Chapter 44: The Change

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The purple energy glowed around the other Doctor, flying up high above the horde of Daleks. The wizards were all looking up with awe, so far not existing wizard has ever been able to fly unaided. Although it does one to wonder, why do you even need to fly if you can basically teleport by apparating?

The Daleks all stopped in their tracks, they turnes to look at the new person in their midst. There was a moment of silence. Everyone on the ground was looking at the horde of Daleks as well as the man with the glowing purple energy around him, but not many people have noticed that the man looked exactly like the Doctor. Dumbledore especially was rather fascinated with what was happening and clearly so was the Doctor. Still, the Doctor was at least slightly terrified as to what was happening in front of him.

Then one Dalek finally spoke, "NEW LIFE SIGNATURE HAS BEEN DETECTED! EXTERMINATE!" That one Dalek shot the Other Doctor, starting the almost endless barrage of shots by all the other Daleks.

The Doctor watched as this phenomenon unfolded in front of his own eyes. He knew what was going to happen yet he was still marvelling at this event, a cosmic event that will quite literally change the whole world.

The other Doctor, just like a certain purple comic book villain, snapped hig fingers. The Doctor half-expected for the Daleks to be disintegrated after he snapped his fingers, reminding the Doctor of what happened on Satellite Five. How Rose use the time vortex to destroy a whole Dalek army just with one raised hand, and then after that he had to go and save her at the cost of one of his regenerations. But that wasn't what happened, there was a giant white light that started to emanate from the other Doctor and eventually expanding to reach the real Doctor.

"Jack, we've got to go!" The Doctor said as he realised that the light was about to reach him,

"Wha-? I thought we were going to save these people!" Jack shouted back as he got pulled into the TARDIS by the Doctor,

"Yeah, we will. Just not the wizards, trust me!" The Doctor said as he closed the TARDIS' doors,

Then the Doctor ran to the TARDIS console, he started pulling levers and pushing buttons. Suddenly, the TARDIS shook uncontrollably, the Cloister Bell started to ring. The Doctor then started to panic and of course watching the Doctor panic, Jack followed suit.

"Doc, what's happening?!" Jack shouted, his hands were holding onto the TARDIS' railings and holding onto dear life,

"We're being pushed back!" The Doctor shouted, "That's why we have to let those people go Jack! Because if we're being pushed back then chances are, so are the Daleks!"

Jack fell silent as he held onto the railings as best as he could, "Don't worry past me will handle their world, I know I did," The Doctor then said as the TARDIS shook once more.

The younger Doctor saw a giant white light in the distance, but then it stopped. It didn't even come close to the graveyard, he had no idea what was happening. Although, he did have one feeling suddenly ripped from him. The feeling of Jack the Fact, he was gone, he was no longer in this world, or at least it felt like it. Then he felt something odd, suddenly time shifted. It was no longer dark, it was day time. The sun was shining brightly above the sky, but he was still in the graveyard. Although for everyone else around him that was a very different case, they were all gone from the site.

"What?" The Doctor looked around, "No, no, no, no, no!" The Doctor then walked around the graveyard, he was absolutely confused. He felt around the air, the world felt different, then he tried to apparate... Zip, nadda, he couldn't apparate. Then he tried his wand and the same happend, nothing happened. He then felt around again, there was a slight hum in the back of his mind, it was the TARDIS, at least she was still around. He immediately went to where he had left the TARDIS the last time.

The Doctor finally arrived to the TARDIS after some time and he quickly entered the TARDIS. He then realized that the TARDIS was running on emergency power. He then booted up the TARDIS monitor and read what was on it. He was back earlier in the year, way back, it was right after the year had started at Hogwarts.

The Doctor tried to remember the feeling that occured right inbetween before time was shifted and after it was shifted. Maybe, it was that light that he saw in the distance. There was one certain thing though, it was definitely the work of the other Doctor. He then checked what made the TARDIS have to run on an emergency power system. He found out that something forced the TARDIS to raise her shields up to maximum, on its own without the Doctor doing it.

The Doctor left the TARDIS after a few minutes and he went down to the city. After a few hours the Doctor finally arrived in London, he watched out for anything magical happening around him, but again, same like before, he did not see anything magical happening. The Doctor watched for telephone boxes which are used to go down to the Ministry of Magic, and yet not one single person used any.

The Doctor still had no idea what had happened, but of course he has a few running theories. One which was the most likely one. He considered that his other self probably just 'restarted' the year and changed the details of the world to suit that of his other self's needs. Another one of the theory is that, he was thrown back to his original universe, but that's certainly not what it feels like, or maybe he was thrown into the other Doctor's dimension. With all of those theories, there was still one certainty, he has to fix Harry's world, before it crumbles up into nothing.

Hey! How are y'all's quarantine? Hope you're all doing well! I have finally finished this school year and I don't need to attend seminars anymore until atleast July, so that's quite nice. Anyways that's all hope you've all enjoyed this chapter.

Stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and as always,

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang