Chapter 23: Pain

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The Doctor still struggling for his life kept the small mental barriers built. The only hope he has now, is that someone will come just in time to save him.

Usaually... I'm the one saving... Other people... Look at me now! The Doctor said in his own mind. He is starting to get seizures. Everytime one of his mental barriers break, there is an interval where the Dementors have the chance to takes some happy memories. Even with the barriers he's dying, slowly.


Barty Jr. is back as Moody at Hogwarts, he scarred himself up, and now he's bleeding. He came in through the front door, catching as much attention he can.

The students all panicked seeing the bleeding professor, and a few of them called for another professor.


Snape and McGonagall came quickly. Snape saw Moody's wounds and quickly recognizes what spell was used to injure him, he crouched nearer to Moody who was now on the floor in pain.

"Sectum Sempra... " Snape muttered under his breath, it was his own spell that he had created in his school years.

"My goodness what happened to you Alastor?" McGonagall came, "I'll call Poppy for you." McGonagall started running, but Snape stopped her, "There's no need to, I can heal him..."

Snape pulled out his wand and started chanting an incantation

"Vulnera Sanentur..."

Moody's wounds started healing, Snape kept the incantation going,

"Vulnera Sanentur..."

The wounds healed a little bit more, Snape kept on chanting and soon enough the wounds healed completely.

"Thank you... Severus." Moody said taking a few large breaths, "Who did this?" McGonagall asked, "It was Crouch, he was really Crouch. He's been lying to us..." Moody desperately said, "What happened?" Dumbledore conveniently appeared, he walked down through the Grand Staircase.


Dumbledore dismissed all the teachers from the meeting about Crouch. But McGonagall stayed pressumably to talk.

"You can't really think he's actually Crouch right, Albus?" McGonagall worriedly said and walked up nearer to Dumbledore, "No," Dumbledore satyed calm in this situation, "And I have never believed that he is.", "He is far too cheerful and quite rightfully sane enough not to be Crouch." Dumbledore chuckled. He puts one of his hands to one of McGonagall's shoulders, "Don't worry we'll find out if he is really Crouch."

"But Alastor might've just fought and pressumably put in an innocent man, in Azkaban!", "It's the worst place to be!" McGonagall shouted, "He'll be fine. He's not a weak wizard." Albus quickly dissmissed McGonagall.


"Isn't there just too many things going wrong this year? I mean every year something goes wrong, we had that stone thing in the first year, the chamber of secrets on the second year, last year we had your godfather," Ron paused, "And this year possibly Barty Crouch!", "And he's supposed to be dead!"

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now