic screwdriver out, "Let's try cracking it." A high pitched whirring came out of his screwdriver and it glowed blue, "I'm in."

The Doctor entered the room, it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything, he turned on actual electric lights and not just candles or torches, with his sonic screwdriver.

The lights all turned on at once revealling what looks like cages, loads of them. Each holding in a dragon, miniturized. The dragons all looked ill and injured, they were just left there, pressuming after they've been experimented on.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." The Timelord said as he looked at each of the cages, "I can't believe they did this!" The Doctor's face darkened, "Nothing will ever stop me now!" He muttered under his anger, "Nothing, anywhere, deserves this."

Hello again!
Sorry if this episode is a little bit something, I don't know. Mind you, most of my inspirations come from when I'm at school or already half asleep.
This one I wrote when I was half asleep surprised I still did it though.

By the way, I've started playing Hogwarts: Mystery, I love it. The only thing I don't like is the energy system, seriously it gets me bored and I have to wait. (Still love it though)

Please leave some feedback and comment!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now