Chapter 13: St. Mungo's

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"What happened?!" Madam Pomfrey said as she walked in with some medical supplies.

"Uh..." the Doctor's whole body was in pain and it was blazing hot, and he started sweating. What is this?! I've never felt a pain quite the same as this! Not even regeneration pain... He thought to himself

"A guard from Azkaban brought him back. He was bleeding out, from one of the Azkaban prisoners," McGonagall explained, "Are you OK professor Smith?" Flitwick ran in all panicky.

"ARGH!" the Doctor whimpered after he screamed in pain. "I can't heal him... I mean... I can heal his bleeding injury, but I can't get the poison out of his body..." Madam Pomfrey said.

"The only option we have is St. Mungo's, we have to bring him there," Madam Pomfrey was concerned; it was very rare that she can't treat her patient.

"We can't! They'll know that he's an alien!" McGonagall looked at Pomfrey.

"Please... Just do something..." the Doctor's voice was getting weak and so was his heartbeats. For some reason the poison had stopped his regeneration process.

"I know a person who you can trust. We need to bring you to St. Mungo's now!" Madam Pomfrey wrapped all her medical supplies up and exited the hospital wing, presumably to put the supplies back.

The Doctor was carried out in a bed, which was levitated by a spell, some students saw this one of them was Harry. "Professor! What happened?" Harry asked Dumbledore. "Harry, I'm afraid that Professor Smith was poisoned and we have to carry him out to St. Mungo's," Dumbledore said calmly. "What? How did he get poisoned?" Harry asked again but this time Dumbledore shook his head and walked away.


"Have you heard? Professor Smith was poisoned!" A boy said some girls can be heard crying. 

"Hermoine!" Harry entered the common room.

"Harry!" Hermione called back.

"I saw Professor Smith getting carried out of the hospital wing, apparently he has to go to St. Mungo's," Harry sat down next to Hermione.

"What? It's that bad? I hope he's OK..." Hermione looked even more concerned."

Have you made up with Ron yet?" She asked. 

"Nah, I feel like I need to, but... I just want him to see that I didn't put my name in that goblet!" Harry said this in an angry tone making Hermione more concerned.

Harry decided to go to bed since it was late at night. "Night, Mione."

"Night, Harry."


The Doctor was rushed in, Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick were with him.

"Poppy! What is it?! There must be a patient in truly terrible conditions, usually you can treat them," A witch healer came towards the four of them. "We need to get some poison out of this Professor!" 

"Well, a simple healing spell should work, right? Have you tried?" The witch looked confused.

"Yes I have, but it didn't work. This is a very rare poison, I've never seen a case like it," Madam Pomfrey confessed.

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now