Session 40: Read what you Sow

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"Looks like an accident." Polnareff pointed out as they drove by a accident. "Damn! It's really mangled... The bus is on its side and people were thrown out the windows! I'm sure some people died!" Jean said as we continued to look at the collusion.

"Enough rubber necking. We have to get to the hospital for ourselves. It's another 20 or 30 kilometers until Aswan. Let's get going." Joseph said as they drove away from the accident to take Kakyoin and Avdol to the hospital.

"That's something you usually don't see everyday in New York or anywhere." Diana grimaced as she looked at the corpse impaled by a electric pole.

Time skip

Diana, Joseph, Polnareff, and Jotaro were walking around down town.

"Luckily he missed Avdol's major arteries, so he'll be able to leave the hospital tomorrow... But Kakyoin's injuries are serious. He may lose his vision." Joseph announced.

"I'm worried about him..."

"I hate to say say it, but we may have to go on without him."

"I'm glad to hear that Avdol will be joining us soon but with Noriaki being gone a little while longer we have to be extra precocious."

They talked among themselves as they continued their stroll down town.

"Hey, There's alot of cafés. We haven't been in a city in a while. Let's get something to drink and relax." Polnareff suggested.

"Sounds good... Which one?"

Polnareff threw his cigarette to the ground and chose the café it pointed to.

"Please have a seat." The server brought them their menus. "What would you like?" He asked.

"Let's see... I'd like some black tea." The others take the same order as Polnareff.

"I'll have a super sweet cookie mocha." Diana order different front the others.

"As you wish. Three teas and a fruit punch coming right up." He said as he walked away.

"We shouldn't drink any tea or coffee."

"So then I can-"

"Or your mocha, D.D." Joseph warned. "Listen... We're in enemy territory here in Egypt. We don't know when our enemies will attack, so we need to be more cautious." He said as the server stood near them suspiciously.

"We need to be cautious about poison like we are with riding a plane. We should drink things that come out of a bottle or can. Hey... We'll all take coke instead of tea and mocha. Can you bring the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cokes from the right in that fridge? Don't open them either." Joseph called out to the man making him flinch in disbelief.

"Is there something wrong?" Jotaro asked the man as the man walked away from them sweating bullets.

"S-Sure. You want coke? Four bottles?" He said as he grabbed them out from the fridge.

"Yeah, we'll open them at the table. Give me the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ones from the right." Joseph asked him once again.

"Hey you! This coke isn't cold! What's wrong with this café?! You serve warm coke?! I'm not paying for this!" A costumer complained making Joseph upset.

"Mr. Joestar. You're being too paranoid. If in fact that café ownsr is our enemy and is trying to poison us... How would he have known we would cone to this café? This city has tons of cafés and I chose this one on a whim. I could understand if this was the only café in town but there's tons of them, no?" Polnareff said making an actual point.

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