Chapter 26: The Warning

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Harry felt a little scared the figure might be a follower of You-Know-Who's. "Wh- who are you?" Harry stumbled backwards still in a swimming position.

The man came closer, "Whoa, whoa! There's no need to be scared." The man said putting both of his hands up and shaking both of them, the man actually looked like a pretty nice person, "My name is Captain Jack Harkness." The man now known as Jack shook Harry's hand, but his hands went through Harry's hands, Harry looked astonished.

Harry realizes that the man looked like he wasn't in the water like Harry was. It was like he was standing in a different dimension, but also in Harry's dimension. Harry calmed down a little, Jack doesn't seem like the person who would torture other people.

The man drew some breath, "You have met John Smith haven't you?" Jack asks putting his hands in his coat pockets, "What? Do you mean Professor Smith?" Harry asked back, "Y-yes, Professor- Smith." Jack said confusedly, "He goes by professor now?" He muttered to himself, Harry heard Jack's comment. He knows Professor Smith? Harry thought to himself, but that means Jack's probably his friend, Harry felt sorry after he thought that.

"So where is he?" Jack asked, Harry got shocked, this was the one thing Harry had wished Jack didn't ask. Harry now felt really sorry, he gulped then he took a deep breath, "Mr. Harkness, I'm so sorry, but...", "But?" Jack replied quickly, "He- He's dead..." Harry said, he immediately felt guilty after saying those words.

Jack froze for a second as Harry said his words. He didn't just freeze he was completely in stasis, suddenly his image glitched, his words also, "Sorry, *Static* Couldn't hear *Static* Saying!" Jack said, his picture finally came back, "Sorry, I've gotta go!" Jack shouted, "Ianto turn it off!" He looked to his left, probably panickly shouting to someone near him, apparently a guy called 'Ianto'.

Harry felt like he's getting sucked back to the actual lake. As he picked up speed, Jack's image rapidly flashed then dissapeared, leaving nothing behind.

Harry's back in the lake he quickly did the second task, rescuing two people rather than just one locking him in first place, in a tie with Cedric Diggory.

A few hours later the moon rose. The nighttime came, everyone had to sleep. Everyone especially the champions were quite tired, after cheering on the champions and actually doing the tasks for the champions.

Harry asleep soundly in his bed, dreamed about Professor Smith again. This time he looked even weaker than before. His eyes were sunken, making the area around his eyes darker than the rest of his face. This was the time that Harry noticed, how old Professor Smiths's eyes are compared to his face. It was like he has seen everything. But, it does make some sense, after all Professor Smith has said he travels. Maybe, that's how he has seen most things. There is one more thing, though. Harry did hear that the Professor has read most of the books in the Hogwarts Library in one whole night, that could also be the reason.

Harry woke up in the middle of the night hearing things, something crackling. The sound came from the common room. So, Harry tip-toed out of his dorm trying to not make any noise, careful to not wake anybody up. Harry thought that the crackling might've been Sirius trying to contact him again through the fireplace. 

As Harry came towards the noise, he saw a figure. It was definitely not Sirius, could it be that Jack Harkness guy, again?

He walked closer and closer to the figure, sure enough it was Jack Harkness. He was looking around the common room in his holographic looking form. He looked really curious, then he noticed that Harry was coming towards him and so, he turned towards Harry.

Jack opened his mouth but then closed it back up again. Harry wanted to talk, "I'm really sorry..." Harry looked down to his feet, Jack looked surprised, "Oh, it's fine! I know what you're going to say, and it's fine!" Jack said genuinely, he patted Harry's shoulder, but as he was a hologram his hand went through again, "Oh, I keep forgetting that I'm not really here..."

"Anyways! I just wanted to look around," Jack smiled and put both of his hands behind his back, standing there in front of Harry, there was a long akward silence where all you can hear was the crackling from the fireplace nearby which was lit constantly, Jack still standing there now smiling akwardly.

"Is... That it??" Harry finally broke the silence, he felt the need to break it because it was getting to his nerves, "Hm?" Jack looked a little dumb, but then he finally realized that he was indeed supposed to say something else, "I also came here to warn you." As soon as Harry heard this his became worried, Warn? About what? Harry thought, he finally started to really listen, "I know what you're thinking. What is this warning about?" Jack took a pause.

"Well, you see when Professor Smith came into your world... He didn't come alone, he brought dozens of species of aliens with him, too." Jack became serious, his words leaving a heavier impact than before, Harry became confused but some of his questions about Professor Smith was also answered by Jack Harkness' statement. Harry stayed silent but still stated by gesture that he wanted to hear more, "The thing is, we as in, Torchwood. Have taken a look of every living thing that is in our scan radius, and compared it to the one we did last month." Jack took a few pages of paper and looked down at it, "And the results are... Terrifying. Billions of lifeforms are missing from the last scan, this lead us to think that those lifeforms leaked through to your universe. And, so logically, this could have long lasting devastating effects on your world." Jack finished his explanation with a concerned look.

 "We'll need the wizarding world's help Harry." The desperate voice that Jack did, made Harry make up his mind, "Right. What do you need me to do?" Harry courageously asked, Jack lit up a little, "All we need you to do is to warn as many people as you can, and definitely warn Dumbledore, he will be the biggest help we can get." Jack rapidly talked out of his mouth like he had been waiting for a long time, "Thank you, Harry. Oh, and this won't be the last time you'll be seeing me." Jack said,

"I'm sorry I had to bother you, it's nighttime there isn't it?" Harry didn't know how to respond does he say, "It's OK." But Jack did just tell him that his world could be atleast partly destroyed, but he can't just say something mean, "Yeah, it's nighttime here, thanks for the warning, I'll make sure I tell everyone that I can." Harry said, "Thank you again, see you soon." Jack said, his image dissapeard in a flash, leaving Harry all alone again in the common room. Although, technically Harry was alone the whole time.

Here's the March update.

Another chapter done and the SATs are coming closer and closer by the day... *sigh* I'm slightly depressed. Anyways, hope you've enjoyed that chapter.

I have pretty much nothing else to say, except maybe I just recently watched Captain Marvel it was great, Jude Law who plays young Dumbledore is in it, and I didn't even notice it until I watched the movie, cuz I went in blind only knowing that Brie Larson and Samuel L Jackson was going to be in it. In my opinion this is definitely one of the top five favorite Marvel movies up there with Infinity War.

Please leave some feedbacks and... comments, maybe?

Stay not so tuned peeps--

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