Chapter 28: He's Back

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Another Astronomy class went without, anything too eventful.

Professor Lukav was cleaning up his desk of all the pieces of parchment strewn around it, he was putting all of them in one big stack of parchment. He finally looked up, Ron and Harry stayed back the lastest in the class.

"Ron, can you stay here please?" Professor Lukav asked, he gestured his left hand to Ron. Ron, looked surprised, "Sure, sir. What is it?" Ron said as he went toward Professor Lukav, "Oh, and you can go first Harry. Ron'll be here a while, don't worry I'll make an excuse to your next period's teacher." The professor said, Harry quickly nodded his head, "Oh, right sir."

Harry went down from the astronomy tower wondering what the professor wanted to talk about to Ron. He seemed like the chatty type, he's been asking a lot of different students one by one to stay late. But they always seemed to return happier than before, maybe he was giving out words of encouragement? Who knows.

°_< TIME SKIP >_°

Morning came for the next day. Harry and his friends were going up to the Great Hall to have breakfast. But then he heard some ramblings, everyone were looking like they are panicking. Atleast some of them were, "Is it true that he's back?" One of the students said, "I hope not." Another one said.

Harry walked to where his group of friends were. He sat down next to Ron and facing Hermione.

"It looks like there's been a lot of rumours." Hermione pointed out, "I wonder who it's about." Harry said as he got comfortable in his space on the bench.

As he sat, he looked around and saw that Seamus was running over to where they were sitting carrying a roll of the Daily Prophet, "Guys he's back..." Seamus sounded like he was worried.



It said. It was at the very front of the page with a photo of Sirius Black shooting a spell out from his wand.

Serial killer and known Death Eater Sirius Black, strikes again.

The eventful night went as Black conjured the killing spell 4 times in a row. Killing 4 people in the proccess

The bodies of the 4 victims, which consisted of 3 muggles and 1 witch has been returned to each family. And all the muggles...

Harry kept on reading. As he kept on reading, his eyes widened in disbelieve, This couldn't be Sirius... Harry thought.

He would never... This has to be some sort of trick... Harry kept on thinking, he quickly ate his breakfast, barely chewing any of it and he ran up to his dorm room.

Is this what that Jack guy has been warning me about? Harry thought, but the fear was creeping up to him, Maybe I'm being paranoid again, it could just be wizards using Polyjuice potion, but who would do that?

Harry went to his room and grabbed a quill and a piece of parchment quickly scribbling some messages to Sirius, "Hedwig, come here." Harry gestured towards Hegwig and the snow owl flew to him.

Harry put on a tie on the parchment keeping it tight and gave it to Hedwig. She grabbed it in her mouth holding it tightly. Once she had a good grip on it she flew away, going out of the window next to Harry's bed.

Harry had no idea this would happen, after all who would? He was worried about Sirius, if something happened to him...

He quickly ran back down and bumped into Ron and Hermione on the way to the Great Hall. They also looked worried.

"It can't be true right?" Harry asked pointing the question to the both of his friends in a sharp way, "I know it can't be, we saw him last year. We know that he's innocent." Ron stated.

Harry's worried look worsened. Why would anyone do this? Harry asked himself.

Harry had finally known that Sirius was his godfather. He can't just stand here while he might be in danger. Because if it is Polyjuice potion somebody would probably have to attack him to get a part of him.

"This year couldn't get any worse right?" Ron suddenly said, Harry looked at him. But, Harry did agree. This year those angel statues happened, then Professor Smith died, then this impostor strolled in killing 4 innocent people.

"Let's hope not..." Hermione said, she thought of how Harry felt. Not many people know that Sirius was innocent. She just hoped that Harry will be alright.

Harry really wanted to know who did this. He felt what he felt last year, anger. Except, this time he was angry for Sirius rather than towards him. He wanted to do something about this, but what can he do? Not just that, he still had the Tri-Wizard tournament going on, he still has no idea of what's going to happen.

At the end of the day in Dumbledore's office, all the teachers are talking about the security of the school because of what happened last year.

"We can't let what happened last year happen again." McGonagall said, her expression worried, "We should lockdown the school." Moody said, he walked closer to Dumbledore who was sitting behind his desk, "We have to stay calm Moody." Dumbledore said back.

"Yeah, and it's not like Black is getting close to the castle." Lukav said, he had his hands tucked in his pockets, "No one here shall panic the students even more." Dumbledore stood up from his chair, "Are we sure no one here is," Snape started, "Perhaps... An insider?" He finished.

Snape had thought the same thing last year about Lupin. But, that turned out false. Just, what if this year he was right?

"Maybe," Lukav responded, "But we still can't panic the students." He continued, repeating Dumbledore's word on the subject. What Dumbledore said is right though, this year has been a very heavy year. The school can't afford another thing to go wrong.

Ey, May update! What do you think? I hope you are still enjoying this story, going through with my at best OK writing. I'm now officially on a holiday from school so I can focus on the story a lot more! I've got tons of things coming up and I hope you'll be excited about it!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

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