Chapter 37: Finding The Other

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The Doctor looked around the vicinity for any electronic scraps or junk that he could put together.

He used his sonic screwdriver to get some money from the ATM Machine nearby. He walked into an electronic shop hoping to find what he needed.

The bells above the shop door rang as he entered the shop. It was pretty simular to Magpie Electricals, which he had visited a long time ago with Rose. There was a lovely looking middle-aged man behind the shop table. There was a door behind that table and that door was open.

Suddenly a purple spell shot out of the door. The Doctor quickly ducked down dodging the spell coming at him. Looks like his plan to stay low will have to be reworked. The Doctor got his wand out as he dodged another spell shot at him.

Then he noticed that the man behind the table also has a wand and it was pointed straight at his head.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" The Doctor shouted, as the red spell hit the man behing the table's hand and wand, flinging the wand towards the Doctor's hand.

"Avada kedavra...," A cold voice said, as a green spell came towards the Doctor from behind the door.

The Doctor dodged again, as he shouted, "Who are you?!" The Doctor had thought that it was probably a clone, but it never hurts to be sure.

The man behind the table came towards the Doctor, fist swinging towards his face.

"Petrificus totalus!" The Doctor stopped the man from punching him.

"You know who we are Doctor...," The voice said,

"So you are a clone...," The Doctor sighed still with his wand ready.

The clone fired at the Doctor another spell, a purple one. The Doctor blocked it with his wand, as another spell was fired at him. He disapparated outside of the shop.

Thank Rasillon that worked! The Doctor thought in relieve, because he had never tried to do it before.

Then he heard cracking sounds behind him. He turned around and saw that it was the shop windows cracking. He backed up in response as the front wall of the shop crumbled in pieces.

That's what I could've been... The Doctor thought with slight terror, he was not fine with being cut up into pieces, then again who was?

The clone shouted, and he pointed a wand towards the Doctor, "Bombarda max-,"

The Doctor knew what was coming, Oh no you don't! He thought,

He quickly disapparated and landed near the clone to hold it or him, he wasn't sure if the clone had a gender. Then he disapparated again in the split second he managed to hold the clone.

The Doctor and the clone landed in a forest. Where? The Doctor wasn't sure. The clone's spell was interjected and it ended up not happening.

"There's no way I'd let you do more damage than what you already have," The Doctor said, as he held onto the clone by it's hands on it's back.

"Damn you..," The clone said, the clone managed to hold on to its wand though. Unfortunately the Doctor had not noticed. The clone shot another spell out of its wand, it hit the Doctor straight in his stomach.

"Argh!" The Doctor grunted as he lost his grip of the clone, he stumbled backwards onto the ground.

"You really think you can hold me?" The clone said as it walked towards the Doctor.

"Yes, I think I can," The Doctor said, "You have superstrength, more than any human atleast. But you require a lot more oxygen to strengthen your muscles, which means air...,"

"What are you going to do?" The clone asked,

"INDURESCO AERUS!" The Doctor said pointing his wand at the clone,

The clone stumbled as the Doctor stood back up.

"I've just hardened and stiffened the air around your head. It'll be really hard for you to breath, therefore you won't be able to get enough oxygen," The Doctor said as he got closer to the now stumbled to the ground clone.

"Not only that your brain will be weaker making it easier for me to enter it," The Doctor said,

"Where is your master, ey?" The Doctor readied himself to read the clone's mind, he reached his fingers onto the clones mind.

"What are you doing!?" The clone panickedly said, slightly panting.

"I'm going to read your mind," The Doctor calmly said,

The Doctor entered the clones mind, he was right. He suspected that the clones had some sort of a hive mind. He looked at all of the connected minds, he looked for one specific person or clone. He wasn't sure which of the two the person he's looking for is.

He also saw the human that the clone copied's memories. The human was called, Bradley. He had quite the nice and quaint life in his electronic shop.

But he couldn't keep on dwelling in a person's mind. First things first, that's just rude. Second things second, he had other things to do.

He kept on looking through everything in what looked like endless hallways of all the connected minds.

He saw so many minds even if he was just passing by and not entering any other clone's mind. It just shows how many people have been captured and cloned. But luckily most of those people have already been rescued.Then finally, the Doctor saw what he was searching for.

Back in Number 12 Grimmauld Place, Remus, Hermione, and Sirius were busy just trying to pass their time. They have been waiting for quite some time. Then they heard someone walking into the house. It was Smith, he walked in holding quite a lot of electronic scraps in his hand.

"You're back," Remus said as he walked towards Smith, "What's that for?" He asked noticing all the scraps Smith has in his hands.

"Just some stuff I picked up from nearby," Smith said back as he put down the scraps in the living room.

Back with the Doctor, he had a shocked expression on his face. His face went white in his mind, and in real life. The person he was looking for... He was already with Remus, Hermione, and Sirius.

He quickly pulled himself out of the clone's mind, he then grabbed a piece of head hair from the clone. Then he quickly apparated back to Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

"No, no, no, no, no!" The Doctor said as he ran into the house, he saw that the other Doctor his supposed clone was tricking Remus, Hermione, and Sirius.

Well, there goes another chapter published. I decided to publish a chapter earlier than usual since my exams are finally done! And no writers block either.

Also, what did you think of the Season 12 trailer? I think it's a little too like an action movie, which in some parts it's good but in some parts it's not. So yeah I hope we'll get another New Year's Day special, so we won't go too long without an episode, exactly a year actually.

Anyways enough of my ramblings! Leave some feedback, it would greatly appreciated!

Stay not so tuned peeps--

The Doctor Barty (Doctor Who & Harry Potter) (Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now