Chapter 27: A New Teacher

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Harry couldn't sleep at all after what happened, he ended up staying up and waking everyone in his dorm room up, "How could you believe him just like that?" Dean asked Harry, everyone was sitting near Harry's bed in a circle, "I don't know. I just- Trusted him. Maybe, it was that he had a trustworthy face?" Harry wondered, now he realized that he's trusted Jack just like that, "I just had the feeling like he was a good person."

Neville looked nervous, but probably much less than if this was his first year, "Do you think what he said is true?" Neville asked, he was bitting his lower lip out of nervousness, "Yeah, I do." Harry said, "I'll have to quickly warn Dumbledore as quick as possible." Harry added, Ron looked at Harry, "Alright then! Let's do it first thing tomorrow morning, but just let me get some sleep..." Ron quickly stood up and came crashing back into his bed quickly falling asleep.

Everyone fell asleep, soon after. Harry too, finally able to rest his troubled mind. Although, this time he didn't get any dreams. Which made Harry very well-rested for the next day.

When he woke up, he quickly got ready and went to the common room. Then an announcement appeared onto the Gryffindor announcement board. "Hey guys look!" Seamus rollcalled everyone in the common room, "They want us to all gather in the Great Hall, this afternoon." Hermione read outloud for everyone, "Why would they want to gather all of us in the Great Hall?" Neville asked, "Maybe we're about to get a new teacher. Y'know with what happened with Professor Smith." A 5th year Gryffindor said, she had her arms crossed in front of her, "Hey!" A 3rd year Gryffindor snapped, "What am I the only one who thought he wasn't that attractive?" She said back to the 3rd year. Most of the older Gryffindors didn't find Professor Smith that attractive, so maybe it's all the raging hormones.

Harry ignored the argument, and he actually figured that this was a good thing. He could warn Dumbledore and make sure he could warn everybody else.

The day went on with nothing really eventful happening. Normal classes with normal lessons until the time they all need to go to the Great Hall.

Everyone gathered in the hall in their respective house's tables, the crowd was starting to build up. All the students are chatting around, in each houses not really knowing what to expect. Except for maybe some of the brighter students, and a lot of the Ravenclaws.

"What do you think'll happen?" Harry asked Ron as he sat down next to him, "I think what that 5th year student, said is right. They're probably going to introduce us to a new teacher." Ron said, Hermione sat infront of him, "I agree too. I think that, going for 4 months without an astronomy teacher is just not good." Hermione said, "The 5th year and 7 year students who are taking their O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s, might fail without a new teacher." Hermione stated.

Everyone in the hall calmed down into quietness as Dumbledore stood behind the pedestal, "Good afternoon, witches and wizards of Hogwarts." Dumbledore started, everyone's heads was turned towards him, all eagerly waiting for the announcement.

"As you must have known... Our previous teacher Professor Smith has died a most tragic of deaths. But, we shall not dwell in grief." Dumbledore said, "As we have a new astronomy teacher, sadly we could not contact our older astronomy teacher, Miss Sinistra. But we have from the Durmstrang Institute, a teacher who has accepted to work here for 4 months, since they have another teacher who could replace him."

"Please everyone welcome, Professor Izlo Lukav!"

A man with whiting brown hair stood up. He wore a white cloak attached to his dark gray jacket. Under that he wore a lighter gray waistcoat and a white shirt with a red tie under it. He wore some pants with the same shade of gray as the jacket. He had his wand attached to the left of a strap that was tied around his waist. He wore a pocket strapped to his right knee, and was wearing brown leather shoes.

As he stood up he had an ominous aura that sort of loomed in the hall. But his face couldn't look kinder, for some reason all the Slytherins cheered for this teacher. It looks like they couldn't handle themselves.

The other houses cheered as well, but not as much as the Slytherins.

"Gosh, look at them." Hermione said as she clapped her hands like everyone else in the hall, "Bloody hell, let's hope he's not a horrible professor." Ron said as he also clapped his hands.

Harry just stood staring at the teacher and for some reason he just couldn't stop staring at him. He noticed something that was off about this new teacher. Just, something that he couldn't take his eyes off from. But he doesn't know what it is. Maybe, Harry was getting paranoid.

A few days passed and so did Ron's birthday. Harry found out with everyone else that, Professor Lukav was actually a pretty good teacher. The lessons with him weren't far off from Professor Smith's lessons, except for the fact that Slytherins enjoy their time in his class way more than with Professor Smith.

As Harry, Ron, and Hermione was working on their homeworks in the library. Jack appeared near Harry deep in the library, Hermione and Ron wasn't near him at this time.

"Jack!" Harry said surprised to sed Jack just appearing, "How is it? Have you told everyone?" Jack asked, "Yeah, I have, atleast the people that I know will believe me." Harry said, he grabbed another book from the shelves, and the previous books magically put themselves back in their spot on the shelves.

Then suddenly Hermione and Ron walked towards Harry. With Hermione with her mouth open, her eyes stuck on staring toward Jack.

"Hello~, who are you two?" Jack said, "5 quid Jack!" Someone said from the background "Damnit! Did I really just flirt, I'm pretty sure I wasn't." Jack said turning his head to his left, Harry stood up shocked to see Hermione and Ron finally seeing Jack.

"Ron, Hermione, this is who I was talking about." Harry said nervously. Hermione still had a gaping mouth staring at Jack. Ron's eyes widened to the point where he looked like he was all eyes.

"Right we've got some explaining to do." Jack said as he smiled.

Hey, who's ready for Endgame??


I hope you like this new chapter for the April update, and I hope I don't cry too much watching Endgame. It's great that the exams I took will end one day before Endgame comes out! That means my reward for the exams is Endgame, but I'm not watching it on the 26th, because the theatre will already be fully booked, but I'll still watch it and hope to God I don't cry.

Hey, leave some comments and feedback, seriously it helps a lot.

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora