Chapter 35: Shelter

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*Little celebration*

Thank you to all of you who has read this story and voted for it!

Right back to the story!

The Doctor and Jack saw that there were patrollers coming closer to the area they were in. But, the door they unlocked was already slowly opening, making them both calmer than what they would have felt if they haven't gotten the door open.

The Doctor and Jack stepped out of the pressumably a secret base. They were in the middle of a forest, or atleast the Doctor thought so.

"Right we've escaped but we're in the middle of nowhere," Jack said with a sarcastic remark, "Where do we go now?"

"This way!" The Doctor said running in a direction, he could feel where the TARDIS was and he was heading right toward it.

"Everyone follow him!" Jack shouted behind him, everybody was following close behind him trying not to get left behind.

The Doctor led everyone through the what looks like unavigatable forest.

"Alright everyone come in! Come in!" The Doctor said, he had mentally communicated to the TARDIS. He wanted the front room of the TARDIS to go straight into a shelter for these people, I guess they're kind of refugees now, huh?

Everyone came in luckily not in too much of a hurry. They were calm enough to notice that the door would probably never fit all of them, if they were to go in all at once.

"Is everybody here?" The Doctor said again, standing on one of the nearby tables. He used his wand to increase the volume of his voice.

Everybody looked around themselves, checking the people around them to see if everyone was present. And fortunately it looks like everyone was present.

"What do you think, should we train these guys?" Jack said to the Doctor, he thought that it was a good idea to teach the people around them some self-defence. Because the people that the Doctor thinks they'll be facing, won't be normal humans.

The Doctor thinks that whoever it is that has captured the Doctor has probably cloned all these people. Basically, just making a physically and magically stronger person.

"Jack, you know that I don't do violence. You especially should know that," The Doctor said,

"I know Doc, but isn't it better if we don't leave them defenceless?" Jack replied,

"Jack-,", "What if we just teach them that Imperium charm that you made me use?" Jack asked, he really wanted everyone to defend themselves.

"I can't! The Imperium charm will be lethal to most humans and I can't risk that," The Doctor retorted,

"So why don't you improve it? Make it, let's say... human compatible? You're the Doctor you invent things Doc! Surely you can improve them!" Jack coaxed,

"Even if I could I still wouldn't teach them the spell," The Doctor sighed, "Partner power up with human stupidity and you'll get the perfect recipe for destruction,"

"But we can't just-," Jack half-way said as the Doctor walked away to a different side of the TARDIS.

Jack followed the Doctor, through the narrow hallways of the TARDIS. He saw that the Doctor was sitting in the console room that had been moved to a deeper part of the TARDIS.

He was sitting in the pilot's chair near the console. His elbows on top of both his legs, palms dropping to the inside of his legs, his head was drooped down.

"Doc?" Jack asked,

"I failed jack...," The Doctor said in a weak voice,

"Failed? Failed what?" Jack asked,

"I made a promise to protect the people around me," The Doctor started, "But when they get snatched away one by one... I didn't even notice they were gone,"

"I failed, I couldn't protect everyone around me Jack. I failed, I was powerless and couldn't save everyone. There was this girl, Lisa her name was... Who was attacked by a Weeping Angel, she couldn't have came back. I had to put memory charms on everyone who knew her... And it hurt Jack. To take away someone from another's memory..." The Doctor said as his eyes watered up.

"Why? Why couldn't I save them? This would've never happened if I weren't here... If I didn't fall through that crack in space-time...," The Doctor continued, his voice dropping and dropping.

"Doc... If you weren't here, no one would have been here... They would've died, if you weren't here the clones would've easily taken over. These people, all of them... They're all here because of you! If you weren't there these people would've stayed trapped in those pods for God knows how long!" Jack tried to cheer-up the Doctor,

"I think you should rest, the torture that they did to you... It messed with your head a bit huh?" Jack asked,

"Yeah, maybe just a little... Thanks Jack," The Doctor smiled, he wasn't fully convinced of what Jack said. He still could've saved that girl from getting caught by the angel.

"Still! I can't rest we still have the world to save!" The Doctor said, cheering himself up.

The Doctor walked back to the shelter part of the TARDIS as Jack followed closely behind.

The Doctor talked to a few people, he definitely talked to the main group of people that they knew. In that conversation, it was decided that Lupin, Hermione, and Sirius who was still wearing a perception filter, were to come with the Doctor, leaving Jack and Ron in charge of the shelter.

"Why do I have to stay in?" Ron asked annoyedly,

"Because you're better with people than me Ron!" Hermione said back,

"Don't worry kid you're with me!" Jack said smilling at Ron,

"Jack!" The Doctor quickly said,

"What I can't even encourage people now?" Jack asked a little annoyed, as he was getting used to the Doctor stopping him from 'flirting' all the time.

"Right! I guess I leave everything here to you and Ron, eh? Good luck!" The Doctor said as he opened the door to the TARDIS,

"You too Doc," Jack replied, the Doctor quickly left leaving Hermione and Lupin to say goodbye to Ron,

"Be careful out there Mione, Harry will be really sad if anything happens to you," Ron said, remembering that his bestfriend isn't here. As it's probably for the better.

"What and you won't? I'll be fine Ron, besides I've got two professors watching over me, and pretty great ones at that," Hermione said happily,

Ron and Hermione hugged and said goodbye to each other. Ron also saying goodbye to Sirius, and to his former teacher, Remus Lupin.

"Right allons-y!" The Doctor said excitedly to Hermione, Lupin, and Sirius as they walked out into the forest and into civilization.


I'M SORRY THAT I DON'T HAVE A LONGER CHAPTER AFTER THAT PRETTY LONG BREAK. But, next month I'll already be having ky finals so that's not great.

And also I have to remember an 11 page long script with a font size of 12. Which for me a high-schooler is pretty tough, hope I'll get through it!

ANYWAYS, that's all from my ramblings, please leave some feedback (Really please) if there are typos please point it out, and comment!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

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