Chapter 41: The Arrival

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The Doctor and Jack with Harry and Cedric all landed with a hard and loud thud onto the ground. They all quickly got up, Harry and Cedric still not realising that the Doctor and Jack were both near them. They had landed in the graveyard, the graveyard where Voldemort was resurrected. Harry went on about the fact that he had seen this particular graveyard in his dreams before.

There were gravestones everywhere, of course. There was a statue behind Harry, the one that Pettigrew will trap Harry in. There was also a cauldron in the middle, already filled up with what? Jack doesn't know. He just knew that that was the potion that will resurrect Voldemort.

Jack finally remembered that something was going to happen, Cedric was going to die even though he really didn't deserve it. He wanted to save him, he would feel bad if he didn't. He had to.

Then there he was, Peter Pettigrew, holding a remnant of Voldemort which took a horrible form of what looks like a baby. Then Cedric pointed his wand towards Pettigrew. As soon as he did, Jack then heard the words, "Kill the spare!"

Pettigrew waved his wand as he used Avada Kedavra and a flash of green light erected from Pettigrew's wand. Jack jumped in front of Cedric by reflex, saving Cedric in the process,

"Jack, no!" The Doctor yelled as Jack slumped to the ground,

In Cedric's point of view it just look like something had blocked the way of the killing curse. It was like there was an invisible wall in between him and the spell. It wasn't long until he noticed that there was now a man slumped on the ground next to him. Then he can hear Harry shouting towards him to grab the portkey. So Cedric grabbed the portkey.

It all happened so quickly. Cedric was now gone from the graveyard the Doctor was on the ground next to Jack's body, although he was not worried about Jack. Harry was caught by the statue behind him thanks to Peter Pettigrew. And Peter Pettigrew was confused, why did Cedric not die? It look like a blur in his eyes. But it seemed like Voldemort didn't care. 

Harry then looked towards the body that had just appeared in his eyes. How did that get there? He noticed that it was Jack, the person who kept appearing in the common room. The person who also appeared in the second task. Did he defend Cedric from the killing curse? If he did wouldn't that mean that he's dead. There was also a glimmer on the ground because of the moonlight reflecting of off it. It looked like it was a key with what looks like a little piece of rope tied onto it. Maybe it was made to be a necklace.

"Wormtail, make the potion. Do be distracted!" Voldemort's raspy voice can be heard from Peter Pettigrew's hand as he was carrying Voldemort.

Peter Pettigrew nodded and started to make the potion that will resurrect Voldemort. He started by dropping Voldemort in. Then he continued with the bone of the father, he levitated a bone with his wand and he dropped it inside the cauldron.

Back in the arena Cedric was dropped in. Everyone started to go towards him, he was completely surrounded by people. Dumbledore was the only one that can easily go through the crowd of people. Cedric started shouting that Harry was in danger.

"Harry, he's in danger!" Cedric shouted. Dumbledore quickly tried to calm him down. Then Cedric's father, Amos Diggory, came and hugged Cedric. He looked like he was smiling, but he was also alarmed by what his son was saying. Dumbledore was still trying to calm Cedric down, now with the help of Amos.

On the other hand Moody started panicking. His plan, it looked like it hadn't worked. He hid from the view of the people by leaving the arena. But of course, Dumbledore still noticed. Moody apparated away from the arena after he had gone from everyone's view.

The chaos still ensued in the arena though. It has definitely not calmed down. Dumbledore then asked, "What happened?"

"It's think- I think it's him!" Cedric said in panic, "He almost killed me!"

"Who?" Amos asked,

"You-Know-Who!" Cedric said in fear,

Everyone who heard what Cedric has said, started following Cedric in his panic. Dumbledore as usual kept his calm, he did not follow the wave of panic that has just surged through the arena. It might look like there were ants in panic, if viewed from the sky that is.

Dumbledore then hurried towards where he saw Moody go to. Amos was still tending to his son trying to calm him down. McGonagall and Snape saw that Dumbledore was hurrying to walk somewhere else, so they followed. Of course they had to hurry so that they can catch up with them, but that had been proven to be a little difficult as the crowd did not budge as it did for Dumbledore.

Then suddenly it felt like time had stopped. It felt like something massive and powerful has just landed near them. As the crowd realized that there was a giant meteor that was heading towards the goal of the maze (As in where the Triwizard cup was located in). It was going thousands of miles an hour as the temperature started to rise, as the meteor got closer.

Everyone stopped yelling and crowding in on each other, as everyone had their heads looking up on the oncoming meteor that was about to strike.

Then it happened the initial hit of the meteor. Rumbles can be heard as the maze was almost completely leveled to the ground, creating a crater where the meteor is. The next thing was the shock wave, it came as it ripped through the air flinging whatever debris it can pick up.

Everyone got ready for the shock wave, as the teachers put up shields with their wands and so did some of the older students. The shockwave hit the shields that had been put up. It hit very hard on the shields, as everyone that put it up struggled to keep it going. The shockwave kept coming and bringing debris onto the shield, almost making some sort of a hurricane.

Everyone was losing hope that they wouldn't be able to get through this. Luckily for them a blue blox came into view flying infront of the shields and putting up what looks like a bigger and stronger shield. A moments later it finally ended, the shockwave had subsided. Everyone relaxed just a little bit, but still a bit worried about what made the shockwave in the first place.

Everyone was now very confused as this weird looking blue box had just appeared in the middle of the arena where the people were watching from. A creaky door can be heard opening, the door of the blue box had been opened. There was a man that came out of it, it was their teacher Professor Smith. Or at least that's what they knew him as.

"I know you're all quite possibly very confused, well probably, well... Definitely," Professor Smith started, "But your attention shouldn't be on me. It should be on them," He pointed at where the crater had been made as it was now smoking with thick fog around it and it was still expanding.

With all that happening they didn't realize that there was an American in their midst.

"Doc!" The american shouted from afar. Professor Smith noticed and he turned his head, "Jack! Nice to see you!"

"But I thought...," The man now known as Jack said, he walked over quickly to Professor Smith. The Professor hugged Jack tightly,

"No time to explain that now. We've got a bigger problem on our hands...," Professor Smith worriedly said as he turned his head back around to the crater.

"Which is?"



Another chapter done!

How are y'all coping in quarantine I hope you're doing well and the people around you too.

I have finally fitted the Daleks in, I mean how could I not. There were already lots of different monsters in this story, so it had to build up to the big guys! Anyways enough of my rambling, please give me some feedback it will be greatly appreciated.

Stay not so tuned peeps--

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