Session 6: Dirty Diana?!

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Noriaki Kakyoin. He said that he just transferred yesterday. After he said that he walked away. The girls talk about how he was not bad looking.

"Ladies, be careful of who you talk about." Diana smiled at them. They all nod in agreement, and just continue to make positive words about the very suspicious guy, Noriaki Kakyoin.

Diana turns to face Jotaro, with a serious face, stating that the boy they've just met was just off, Jotaro nods in agreement as he looked at the direction Kakyoin went if to.

"I'm sorry, ladies, but you see. Jotaro and I have something important to deal with. We'll be seeing you all later."

"Ok! Bye JoJo! Bye D.D!" They all chanted as they scurried on to school.

"Alright ass hat, lets get that wound fixed up."

"Shut it, brat."

Time skip:Nurse's office

"Good morning, Ma'am." Diana greeted the nurse.

"My. My. Aren't you a little sweet heart~ and JoJo? Don't tell me! You got in a fight again. Off with the hat! It's rude." Jotaro just ignores her and sits down on a chair.

"Come on nurse, has JoJo ever gotten hurt in a fight?" "Yeah, think about it." "Yup, yup." Two students from the school said as they laid on the beds comfortably.

"Our JoJo fell down the stairs, Ma'am." Diana chuckled.

"Ho ho ho ho! I suppose your right. Fine! I'll believe the young lady. You fell down, Mr. Clumsy."

"Hold on. What are you going to do...?"

"Oh? Is JoJo afraid of the Nurse~" Diana teased,  he side-glares at her.

"Ha ha ha! Good joke young lady~ JoJo, I'm going to cut off your pants. I can't treat your wound without doing it."

"Quit messing around! I'll take 'em off! What a waste that'd be..." He said standing up from the stool he was siting on.

"Ho ho! You're more frugal than I expected. And while JoJo does that... I'll take you boy's temperatures so I can prove your faking!" The nurse laughed she stood towards the pair.

Diana closed her eyes to patiently wait for Jotaro's treatment, but she noticed the handkerchief that Noriaki gave Jotaro earlier fall out of his pocket.

Jotaro sighs and picks it up, but once he does his eyes widen by the hidden written message that was written in it.

"What does it say Jotaro?! I can't read those Japanese symbols! Did Noriaki send you love letter or something? Because I'm starting to think that since you won't tell me!"

" No, you brat! It says 'Jotaro Kujo, Diana Divine, I will kill you today with my stand and take her to Lord DIO!' Not what ever fantasy you thought he wrote!!!"

"I mean... Who knows? Why live in a very bizarre world. We could be fighting a fly for whatever reason and probably almost die by it." Diana spoke in a obvious tone.

He scoffs at her as she stuck her tongue out at him childishly.

"Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!" A cry of horror was heard, the two guys, catch both Jotaro's and Diana's attention.

The nurse was waving the fountain pen in a swift, unusual, motion.

"Can't you see that I'm shaking out a thermometer for you?! " she says in a very dark voice.

The boys correct her as they coward in fear from her.

"A pen you say?! Does this look like a pen to you?! What stupid boys you are! You think this thermometer is a pen?! Grrrrr... Why don't you take a closer look close up!" She said as she was about to pounce on the poor guy.

Diana cuts infront of her and catches her arm. Diana stumbled back in shock of the nurse's abnormal strength. She grunted as blood slid from her cheek, the pen was right near to piercing her.

"You should've not done that, you little lady! Now your little pretty face is damaged!" She yelled at her, sounding insane.

"Have mercy, What's up your ass?! There's got to be a reason on why you are acting insane!" Diana groaned as she put as much strength she can muster.

"JoJo.. You aren't going to tell me this looks like a pen too, are you?!" She said, moving the pen on her free hand to pounce on JoJo.

Diana let's go and swiftly puts the nurse into a tighter hold, dragging her to the ground along with her.

Noriaki just sits on the open window that was in room.

"You!" Jotaro yelled.

"I've attached my stand to the nurse. She is under my control. Attack my stand and you'll hurt her, JoJo! Diana!" Noriaki laughed.

"My stand's name is Hierophant Green ! I have a stand just like your friends, Avdol and our little Dirty Diana here-- And while I am human, I have pledge my loyalty to him. That ia why... I will kill you and bring her back to Lord DIO!"

He strucked a nerve on Diana when he mentioned that name, that name, Dirty Diana. She was absolutely infuriated.

Diana removed the nurse's lab coat and uses it to tie hold her down as she stood up with a glare present on her face along with an erie aura surrounding her.

Dirty Diana? What a stupid name. I've heard about it before. The story of a criminal girl, no older then I was four years ago. I couldn't care for who she was then. She's just a brat who just loves to get on my nerves.  Jotaro scoffed.

"What. Did. You. Say?"

"Is little Dirty Diana mad now? How cute~"

"Hey. Noriaki right? Is this your stand?" Diana said as her stand, Ex's & Oh's, grabs onto what appears to be his stand.

"When did you?! When did you drag my stand out! Diana!" He panicked.

"That's Dirty Diana to you! For now..." She said as her stand gave her a little heat with a clock on it.

"I am going to tell you is what I told Avdol two years ago, only now I'll leave out or add a few details. 'My Ex's & Oh's has a shit-ton of power when it comes to speed and fighting. I had her for four years now. She can pack a punch. I guess I can tell you what this little heart is. This symbolizes your heart. This clock represents the time it takes when it functions (not to tell what the pressure is). I can stop it at anytime I want if I grab a hold to it. As you can see, Ex's & Oh's has all those little hearts in her hair. Those are the hearts I have collected for the past years. The limit of hearts I obtain now are 144. (the limit of hearts grow when mine[Diana's] hair does) I can replace the hearts and free them as well at anytime I want. I've already gotten yours as you can see, Kakyoin. They are not actual heart, but they represent it, to clarify."

"I'll kill you before you can kill me! Even if Lord DIO requires you alive!" He yelled at her.

"Hit me with your best shot!"


[Author: Damn! Making Jotaro stay in character is so hard! I added a few facts about her stand Ex's & Oh's. Her stand war cry is "XO" she basically named her stand like if it were a pokémon. See you next chapter.

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