Chapter 18: Tonks Arrives

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"What was that??" Hermione asked, "That's what happens if they touch you..." The Doctor said eyes widened, anger seen in his eyes.

"RUN! RUN BACK TO THE CASTLE NOW!" The Doctor shouted to the trio, making them run back to the castle, and The Doctor also came back.


"I NEED YOUR HELP!" The Doctor shouted into the face of Dumbledore, "Sorry I- I just, need your help." The Doctor backed off a little, calming himself down, "I have an idea but I'll need your help..." The Doctor puts his head down, "Right, Mr. Smith what is it?" Dumbledore asks ,

"I'll need a time turner." The Doctor asked, "You are a remarkable man Doctor but no time turner can go far to the past, even I can't give it a better time travelling charm." Dumbledore ate a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, "So you've figured it out? That I don't have my TARDIS, I guess that does make sense. But I 99% sure that I can give it a better timetravelling charm."

"After all I am a Timelord." The Doctor grinned, "But you'll need an agreement from the ministry, that's why you'll need me." Dumbledore said smiling at the same time, "The department of mysteries won't trust me with how I look." The Doctor said tilting his head down.

"Sure I'll help if that will bring back that blue box of yours." Dumbledore smiled indicating that he's fine with the idea, "I'll have you meet Nymphadora Tonks she'll help you."


The Doctor crashed into bed knowing he can't keep the TARDIS gone off of his mind, I mean he's had the TARDIS for over 9 centuries how can he not think about her, "I mean, I would be breaking the laws of time wouldn't I? Taking back my TARDIS to the present. But I know that my live won't end here, I can sense it." The Doctor muttered to himself.

"But then again, I do break the laws quite oftenly. So, why not do it again, eyh?" The Doctor sat back up, "I can't get this off! Wait if I'm still translating..." The Doctor smiled, "I'll have my TARDIS back in the near future! OH, YES!" The Doctor smiled cheek to cheek.

*Knock* *Knock* Somebody knocked on the front door, sounding from the footsteps there are three people waiting, "Come on in, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Ms. Granger." The Doctor said, "Professor can we ask you a few questions?" Harry stepped infront of everyone in the trio.

"Sure," The Doctor was sure for now it's fine, maybe he'll need to erase himself from everyone's memories but right now he doesn't have the feeling for the need to do it, maybe he'll never even do it.

"What is it you want to ask me?" He smiled a little, "Where are you from?" Hermione asked, "Because these creatures were defenitely not in our textbooks, but you seem to know some much about them, Professor."

"Well, I am from out of town. I learn a lot of things from the muggle world y'know? But they don't call it beasts, they call it aliens." The Doctor puts a little smirk, "But aliens don't exist. Do they?" Ron said, he really doesn't have a great knowledge on anything muggle.

"Anyways, whatever you do forget that statue, alright? 'Cause if you don't, you'll get yourselves killed. Are we clear?" The Doctor gave a little time for the trio, which they then eventually nodded, "Right, don't you have some clues to find?" The Doctor then grinned.

"Actually, yeah I need to do that. Thanks for your time, professor." Harry said smiling, and so he came out of his room.

An owl came into The Doctor's room from one of the windows, "Hm?" The Doctor came closer to the owl, it was holding a letter, he ripped the letter open and there was one piece of parchment in it.

It was Dumbledore who sent the letter saying that Nymphadora Tonks agreed to help, and that she'll be meeting him in about an hour or so. That's a good thing, he can get his hands on a time turner which was the best thing that could've ever happen with his situation.

"Well, better get moving then shall, I?" The Doctor whispered to himself, he went out of his room and after about an hour just basically walking around, he went to Dumbledore's office to meet Tonks, "Sherbet Lemon."


"Ah, Mr. Smith, you're here. Meet, Nymphadora Tonks." Dumbledore gestured his hands towards Tonks, "You're not kidding when you said, he looked like Barty Jr. , Dumbledore." Tonks said turning her hips to backwards to see Mr. Smith.

"I thought he would have some... Similiarity, but he's a striking resembelance, like he's a spitting image." Tonks shook The Doctor's hands, "Lucky that Professor Dumbledore found you. If it were me, you would've been dead meat, after being under Moody's watch and all." Tonks said.

"Well, that greeting was pleasant." The Doctor had just imagined what it was like if he was dead meat, although they would have a hard time keeping Timelord dead, "So you want a time turner, huh? I used to steal a lot of stuff when I was a student here!" Tonks cheerfully said, "Yes, she was a pretty big rebel, I should say." Dumbledore smiled.

"Anyways shouldn't we get going?" Tonks said, "Yeah, we should." The Doctor puts his hands in his pockets, "Goodluck, Mr. Smith, Tonks."


"So, I've heard you've worked with Remus before. How was it?" Tonks smiled while saying this, "Well, good thing there wasn't any full moons." The Doctor grinned, "I've faced a werewolf before, altough strictly speaking it was a, Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform. And infected the queen's bloodline, that wasn't good."

"You really are a strange man, Mr. Smith." Tonks said, "Yeah, been called that before... Many times." The Doctor hunched his back a little, they were still going down the elevator, luckily they were alone they can talk freely.

"They should start calling me Dr. Strange." The Doctor lightly said, the elevator stopped, thet have arrived in the Department of Mysteries, "Right let's get that time turner you desperately need." Tonks said as she walked out of the elevator, and The Doctor followed closely behind.


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