Chapter 46: Cracks in Time

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How did this happen?

Was one of the only words that came up in the Doctor's mind. The world was crumbling in front of his eyes, literally. He was staring into a tear in time and space, next to him was the other Doctor. He was staring at it too, his mouth was gaping open. There was a literal crack, gaping open in the sky. The Doctor doesn't know why ,but this somehow feels familiar, like he has seen a crack like this, or atleast he will be. Look at that, he's remembering the future again.

A few hours ago...

The Doctor hid behind a few pods, he can try running away, so he will. He cna hear the footsteps of the other Doctor coming closer then further away, as he walked away from where the Doctor was hiding.

The Doctor tried to sneak out, but then,

"You know that I can feel where you are right?" The other Doctor's voice boomed through the room,

Well it was now or never, the Doctor stopped in his tracks and he started doing what he was good at, talking.

"How?" The Doctor said, he can't feel the other Doctor right now. Just a few days ago he could, but now he can't. How was the other Doctor able to feel where he is, if the Doctor can't feel where the other Doctor is.

Sure he had a few theories, but he can never be sure. He just hoped that asking questions to his other self wil work.

"Oh you're doing the thing that I used to do...," The other Doctor smirked, he then complied, "You're like a beacon of a different kind of Artron energy and the reason that you can't feel where I am is because my Artron energy is everywhere and everywhen. It's like you're looking for one specific water molecule in a whole ocean. It's not feasible even for a Time Lord...,"

The Doctor's theory was right then, he still had more questions, "Why?"

"Because I want to save them,"


"The Rhoidians, their home was destroyed in the Time War. I assume you know what that is, as it is a fixed point in time,"

"Why, here?"

"Because it's my favorite planet, the Rhoidians can't live without another organism to copy. So I figured that I had the right to decide that they can be Rhoidian hosts,"

The Doctor understood the other Doctor's statement, he understood the fact that he wanted to save the Rhoidians. What the other Doctor was doing wasn't bad, it was for the survival of a whole race. Of course his other self wouldn't be that bad, but anything could happen, especially in a different universe. The Rhoidians were just fighting to survive, with the help of his other self of course.

But still, it was wrong. The Doctor would've never thought that it was his right to choose for the human race. This other version of himself, probably didn't even try to talk to the humans that they were going to be replaced by Rhoidians. Actually, it does sound pretty bad when you put it that way, that's probably another reason why he did what he did the way he did it.

"What happened?" Was the next question the Doctor had,

"Adelaide Brooke, Doctor. It seems like you haven't gone through it...," The other Doctor said with a soft smile that was just a little too sinister,

Adelaide Brooke? Isn't she the astronout leading the Mars mission on Bowie Base One? She is very important to time, her death will inspire future generations leaving a a huge legacy behind her.

Suddenly a crack appeared behind the other Doctor. It shook the room to the point where parts of the ceiling were falling down until... A piece of rock stayed infront of the Doctor's eyes and it didn't fall down, it stayed there in stasis. Around him other pieces of rock and debris floated around them, was this his other self's doing? No, chances are this is time trying to repair itself, that means sooner or later something terrifying was about to happen. Reapers.

The Doctor, by reflex, seeing all of this and his brain working at 100 miles an hour, shouted, "Stop this! You're breaking time itself!"

The other Doctor's face showed that he did not care about what happened.
Something else was off about this event, the reapers should have come ages ago as soon as the other Doctor reversed everything and replaced everyone in the world with Rhoidians. Why are they not here yet? And what's with those cracks, even if they are because of time breaking apart it shouldn't cause time to stop like this.

As soon as The Doctor had thought time moved again, the rock in front of him fell to the ground and the noise echoed with other debris falling everywhere around him. He had to dogde a few of them left to right.

Another crack appeared and time stopped again. It was like something from the other side was trying to break through, was it the reapers? Oh what was he thinking of course it's the reapers, with massive time breaking events like this it's has always been the reapers.

"Look I know I don't know how the future will turn out, especially not on my own timeline. But please! Stop this! You've got to let it go, move on from what happened in the past. You can't just play god on a whole race of creatures! You of all people should know that because I am you!" The Doctor tried to reason further,

"No Doctor you don't understand! What happened that day... It made me realize something, it made me free. It cut me off from the chains of time itself!" The other Doctor shouted back,

"When you break time, you know it'll hit back hard on you... It alwayd does! I'm sure time has already done that to you," The Doctor said,

The other Doctor remembered the ood that came to him that day, the day that Adelaide Brooke killed herself. He didn't care anymore, her death didn't matter to him anymore. He wanted to bend things his own way,

"That first time, you ignored it. This second time, it'a going harder than it ever will! Stop this before it's too late!" The Doctor kept on talking, he didn't know what else to do. He was indeed fighting a vengeful god, a Time Lord who has absorbed the Time Vortex.

The cracks kept on appearing as the room slowly filled with them. And at the end the cracks all came together creating one giant crack in space and time. It tore the ceiling completely revealing the open sky above it, sucking all the debris in to it.

How did this happen?

Were the only words that came up in the Doctor's mind. The world was crumbling in front of his eyes, literally. He was staring into a tear in time and space, next to him was the other Doctor. He was staring at it too, his mouth was gaping open. There was a literal crack, gaping open in the sky. The Doctor doesn't know why, but this somehow feels familiar, like he has seen a crack like this, or atleast he will be. Look at that, he's remembering the future again.

"They're coming," The Doctor said in a grave tone,

"The reapers," The other Doctor said,

"And they're about to sterilize the wound," The Doctor said,

"Which means they're going to kill everyone in the world!"


Hope you enjoyed that one I'm sorry I couldn't upload last month I was really busy and I'm lucky enough that this month's busy week isn't in the week of updating Wattpad so here it is. It really is nearing the end of this story. Thank you for staying with me through this journey, and I hope you'll keep on reading it! I hope you've enjoyed it!

Also, I will upload another chapter today maybe in an hour or two, just wait for it!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now