Session 30: Who's watching me?

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"Oi! Over here!" She waved to the others with her free hand.

"Oh my god!!!" Joseph suddenly shouted.

"Are you two...?" Kakyoin rose an amused brow.

"Finally together! Did I miss the kiss? Did I miss the confessions?" Polnareff looked at their faces for confirmation.

"W-What the heck do you mean by, 'Are you two finally together?'. D-Do you think we'd be a cou--coupl... Cooooo--" she couldn't finish the word. She looked between her hand in his and took it away in embarrassment as she blushed heavily.

"Yeah! A couple!" "Basically!!"

"You dolts! I'll beat the hell out of you!"

"Sorry! Ah! Mr. Joestar?!"

"Nigerundayo, Polnareff!!"

"You're not getting away!! You guys teased me the most!!"

As Diana chased after them laughing to herself as she ran with raised fists.

"Well, aren't you the romantic one?" Kakyoin joked as he nudged at Jotaro's arm.


Time skip

"Mansions after mansions! Every house is a mansion! But wow, this country is incredible! Lush plants and palm trees everywhere-- and I haven't seen one rundown home yet!" Polnareff was evidently jealous of the luxury.

"Yeah. These houses look like they would cost three to three billion yen in Tokyo. This is the standard of living in this country. It was a desert only twenty years ago, but the enormous oil revenue has turned it into a dream city." Joseph explained.

Kakyoin kept looking over his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Kakyoin? Do you still feel like we're being followed?"

"N-No, Polnareff. It's so open... If someone was following us we'd know it... But I keep feeling like someone is watching us just the same."

"Yeah. I don't blame you. I'm on the edge too... All these different stand users, all these attacks one after the other..." Jotaro added.

"Have mercy, in all honesty we should just take action now but then again... It may be dangerous to do it now..."

"Anyways, back to business... Let's talk about our route. There's a village called Yarpline about 100 Km to North-West. I'll take two days to get there due to the desert and mountains. Thats why locals mostly do their trading by plane. I think we should go to the village and buy a Cessna to cross the Arabian desert. We haven't used a plane in a while because of the risk of crashing or involving other passengers if a stand user attacks... But with a Cessna, I can pilot it myself. We'll be able to save some time."

"I really don't want to get on a Cessna with a guy who's already been in three plane crashes in his life." Jotaro bluntly stated.

"Have mercy, yeah, and don't forget the last time you had a woman on board to help you."

"Before that, I think we should ride camels across the dessert to reach yarpline. We'll get there in a day." Grandpa Joseph said untill Jean spoke up.

"Hold on! A plane is fine, but... A camel?! I've never ridden a camel before!"

"Yeah! I'd rather ride a horse than a camel! Those animals are way bigger than they seem! Probably bigger than all of you guys."

"Heh he he he. Leave it to me with the camels. Heh heh heh... Riding a camel is easy. I'll show you the ropes." Joseph said with a smirk.

"This won't end well..."

Time skip

  "It stinks! H-How do you ride these things? They're three meters tall!" Polnareff yelled as he held his nose from the camel's smell.

"So, with camels... You've got to get on after you have them sit down!" Joseph said as he tried to make it sit. "First... You make them sit... And then you get on... Make them sit and get on...! G-Gimme a minute! Hey-- whoa! Sit! Damn it! This one's sure stubborn!" He said as he still attempted to sit it down.

"Hey... Are you sure you've ridden one before?" Polnareff asked unsure.

"I've watched 'Lawrence of Arabia' three times! Although it's so damn long, I fell asleep through the second half twice..." Was all he said.

"A movie? What? So you've never ridden one!"

"This is Grandpa Joseph we're talking about, Jean."

The camel spat straight at Joseph's face.

"Pfft! I really hopes you had your mouth close, Grandpa Joe. Ha ha ha!!"

"It acts as a sunscreen! You didn't know that, did you? Ha ha ha ha! Watch this. It's important to understand an animal's feelings." He said as he got an apple and waved it towards the camel. "Here you go, boy! Doesn't the apple look good? Mmm, yum! Here you go! It sat! Once you can get inside their head it's easy to make them sit down! Heh heh heh!" He said as he got on top of the camel. "Wow! It's really high! Did you know camels can close their nostrils to keep sand out? I don't want to hear any more stupid camel jokes, all right?! Listen! Camels are different from horses because the legs on one side move foward together. So you'll be rocking back and forth a lot. But... If you follow their rhythm... Like this... Hey wait! That's too fast! Whoa!!"

"Hey guys, wanna hear a joke?" Diana held in a laugh. "What do you call a three humped camel?"



They laughed among themselves as their eyes followed Joseph.

"Have mercy! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Author: I had to put that in! Ha ha hahahahahahhahahahhahahaha! I also added a little drawing too! See ya next session!

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