"Ah, Natsuki, Sensei mentioned that you haven't toured the school yet right? I can help you now while I still have time." Teru approached her desk as the students stared at the two, some how imagining a prince and a princess straight out of a fairytale book. "If it's not too much trouble ..." She trailed off as he blinked.

"Minamoto Teru, I'm the vice president of the student council. I'm willing to answer any questions you have, and I'm always here for help." He smiled warmly. The same smile that caused dozens of hearts to beat for him as they flushed, even if the smile wasn't directed at them.

The new student had returned the facial expression. "Ah! I'll be back soon everyone!" She waved at them from the doorway as a few of them did the same, leaving the classroom behind them in a bustle of chatter.

The two of them entered into an empty classroom as Teru closed the door behind them, allowing Nora to finally breathe a breath of fresh air as she flopped onto a desk. "I thought we were going to tour the school, mister vice president." Nora said in a high pitched sing song voice as the male chuckled, sitting on the ground.

"Well that sure was a surprise. I expect a explanation for why I suddenly have a new transfer in my class named Natsuki Nora."

Last he checked, Nora was home when he had left for school. But then it dawned on him that teleportation existed in her books. The witch snapped her fingers as the contract appeared in their hands. She pointed to the fifth row of the contract as she grinned at him.

"The Minamoto family will provide her with her needs and wants, on the boundary that they are not too extreme. Line Two, the witch will help them out with exorcisms whenever demanded." She recited aloud their contract from years ago.

"It was convenient that these two conditions tied together when your Mom came up to me." Nora had begun as she snapped her fingers again, the contract disappearing into thin air. "The rise in strength of supernaturals here are becoming tedious, along with cracks like that," She pointed out the window.

There were cracks floating everywhere around Kamome Academy, although they were only visible to those that possess a certain level of spiritual energy. They were cracks in the space time fluctuation that led to the far-shore, land of the dead and home of apparitions and supernaturals.

Although none of the cracks were large enough for a human to walk through and stumble into the far-shore, since most of the cracks were somewhere randomly in the air, it still meant that supernaturals could tear through, which was rather inconvenient.

"And besides, with Tiara off at daycare, I got bored again, and your Mom was saying something about how since I'm a teenager, I needed to go to school, which I was okay with, since it seems fun here." She stared out the window, before turning around to meet Teru's blazing cerulean eyes that had a rather lazy glint in them.

Instead, the exorcist sighed, standing up to his feet. "Alright. Try not to stir trouble, Nora." He placed a hand onto her head as she simply shrugged. "What kind of trouble are we specifying?" She mocked as he pinched her cheek, dragging her out of the room.

"Any kind that would land you with extra patrol duty." He said simply as she let out a whine of disdain.

Although he had a feeling she would be fine. Her acting skills had even fooled him for a moment. After being so used to the nonchalant, lazy and fussy side of Natsuki Nora, he was quite interested to see what the cutesy goodie-two shoes and smiley Nora would lead to.

"Humans are .. nosy." Nora stated bluntly as she stuck close to Teru to avoid the human gazes that were stuck on her. People crowded the two, although most of them were there to enjoy the eye candy standing in front of them, known as Minamoto Teru. The prince charming of the first-years.

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