Chapter 40: The Maze

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The Doctor could feel himself being transported, the heat swirling around him, the soot getting into his lungs. He can see how this can panic people when they use this as a mode of transportation. He can feel his atoms one by one being transported in the heat of the green flames.

The Doctor is transported to the DADA office a.k.a. the defence against the dark arts office. The Doctor saw the green flames dissipate away and he quickly walked out, so not to block Jack from coming into the office from the network. He quickly coughed out the soot that had gotten into his lungs.

Then the Doctor heard the flames' growls start again behind him as Jack entered the room. He looked around the office, as it was nighttime the room was completely dark, luckily bot pitch black because the moon was till able to shine through the window into the office. The Doctor then saw a chest. The chest that had the real Mad Eye Moody in it, but he couldn't free him just yet. He has to be freed in the right time or something bad might happen. And he didn't want to mention it or Jack might want to save him earlier than he should. All he needed to happen was for Jack not to remember who was inside that chest. And they passed the chest without remark, meaning that Jack indeed did not remember the fact that Mad Eye Moody, the real one, was inside that chest.

They walked out the office and down into the classroom where it was, luckily, empty. No one was present inside the classroom and it was also dark. Which could mean a few things, but right now the Doctor suspected one event over the rest, the final event of this year's Tri Wizard Tournament. The Doctor and Jack decided to put their perception filters back on before the exited the classroom where it was safe. Then they went out into the maze-like hallways of Hogwarts.

But wearing the perception filter doesn't seem necessary anymore. The Doctor and Jack saw that it didn't seem like there were many students in the hallways, either. But this facte made the Doctor's suspiscion more likely. There were only a few students walking around even though it was not sleeping hours. The Doctor was sure that the amount of students they had ecountered can be counted by finger, meaning it didn't even reach 10.

"Why is it so empty?" Jack asked breaking the silence that had happened for a while now, he had been confused since he had seen that the hallways were empty,

"Because it's the fourth year," The Doctor simply answered,

"Oh, so this is the fourth year?" Jack had been questioning this fact for a while now,

"Well yeah, why are you confused?" The Doctor asked, stopping their walk completely,

"Well, the readings from our world said that it's the third year," Jack answered, he explained to the Doctor the whole of what they had done and saw in Torchwood, Cardiff. The Doctor dissed Torchwood's technology because it failed to tell them the right year.

When the Doctor was in the middle of his diss rant, there suddenly was a loud cheer from hundreds of students and teachers alike. The Doctor put his mind back to saving the world,

"That's our call c'mon!" The Doctor rushed towards the stadium where tha giant maze was located, he immediately went to the closest exit door he can get to. Jack following closely behind of course.

The Doctor came out the castle and noticed just how far they were from the maze. This also means that the people watching were shouting and cheering so loud that it can be heard from quite a far distance. They ran over the Hogwarts fields to reach the maze. As they got closer, the cheering and shouting got louder and louder. They can really see the banners and flags all cheering on their champion now.

The Doctor and Jack hid behind the stands, they probably didn't need to but just in case. The Doctor had an idea of where his alternate self might be showing up next.

"Are you sure that he'll be in the maze?" Jack asked, as he crouched down,

"Well, if I knew him... I know that my alternate self, will probably want a big entrance. Like a really big one, so I figured that the best location he could have this year is the maze. Well, not the maze, but you know that graveyard Harry got teleported to?" The Doctor explained his idea of where his alternate self might be appearing at,

Jack thought about the Harry Potter books for a little bit, "Yeah... It's when Voldy gets resurrected right?" Jack finally said, it took him a while to search through his memory since Harry Potter, even though he has read it, it's definitely not at the top of his head.

"Yep," The Doctor said popping the P. Then he looked out into the maze again and he gestured to Jack to go,


Jack nodded as the Doctor went towards the maze, the actual maze, then he followed the Doctor close behind.

The Doctor hoped that he would get there in time. He was definitely at the mercy of time. He just needed to get to the graveyard before his alternate self does. His alternate self will probably replace everyone in the graveyard, and that thought is already ringing all the alarms in the Doctor's head. If that happens, the flow of time in this universe will be changed. It will turn into chaos and the Doctor can already feel it. The last time that happened he passed out for a quite a while. That actually has never happened to him before, there were lots of time where time had been messed with to the point of destruction. But, he had never passed out from it. Maybe something in this universe specifically was what made him pass out. Although the Doctor still didn't know what, and he didn't know if he'll be able to find out.

Jack and the Doctor made sure they had their perception filters on and then ran straight into the maze, they needed to catch up badly to the champions, especially to Harry. The Doctor had an idea, he invented another spell. It was a spell that could track people, 

"Sequantur hominem,"

The Doctor murmured as a white ball of light was produced from the end of his wand. It went into his heart and sensed that the Doctor needed to find Harry Potter. The Doctor's eyes lit up a brilliant white light, as the light overpowered the iris of his eyes leaving it completely white. Then the Doctor's sense of direction was sharpened it was like he can sense the whole of the maze.

"Jack follow me!" The Doctor sprung into action as he perfectly navigates the maze following towards Harry's direction. Jack followed closely behind as he tried to protect the Doctor from the dangers of the maze.

The Doctor and Jack came to an opening where they saw Harry and Cedric coming upon the Triwizard Cup. As the Doctor and Jack knows that cup is actually a portkey leading to a graveyard, the graveyard. They both rushed their way to follow Harry and Cedric, they touched the portkey at the same time as Harry and Cedric did. Then they landed with a loud thud on the ground, as the portkey was flung away far from where they had landed.



I don't know what to say except that quarantine doesn't make me have more free time. My school gave their students, including me, twice more the amount of assignments. So... yeah. But hey I can say that I can finally continue it once I'm done with the assignments, so here I am. Also, as you can see, the story is coming to an end. But before I completely publish it as a completed story I will probably re-write some chapters that I think are bad and delete the author's notes. So yeah still thank you for reading.

Stay not so tuned peeps--

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