Chapter 4: The Ministry

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The Doctor was hit by a Petrificus Totalus, he was knocked out.


"Urghh..." The Doctor was in a dark room inside Hogwarts, but God knows where he is, "Where...?" He was struggling to keep his eyes open. He could hear people talking outside the room he is in, "Where's my coat?" His hands were tied up by a spell, coat gone, "Can I even sonic my way out?"

"I told you Dumbledore he is very dangerous, he is Crouch!" The Doctor heard Snape's voice form outside, "McGonagall where did you find him?" Moody said, "I found him in the Forbidden Forest."

Judging by the conversation, he knew that he wasn't knocked out for long, "These people, they are just so... Hard to convince!" He shouted in his head, then he listened again, "We'd better bring him to the Ministry." Moody said, the Doctor was still calm but in his head he thought A trial? Seriously! Humans why are you so... Human!

Snape barged in, "Up are we? Crouch...","How many times do I have to tell you!? I-AM-NOT-CROUCH!" The Doctor is frustated, "Did you get rid of the Dark Mark?" Moody asked, "No, I didn't. I didn't need to, because I don't and will never have a Dark Mark." The Doctor said.

"I suggest Veritaserum..." Snape said to Dumbledore, he nodded.

Snape pinned the Doctor's mouth to face upwards and poured in some kind of liquid, the Doctor tried his best to not swallow the liquid but he couldn't, Snape was pinning him hard. He could feel the liquid coming to down to his throat then later into his whole body.

"What is your name?"

"John Smith!"

"Your real name!"

"The--" He struggled very hard.

"The Doc-, the Doctor!"

Everyone was confused.

"Why did you come here?"

"I was in my TARDIS and I just crash landed here! I have no idea why."

"Where are you from?"

"Gallifrey! A planet far away."

"Are you human?"

"No..., I'm an alien warrior race known as the Time Lords, I'm 903 years old."

Snape stopped pinning him, "Dumbledore, he isn't human." Dumbledore freed the Doctor's hands, "I'm very sorry Doctor, it seems like we've mistaken you, again.","Ah! There we go that's better, my hands are free. Now where's my coat?"

"Why did you free him? He could still be very dangerous!" McGonagall said whispering to Dumbledore, "That's a hand!" The Doctor pointed out, pointing his finger to a shelf, "Reminds me of mine!"

"Of yours?" McGonagall said, "Yeah, my hand got cut off, in a duel, in London."

"So you're saying that your Dark Mark was gone, because it got cut off. You just made a big a mistake, Crouch." The Doctor sighed at this, "Alright then... If it makes you feel better, then take me. Take me to the Ministry!"

"PUT ME ON TRIAL! HECK, GIVE ME THE DEMENTOR'S KISS!" The Doctor couldn't cope with this, people thinking he's Crouch. McGonagall stupefied the Doctor knocking him out cold.


The Doctor woke up not really realizing the consequences, of what can happen in his potential future.

Oh, good Doctor... You've landed yourself into a big problem now... I really have outdone myself... He was wandering in his own thoughts, until a gavel (a small mallet) was hit hard on to a lectern snapped him out.

"Barty Crouch Jr." The judge started talking, "A convicted Death Eater, accused of torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom, to insanity. Believed to be dead and buried, in Azkaban."

Millions of thoughts came flooding in to the Doctor's mind, How many hours was I out for? From the look of things, he looked around and saw the moolight on the ceilling just like the one bewitched in the Hogwarts Great Hall, the moon was in it's highest point, Well, it's not more than 3 hours... Right situation... I'm locked up in a sort of cage... With spears pointed at me... Atleast I think these are spears... I can't sonic my way out of this one, not without having the risk to regenerate...

After all these thoughts he finally stopped, only a few seconds has passed since the Doctor started thinking. "Oh... Really I hate this..." He muttered, "I usually love getting captured, but this... is just frustating!" He shouted confidently to the judge which is Cornelius Fudge, "Barty Crouch Jr! You will not speak until you are told!"

"Really... So I'm not allowed to speak well that's boring. I'm locked up in a cage with these things pointed at me, d'you really think, these things could kill me?" He shouted even louder, "Come on kill me! Wait you can't, not with these!"

"SILENCE! You are a known Death Eater loyal to He-who-must-not-be-named, you have been found guilty of breaking into Hogwarts and gathering information about The-boy-who-lived." Fudge said.

"Oh! Just say his name! It's just Voldemort, it's just a title no need to get scared of it. Besides, there's no harm in a little investigation. It's not every day you jump into an another dimension, is it?" The Doctor made the crowd of judges even more convinced, since he said the name.

"Another dimension? So you say... You will be sentenced to Azkaban and the dementor's kiss if you speak another word!" Fudge hits the gavel towards the lectern.

"Oh, I would love to see you humans try! Give me the kiss, see if it even effects me!"
The Doctor shouted, he was getting very frustated, "Dementors!" Fudge waved his wand towards a door.

The door opened revealing a creature, a black hooded creature, covering underneath a decomposing corpse like body, with hands which are slimy-looking and scabbed.

The room of where the trial is held went cold, it felt like no one is going to be happy anymore, but this however did not affect the Doctor in any way, he only felt the coldness but the dementor didn't start sucking his soul out, it wasn't even trying.

The Doctor stayed still, the dementor for some reason decided to go back to it's area, Fudge waved his wand furiously, "What's wrong? Why aren't they doing the kiss?" Fudge and all the other people were confused.

"I told you. It's not going to work, I don't have the same mind as all of you!" He stared around, "I'm not even human! You can feel my pulse, I have two hearts."

"You're not human?" One of them in the crowd said, "Yup." Said the Doctor popping the 'P' sound, "How are we supposed to believe that?", "You're a Death Eater!" The crowd started a shouting-fest, "That's it enough words, you are sentenced to Az-" Fudge was cut off by the Doctor, "I can prove to you that I'm not human, however I can't prove that I am a Death Eater, because I'm not."

The Ministry decided to see if he really had two hearts, "So?" Fudge said to the healer, "He's not lying." The healer looked at Fudge, raising her eyebrows, "See... I told you. I'm not a Death Eater, don't understand how I got the wand though. I'm not a wizard, nor am I a muggle."

Welcome back to this section, dunno what it's called.
So I know this chapter didn't do much, it felt like a filler. I'm happy with this chapter though, not really... Idk im just too... Idk

Stay not so tuned peeps--

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