Chapter 48: Memories

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"I'm sorry,"

Hearing that statement from the other Doctor he then immediately shouted back, "Well turn it back then! You have the power of the time vortex!"

"But... All that effort, opening the time vortex, gaining the Rhoidians trust that I can help them... It'll all go to waste!" The other Doctor said, he was furious his eyes locked on to the rip in time and space, his face red and his eyebrows furrowed.

"You've got to stop it," The Doctor spun the other Doctor to face him, the Doctor's eyes glaring at the other and his hands were digging into the other's shoulders,


The Doctor saw into the eyes of the other Doctor, and he saw hesitation. The other looked determined yet hesitant, eyes also strong on the Doctor like he was not going to stop, but his twitching mouth suggested otherwise. The Doctor knew one thing was for sure though... The other did not want to let all of this go. This chaos, the deaths of all these people, the damage this is causing to time itself. Then he thought, is this what will happen to him in the future?

He certainly hoped not.

"Why!?" The Doctor then asked his other self,

"There's no turning back now...," His other self said,

"BUT YOU CAN'T!" The Doctor shouted back,

"ALL OF THESE PEOPLE WILL DIE! How could you be so stupid!? You're me! HOW CAN YOU STAND ALL OF THESE PEOPLE DYING?!" The Doctor finished,

"But don't you see? All of this, I can never turn back from it. There's no point in just stopping all of this now, not when I already have blood on my hands!"

The Doctor still locked his eyes on his other self, not losing eye contact his eyebrows making a visible v shape. Why wouldn't his other self listen? Why would he let all of these people die? He just couldn't understand it.

Then he remembered something. Something very important in his past.

The Time War.

The last Great Time War, the war to end all wars, the war between the Time Lords and the Daleks, a war to protect Gallifrey, a war to protect the universe from destruction.

The Doctor immediately clenched his hand tightly into a fist, his teeth grinding into themselves in his tightly shut mouth.

"What I did, I did without choice... In the name of peace and sanity,"

The voice of his previous incarnation echoed in his mind, the incarnation he deemed not worthy of the name 'Doctor', the one who broke the promise.

The Doctor's eyes were blank after his anger subsided, everything around him seemed to go in slow motion, or was that just his mind racing?

More images of the war cropped up in his mind, the 2.47 billion children who died in that war. It was getting more and more real in his head, now he could hear the screams of the children who were dying, mothers seeking for their children. A shot here and a shot there, then a scream.

He felt the heat of the battles in the war, the searing hot rays of plasma fired from weapons. Little pebbles hitting his face as missed shots destroy nearby buildings and houses. The constant ringing in his ears out of the sheer amount of explosions all around him. The gusts of wind every time a big chunk of debris lands near him. He felt everything, like he was in the war again.

He felt rage build up in his heart, his chest felt like something was restricting it from fully taking in breaths, he also felt his whole body was rising in temperature.

Then his vision blurred into what looked like whirls, it sort of looked like Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night. Except, it wasn't a picture of beauty in front of him. It was war.

Then his vision slowly came back to normal, he was in the TARDIS an old version of his current one. The theme of the TARDIS' console was in-between his current coral one and the white sterile normal one. It was his TARDIS console when he was 'him', the one who broke the promise.

And there he was, regenerating into his ninth incarnation (Technically tenth). The Doctor closed his eyes, and he covered his face with his elbows as the light of the regeneration was blinding, even for him. After a short moment, his ninth incarnation was born.

Then his vision blurred again turning into the day he met her. Rose.

The girl who cured him of his anger, his rage, and the majority of his, for a lack of a better word, post traumatic stress disorder.

Her smile once again calmed him down, seeing his old face holding hands with her again... How the Doctor missed those times. As he saw her, his chest felt free again, his body back to its normal temperature and then a single tear rolled down his face.

He wanted Rose to see this parallel world. This chaotic and beautiful world. But alas, he had lost her in a different parallel world... And he couldn't get her back, not without ripping time and space itself.

The Doctor was snapped back into reality as a giant piece of rock fell toward him, he quickly blasted it with a spell, the remaining pieces exploding into different directions.

As he did that, he felt something on his face, he actually had a tear rolling down his face in reality, not just in his head.

Realizing that a reaper was about to attack himself and the other Doctor, quickly grabbed his other self by the arm and ran outside of the room and into the hallways,

"Where's your TARDIS?" The Doctor quickly asked his other self, but he didn't respond,

"You don't actually want to die do you?"

The other Doctor snapped his head around to see the Doctor, "This way!"

They ran into a specific room in the base where the other Doctor's TARDIS was, and they were running fast, faster than usual at least. The reapers were everywhere now. One of the only places that they could be safe was a TARDIS and frankly they didn't have the time to run to the other TARDIS.

The other Doctor and the Doctor quickly got into the TARDIS the door was quickly shut behind them when they both have gone in.

The TARDIS right now, this specific TARDIS, is basically just a spaceship not a time machine, not with the Time Vortex ripped out of it. But at least they can hide there momentarily, it's not like the TARDIS isn't still powered by a dying sun.

There was a moment of silence, until the Doctor spoke up, and he knew exactly what to say,

"What about Rose?"

Heyyyy, I was able to update!

Honestly I didn't expect that I would be able to, but hey here I am still with the stress of school assignments and exams!

Anyways, as always thanks for reading and

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now