Session 4: DIO's Return

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Diana was in sheer admiration of Jotaro's stand. It's consisted of unique features: galaxy black defy gravity hair, purple skin with golden color wiggly lines, shoulder pads, combat gloves, a cool looking headband on it's head, loni-clothe, and a scarf.

Wow... His stand's pretty cool looking. Mine looks like straight out of Legally blond. Diana sighed lowly.

"Was it not you who said 'cold wind add clothes, but heat makes you take them off?' Care to come out, Jotaro?"

"Whatever. I'll stay put until I know I'm not danger to others! It's nice to meet somebody like me, but if you keep this up... You die." Jotaro scoffed at Avdol as he broke a toilet extinguishing the flames that binded him.

"Graaaah! I can't be responsible for what it's gonna do to you!" His stand war cried bringing the cell bars, with sharp ends, straight at Avdol.

Before the final blow was strucked, Avdol turns around, showing his back at Jotaro, putting his stand away as he sat down on the floor.

"Mr. Joestar and Diana... As you both can see, he's now out of the cell." Diana couldn't help but smirk at Avdol's victory.

"Tch. So you got me, eh?"

"Not really... I planned to send you to the hospital. You were more powerful than I expected." Avdol corrected him.

"What if I hadn't stopped my evil spirit from throwing this bar straight through you?"

"Avdol's stand, known as Magicians Red, can melt such a small piece of steel in midair. And then there's me. I would of snap that steel bar like if it was your body." Diana bragged.

She ignored that glare of his and just continues to smirk.

"You're looking at me like that because you know it's true! Ha ha!!"

"Avdol and D.D are just like you... Proof enough that you need not study your 'evil spirit' here in prison any longer." Joseph added.

"Wow! Jotaro, you're coming out!" Holly cried happily as she went straight for a hug.

"You're pissing me off, bitch!"


"Hey! How dare you adress your mother that way! What kind of language is that?! And Holly, stop smiling at the boy!"


"Grandpa. Tell me one thing! Well a few things... How do you know all this? Why do you know about my evil spirit... I mean stand? And who is this bitch? Why are you comparing me with her? Is she really as strong as you say she is? I don't get it." Jotaro questioned with a doubtful look.

Not really, Jotaro. They just like to over exaggerate a lot. Diana chuckled.

"Of course... That's why we made the trip from New York, after all. But in order to make things clear, we need to take things one step at a time. This has to do with the Joestar family... First of all, take a look at these pictures." Joseph took out a few photos.

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