Chapter 32: Sneaking Around

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"Hi, Jack!"

Jack kicked the man in his stomach knocking him unconscious just to buy to time, "You didn't need to do that!" Jack shrugged and ran over to the Doctor as quick as possible, "You wont be able to unlock it, I need you to inflict a spell on me." The Doctor said, "It's a spell I've literally just invented. But I have faith in you!" He continued.

"Right, yeah. Uh..., just say what I need to do!" Jack nervously held his wand, "Just point your wand at me and say these exact words. Imperium! Not imperio, imperium!" The Doctor put an emphasize on the word 'Imperium', "Uh... IMPERIUM!" A jolt of golden colored spell hit the Doctor.

The Doctor pulled his hands out from the cuffs around it, "Whoa!" Jack said surprised, "Sadly it only lasts for 7 seconds..." The Doctor stretched himself, getting every single muscle he had back to work.

They ran outside leaving the man who tortured the Doctor behind. As they ran Jack saw the Doctor's back, it had cuts in the shape of letters that spelled out names.

"What did they do to you?" Jack touched the Doctor's back, "Look, it'll recover, I just need the serum they injected to wear off." The Doctor shrugged, he looked around and gestured Jack to follow him.

"This place is massive." Jack pointed out, the long hallways were empty except for the patrolling hooded men that appeared every once and a while, "Where are we going, Doc?" Jack whispered toward the Doctor, "I'm going to get my clothes back. Gosh I miss that coat..." The Doctor answered.

Jack wondered how the Doctor knew the way around these long hallways. There were so many rooms that they've passed, so many turns that they've made. Thinking about it, the Doctor probably memorized the place, in the span of time that he was here.

"Here..." The Doctor pointed toward a metal door the size of a regular door with a sign saying 'Confiscated Items' right on top of it, "Jack.", The Doctor gestured to the door, "Alohomora?", "Yeah." Jack grabbed his wand and pointed it toward the door, "Alohomora..." The door didn't budge.

"Right, we'll just have to make it more effective and stronger..." The Doctor muttered, he held out his hand toward Jack which was on his left. Jack immediately gave it to the Doctor, now stood right in front of the door.

"Dominus clavem..." The Doctor muttered right after a second of thinking. Luckily, the door clicked open.

The Doctor and Jack entered the room. It had lockers upon lockers upon lockers in rows and on top of each other, there was a main aisle in the middle and other smaller aisles inbetween the rows, there were ladders in certain places, "So how do we find you're items again?" Jack asked sarcastically seeing how big the room is.

Suddenly an alarm went off, the whole room and presumably the whole facility was now brightly colored red, "Looks like someone finally woke up and rang the alarms." The Doctor looked up at the blinking red light, "Well, we better be quick!" The Doctor grinned and ran toward a section of the room, Jack followed his wand still held by the Doctor.

They looked if the place was in alphabetical order, apparently not. The place was sorted by numbers. It felt like hell searching inside the place just hoping that the next locker they open was the locker the Doctor's items were in. Not only that thy had to unlock every single one of those lockers.

"Hey, Doc! Something's glowing in here!" Jack shouted, there was a locker on the second layer of lockers in which a golden glow shimmered out of the cracks.

The Doctor ran and grabbed a nearby ladder to put it right under the glowing locker. He quickly climbed it and unlocked the locker, "Oh, I love you!" The Doctor said, Jack getting a little enthusiatic hearing it. Then, he saw the Doctor holding the TARDIS key, kissing it so he was slightly dissapointed. Although, what did he expect?

The Doctor rummaged through the pile that was inside the locker, "And I've missed you!" The Doctor held his sonic screwdriver, he quickly wore his whole outfit back. The brown pinstripped suit, the shirt, the tie, pants, his white high-top Converse sneakers, and on top of it all the good ol' coat.

"Are you done yet?" Jack asked as he was getting a little more worried about the hooded men, possibly getting closer, "Yep, just checking on everything..." The Doctor patted around feeling all the pockets that he had, sonic screwdriver, wand, stethoscope, a banana, all there.

Suddenly the door slammed open with a bang and five hooded men went in the room, spreading out. All with their wands out.

"Doctor!" Jack pointed out, "I know, I know..." The Doctor said back, "We'll have to sneak around then." The Doctor grinned, he and Jack quickly crouched down.

They we're behind one set of lockers. They sneaked behind one of the hooded men to go towards a different aisle going nearer to the exit.

The Doctor's hearts were beating rapidly, moreso than normal (Already really high) and so were Jack's heart. The Doctor's had a constant grin upon his face, it's been months (Atleast that's how long he can tell it's been) since he had ever been so hyped up like this.

The slunk closer and closer to the door and finally managed to get out, with all their items back.

They sneaked around through enless hallways. They've crept past rooms and sometimes they have to hide behind a turn of the wall because they saw a few hooded men.

The Doctor stopped infront of the a door that says 'Command Room' and tried to unlock the door with the sonic screwdriver but it was deadlocked, "Damn!" Jack muttered under bis breath, realizing that the door is deadlocked.

The Doctor pointed up, right above him. A ventilation shaft was what The Doctor pointed at. The Doctor gestured to Jack, Boost me up The Doctor said in his gesture, Jack nodded. Jack boosted the Doctor up and the Doctor pulled Jack up.

"Ugh, I hate how dusty, vents are!" Jack exclaimed in a whisper. The Doctor started to crawl toward the command room and Jack followed close behind him.

The Doctor looked through the shaft right above the command room, they saw a room with screens all around the room and people walking around in the room, too. Jack saw a map of the facility showed in one of the screens, he signaled to the Doctor.

The Doctor waved his wand, conjuring a silencing charm on his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor took a picture of the map through the sonic screwdriver.

They went back down the ventilation through the shaft were they entered.

When they dropped they realised that a hooded man saw them, "RUN!" The Doctor and Jack shouted together.


I will upload another chapter next month on the 20th. Since I'll be going back to the previous schedule, because my holiday is ending which is sad.

But, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now