Chapter 6: Wrongs of Time

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A muggle enters a shack he was carrying a lantern, when he came upstairs. He saw one person, crouching down infront of a chair. "You can not leave me Wormtail, I will not survive if I you leave." A high pitched voice came and the muggle man froze in place.

He kept on hearing what was happening inside, another man with a leather coat and brown hair shows up and crouches infront of the chair, "I will not fail you, my lord." The man said, a giant snake slithers beside the muggle going into the room.

The high pitched voice spoke a weird language, it seems like snake language. The snake hissed back to the man with the high pitched voice, "Wormtail, Nagini here tellsss me that there isss a muggle man sstanding outside of the room. Listenting to every word we sspeak." The man started some sibilants.

Wormtail the man that looks like a rat goes and walks to the door. "Avada Kedavra!"

Some greenlight came out of the stick that Wormtail was holding. The light hit the muggle, killing him.


Harry woke up all sweaty, his forehead was hurting where his scar was located, "Ouch!"

He sat upright and grabbed his glasses wearing it, he remembered something. The first task was a week away he had to prepare somehow, but he had no clue what the first task was. He saw the sky outside it was bright and it was the weekends, atleast he knew he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, he saw that one bed was empty, Ron's bed.

Wonder where he is...  Harry thought to himself, he stood up and walked to the bathroom.


"So another weekend... So I've got a meeting with the other teachers to talk about the tournament, well then. Allons-y!"
He picked up his wand making sure he didn't leave it and so nobody suspects him, although he is meeting with the teachers that already knew his actual identity.


"Good morning teachers of Hogwarts to this meeting, so today we will be discussing about the tournament, just a few small preparations before it starts." Dumbledore opened the meeting up.

"So first things first can we all make sure that all our schedules add up?"

°_< TIME SKIP >_°

The meeting was done, the Doctor was standing up and talking to professor Flitwick, they were talking about advanced theories on charms, "Mr. Smith you really are talented on charms I have a feeling you can replace me." Flitwick said, the Doctor laughed at this, "I don't steal people's jobs Mr. Flitwick and please just call me John."

Suddenly the Doctor felt pain in his body, like a bolt of lightning just struck him, "Agh!" All the other teachers quickly noticed this, the Doctor fell to the ground, "There's something wrong!" He muttered to himself in pain, "What is it Mr. Smith?" McGonagall asked him, "There's someth... With time..." He gasped for breath still in pain, "I need to know what's wrong!" He passes out while the teachers are all still in the meeting room.


"What's wrong now?" The Doctor had his mind intrepreted as a TARDIS, the Doctor felt strands of time everywhere, "Is this why you sent me here?" He patted the TARDIS console, "Right the wrongs? That's surprisingly normal, I do that all the time. But why did you plop me to another UNIVERSE? Usually it can fix itself..., must be something else then, still don't know what though."

"Must be something that made a rip in between this universe and mine, but what? It feels like the time vortex is leaking through, but how? Argh! These answers are just leading to more questions, well since I will be passed out for sometime, I have loads of time to think!"

He decided to go to his mind library, to read all the Harry Potter books again and also think about what might have happened to make him pass out.

He knew that there was somehing wrong with time, but what? Must be something pretty important to make him pass out, he also decided to put more mental blocks up to make passing out more difficult to happen, he liked lingering in his mind but not this long.

It might be around 4 hours in real life before he wakes up, but one hour in real life equals to around 10 hours in his head so that was around 40 hours of waiting, almost two days in his head.

"What could've happened, well whatever happened it felt far. It wasn't in the UK that's for sure, maybe somewhere around... It's close to Serbia, closer than it is to the UK anyway." He flipped through some pages of the Chamber of Secrets, he had to read a lot of books to get rid of boredom, he thundered through the books.


The teachers all worried (except for Snape and possibly Moody), but they reacted quickly to move the Doctor into the hospital wing, "I can't know what's wrong with him, I don't know Timelord biology!" Madame Pomfrey said to McGonagall, "It's OK Poppy, just make sure he's rested, when he wakes up maybe he can explain what happened."

"It's just my job as a healer to make sure my patient is alright, but in this condition." Madame Pomfrey tilted her head towards the Doctor who is in a bed.

Despite being passed out and unconscious (the same things) the Doctor could still hear all the people outside chatting about, he knew he had to do something later and tell them more about how to treat him, making him wake up faster to save time.

"He's going to be fine, Poppy. I assure you." McGonagall said to Madame Pomfrey and leaves the room, so did the other teachers who brought the Doctor into the hospital wing.


"That's all the books done, how many hours did that pass?" The Doctor looked up to see a clock, "Hmph, that's why I don't like my reading speed, it's only been half an hour!"

He stood up and put back the book, the TARDIS in his mind started beeping, talking to the Doctor, "Why do you want me in the scanner room?" He asked, the TARDIS started crazily beeping like it was mad at The Doctor, "OK, OK! I'll go to the scanner room, jeez!"

He walked down what looked like endless hallways. Finally he arrived at the scanner room, he entered into it.

He finally noticed why the TARDIS was telling him to go into the scanner room, there was a huge holographic map on the floor, "Oh you found it! Good girl!" He stroked the TARDIS' walls, there was a red light bleeping on one spot of the map and several other little yellow bleeps around the map.

"So the time distortion is in..."


Sorry for not updating as frequently anymore I've got school giving me exams and well I have to study, also school makes me busy just in general. I'm so sorry please don't expect me to update weekly though because I probably won't be able to do it.

Please give me feedbacks and comments hopefully I can keep this series going!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

Please check out my other series "Animagus" if you're a DC or Marvel fan, hehe... Self adverstising....


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