Chapter 3: His Wand

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The Doctor decided to buy a wand, "What wand would I get?" He said outloud in his room, "Because 'The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter' " He said impersonating Garrick Ollivander the current wand maker.

He walked out of the room, since he had no lesson to teach he decided to go to his TARDIS, it was still around 12 o'clock in the afternoon, he decided to park the TARDIS in the forbidden forest making sure nobody finds it.

He walked around exploring for a little bit until he finally decided to walk to the TARDIS. 

"I miss the TARDIS so much! It's been a day or two..." He walked down to the Hogwarts grounds and towards the forbidden forest.


The Doctor walked slowly in the forest as he looked around looking for creatures, he wanted to see some of the creatures that can be found there. Unfortunately he didn't find anything and he decided to just go to the TARDIS.


"Hello, it's been awhile hasn't it?" He stroked the TARDIS' door, he opened it. "Oh... I miss you..." He started flicking levers around, and pushing buttons, he turned on the screen and started typing in where he wanted to go to, "London... England... The Leaky Cauldron... And here we... Go!" He pulled the main lever hard.

He puts the TARDIS on autopilot, he decided to go to the TARDIS' library and look through the Harry Potter books once again, "So where is it? Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire! Here we are." He pulled the book out of the shelf and hard.

He blowed the dust off from the book, "*Cough* This is an old book... I love it!" He flicked through the pages, "Voldy comes back... and Moody revealed as Barty Jr..." He closed the back up and the TARDIS beeped to the Doctor, saying that they have arrived. He went back to the console room.


The Doctor opened the door and peeked out to see if it's the right place. And sure enough it is he landed in an alley somewhere in London. He entered a building, there it was The Leaky Cauldron. "Welcome to The Leaky Cauldron!" A man said.

The building had a bar on the right side once you enter it, a cauldron on top of some fire. There was a few tables and chairs around, the place is full of people all wizards or witches.

He went straight to the rear courtyard with the brick wall in it, he opened the brick wall by tapping the brick three up and two across, three times. The brick wall opened up, the bricks moved aside making a doorway.


The alley is full of different shops with different shapes and sizes. He started searching for the wand shop, Ollivander's Wand Shop.

"Money... I also need money..." He muttered to himself, "OH!" He seemed to remember something and searched his pockets frantically, "Come on... where is it?" He kept on searching and even agressively now, "Er... Come on... Ha! Here it is!" He pulled out coins with Gallifreyan symbols on it, "I knew this would come in handy! The galaxy coins! Should change into whatever the currency is in the area!"
The coins changed colour and later changed it's shape and stopped after a few seconds.

"Right wands... Here I go then." He walked around, very happy. "Oh, Quality Quidditch Supplies!" He looked at a shop with brooms behind it's windows. He kept on walking and looking around still searching the wand shop, after some walking around he finally found it, Ollivander's Wand Shop.


An old man slid into the Doctor's view, he was putting little boxes and sorting it into shelves. The shop was small but looked quite quaint, there was a staircase on the left side, floor made of wood.

"Ah I feel that you are a stranger to this world." The old man said, "Garrick Ollivander," The old man gave his hand, the Doctor shook Ollivander's hand, "Looking to buy for your first wand? You remind me of a kid who now is a Death Eater."

He started rummaging around and finally picked a box, opened it, and gave the wand inside to the Doctor,

"Beech, Unicorn Hair, 14 1/2 inches."

The Doctor waved the wand but destroying a pot.

"Oh... No not that, try this, Sycamore, Dragon Heartstring, 14 inches."



Ollivander kept on trying to find the right one.

"Silver Lime, Unicorn Hair."


"Rowan, Dragon Heartstring."

After what it seems like dozens of wands, something in Ollivander's head finally clicked.

"That would make the most sense..."

"What would?" The Doctor asked, him still waiting to get the right wand,

"You are a stranger to this world, yet you came here, alone."

"Try this, Pine, Phoenix Feather for the core, 14 1/2 inches, with slightly yielding flexibility." Ollivander gave a wand, it had what looked like circular Gallifreyan carvings on it but not quite there, it was very light brown and the shape was slim and sleek.

"It is said Mr. Uhh..." Ollivander wanted to start a story but didn't know the Doctor's name, "Smith! John Smith.","It's said that this wand is the only one with the feather of a phoenix who does not share a twin. It was a very lonely phoenix."

He grabbed his wand and payed 7 galleons for it. He walked around again to see if there's anything he wanted, but no there was nothing he wanted. Time flung by and the Doctor had just noticed that it was dark out, already. He quickly went back to the TARDIS and sets off back to Hogwarts


The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS waving his new wand around. There was a figure standing, a silhouette of a woman, "Hello?" The Doctor said as he gets closer to the figure, "Hello..." There was a pause it was McGonagall, she was standing still, her face very stern.

"Something wrong??" The Doctor titled his head a little, "Yes... Yes there is..." Another pause came, McGonagall drew her wand and pointed it straight to the Doctor's head, "There is a problem... CROUCH!"


The Doctor barely managed to avoid the coming spell, "Oi! Really this again?" He shouted at her, he drew his wand just to protect himself, not to attack her back.

"It was a giveaway that you had to report back to your master, about us! You used that box to travel back and forth quickly!" McGonagall shot another spell.

"I won't attack back! I won't... I CAN'T ATTACK BACK!" The Doctor said as he defends himself from anothef spell aimed at him, "Of course you can fool! You are a known Death Eater!"

"Stupefy!" He dodged this spell.


The Doctor was disarmed.

"Do it..." The Doctor muttered.

"You fool!"


The Doctor felt like his whole body was turned into stone, which it kind of did. Everything went black.


Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ