Chapter 25: The Second Task

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Harry was sitting in the Hogwarts library. He was searching of ways to make himself breath underwater, turns out it's not so easy. He hasn't found a way to breath underwater, he has to find a way, the task is 2 days away.

He did find some ways, but all of them are either impossible to get in 2 days or are incredibly rare, rendering it impossible to get.

While all of his was happening, everyone was also still griefing over Professor Smith's death. He was probably the best astronomy teacher in a century or so and his death hit everyone very hard, especially Hermione.

She had been crying a lot since Professor Smith's death. The only thing she said was about the Merpeople, which she said a few days ago.

Harry had wondered why Professor Smith couldn't just, conjure up a Patronus? The man was a very smart and powerful wizard, conjuring up a partial Patronus was probably the least that he can do.

Still, Harry needed to find a way to breath underwater. So he kept on searching, as he came back to his focus, Neville came started talking to Harry, whig made him get surprised, "What is it Neville?" Harry asked as he took a deep breath after the shock.

"You're trying to find a way to breath underwater right?" Neville asked, he opened up his Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean book, he flipped to book and pointed at the page he just opened, "You can always use Gillyweed." Neville said, smiling a little, Harry looked confused, "Hwere can I get some?", "I can grab you some from the greenhouses." Neville answered, Harry gave a little smile, he finally found a way to breath underwater, "Thanks."

Harry closed up the book he was reading, and they magically put themselves back to the bookshelves, back in order like before. He stood up thanked Neville once more and left the library.

°_< TIME SKIP >_°

Everyone including Harry is walking towards where the second task will be taking place in. Dobby had somehow gotten the gillyweed and given it to Harry, saying to Neville that he doesn't need to bring the gillyweed anymore.

Harry came up to the wooden construction on the side of the lake, he was already wearing his swimming outfit. Everyone was there getting ready for this task, Dumbledore started his opening speech,

"Welcome to the second task!" His voice boomed through the lake and the crowds, "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions," He started, he paused and continued, "A treasure of sorts."

"These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake," He took another pause, "In order to win, each champion need only to find their treasure and return to the surface."

"Simple enough," Dumbledore continued, "Put that in your mouth!" Moddy urged Harry, he took the gillyweed and swallowed it. He gagged and he continued gagging, Moody patted Harry agressively on his back, Harry continued gagging, and as he was, everyone else has already dove into the lake, Harry was the only one left outside the water. He finally gulped down the gillyweed, and soon enough he was pushed in by Moody.

Harry felt the water open up as he went in, a few miliseconds later all the water came back in, splashing towards his whole body and head. He was afraid that he couldn't breath underwater. But he can, he realized now that he had gills coming out of the sides of his neck, there was webbings inbetween his fingers and toes, he immediately wanted to test it out, so he decided to swim up. So, he did he swam up fast as possible, coming out of the water in a huge jump.


He was a few feet above the water the wind hit him and it felt nice, soon enough gravity pull him back into the water. He realized now that he needed to save a person. So, he quickly swam nearer to the centre of the lake.

As he swam he saw something at the corner of his eyes. He stopped swimming as turned his head to the direction where he saw something, there was nothing there. He turned his head around back to the direction he was swimming to.

He was now in a kelp forest, swimming through he saw Fleur Delacour. He kept on swimming, he heard singing from a distance. Something was swimming close to him,


A mermaid passed him it swam with a very high speed, probably way more than what a human can do.

He kept on swimming, he noticed that he was at the bottom of the lake, he saw that on his horizon he saw a colony of merepeople, they had greyish skin and long, wild, dark green hair.

Then he noticed that, there were four people roped up, the rope tied into the ground.

He saw that there was Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, and Fleur Delacour's sister, Gabrielle Delacour. This is it! This is what Dumbledore meant by 'treasure'. He also heard that Fleur was out of the second task.

Cedric came towards Cho Chang and untied her, saving her life. Cedric gestured towards Harry with his wand tapping it on the watch on his wrist, Harry nodded. He quickly untied the rop that tied Ron down, then he continued towards Hermione, shooting a spell towards the rope.

One of the mermaids pointed a trident toward Harry's neck, "Only one!" The mermaid said, in a suprising scary high pitched tone, Harry was shocked he now has a trident pointed to his neck, "She's my friend too!" Harry said.

Suddenly, the mermaid screamed and swam away. Harry looked behind him, a shark's face came towards him, out of reflexes we quickly dodged the coming shark, it was Krum.

Harry heard some bubbles come up behind him. He turned around. Then he was dragged down to the ground and through it.

He was now under ground, under the lake. Atleast it looked like he was, but he was dragged to a dark room. With only one light at the distance. He was still in a swimming position. Harry didn't want to get lost, so, he swam towards the light. Knowing nothing, he came towards it carefully, staying as alert as possible.

He came closer, and closer to the light. He saw a tall figure, he wore a black coat, he had dark hair and a handsome face. He wore a light blue shirt under the coat.

"Hello?" Harry said, he swam even closer. The figure finally moved, "Harry Potter right?" The figure said, he had an American accent.

I did say I was going to publish everytime the date is on the 20th, atleast in my time zone. So here it is, sorry if it feels rushed. Because it is, I didn't have much time to think with all the exams happening, but I still hope you enjoyed it! So here it is another chapter!

All your comments and feedbacks are greatly appreciated!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

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