Chapter 39: Going Back

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"Jack!" The Doctor shouted as he quickly went into the TARDIS.

Jack can be heard coming over hurriedly.

"Well that was quick!" Jack said as he came over,

"Change of plans! They know where we are," The Doctor said as he handed the man he had on his back over to another person in the TARDIS.

"Right!" The Doctor stood up on a chair, which he just pulled.

"I need to brief you all up on a few things!" The Doctor said suddenly sounding sort of like Dumbledore,

"First things first, no those people who like like every single one of you are not using polyjuice potions. Infact some of the non-magical people might know of the sci-fi term 'clone'. That's what those people that you might have seen are. A copy of all of you which are stronger physically," The Doctor calmly explained,

"Now I don't want to panic anyone here. But if I don't give a heads up the chances of casualty increases, and frankly I wouldn't want that to happen. And I know that you wouldn't either," The Doctor continued,

"This is why I need everyone to be prepared, I don't want you to harm any of them. I just need you to able to protect each other, therefore wizards and witches please protect the people who can't use magic." The Doctor said,

"But please whatever you do, do not harm any of them in anyway. Doing that will only make things worse, only use anything that will harm the enemy as a last resort," The Doctor finished,

The Doctor went down from the chair he was just standing on, he quickly went and grabbed his coat back and wore it.

"Jack you're coming with me!" The Doctor pointed his finger towards Jack,

"We're going already?" Jack asked,

"Yeah, we are. All the fun's out there after all, come on!" The Doctor smiled as he said that,

Jack smiled back and followed the Doctor who was now running out of the TARDIS.

"We need to finish this and quick, it's almost the end of the school year," The Doctor said, "Old-No-Nose-Voldy is about to get revived,"

The Doctor and Jack are still very far away from Hogwarts, and they needed to get back there as quick as possible. So they decided they would go and use the Floo Network, but they still needed to find a place that has floo powder and a fireplace that is connected to the Floo Network.

They managed to figure out that number 10 Downing Street had a fireplace that was connected to the Floo Network which was handy. But, this meant that they had to go through security for the prime minister. Although for the Doctor, that was no problem.

The Doctor and Jack went down through the streets of London until they reached Downing Street and going ahead entering number 10. The Doctor searched through his pocket and found his psychic paper and readied it. Even though they already had perception around their necks, it wouldn't hurt to put on an extra layer of protection.

They opened the door to number 10 Downing Street. They saw the busyness of the place, as it was a government office. People were walking around doing whatever it was that they needed to do.

They walked and nobody noticed them, so far they are safe. They looked around and then it dawned on them that it was going to be hard to get around, because the place was very busy. People walking around, standing and talking to each other, files getting passed around.

The Doctor and Jack still focused on their task to get on the floo network and back to Hogwarts. So the Doctor had remembered that the Prime Minister's office was on the upper floors not the bottom one, and considering that the third floor was mostly bedrooms, the office was probably on the second floor by process of elimination.

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें