Session 49: My will.

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Diana's Dream State

  She looked and see the dark abyss of her dream grow into light. It was a place full of stars.

"It's nice to see you again. My grandchild."

She gasped when she saw a woman with ash blonde hair and plain white eyes look at her with a warm smile but her demeanor held pure sadness and pity.

"If you're my grandmother then why did you leave my papa alone? He lived life like it was hell everyday! He said it didn't matter for him as long as I was happy... Why did you leave him?!?" Diana slapped her. Instead of frowning she held a sad smile.

"I didn't want to leave him. I had to. I left him to live a normal life instead if one twisted in hate and misfortune."

Diana didn't know what to say. Delilah walked towards Diana and hugged her like they were close like family.

"Why? Then why do you want me in DIO's side?"

"Because you have our Bad Blood strongly flowing within you. If you don't want this then tell me... Are you Evil or Divine?"

"I told you already. I'm divine. It's literally my last name."

"How are you so sure? You've killed too many."

"M-Maybe you're right... Maybe all I was... Useless, weak, and...Evil."

Diana stood with a sadden expression as evil dark aura slowly consumi her.

"Do you truly believe that?" Delilah asked her granddaughter once more.

"I'm ev-" Diana stopped what she was gonna say when she recalled memories that held so much meaning to her.

"D.D,  you are not Dirty Diana or evil. You are divine. Diana Divine. D.D to be exact. Always remember that."

"Yare yare daze. You're not useless. You've done so much for us and mostly me: You helped me defeat Kakyoin in our first stand battle, you helped calm me and Kakyoin's hearts to safely help us from DIO's fleshbud, you helped in killing that fake captain, you helped me beat that stupid ape, you treated Avdol's wounds and stayed by his side, you trusted my actions and words when the others didn't, you helped me beat the old hag and her stand, you helped me quadruple beat the hell out of Steely Dan, you helped us realize the Sun's stand user's stupid technique of making us unable to find him, and you are willing to help anyone in anyway. So don't go doubting yourself. Okay."

"I'll always be here and be there for you. I promise."

"We will see the stars over the miracle of saving my mother from DIO. And we will defeat him together side by side. Do you promise too?"

"I promise."

Diana came back to her senses and looked at Delilah with her founded pride.

"I am not evil. And I am not you or DIO. I am Divine, Diana Divine. I've lived through hell after losing my father but I soon grew to love again. With the boy I love. Jotaro Kujo."

All the evil that was going to consume Diana purifies.

Delilah frowned. "This world as it is holds disgust and filth in humanity. Maybe Dio is doing the world a favor? You can't change your fate."

"Something that Grandpa Joseph said to me when I was younger was that Rhapsody was a woman of beauty, peace, love, kindness, and justice. She fought for the ones she loved and defeated the one who she thought would never betray her. I can predict that DIO only wants me for power like Kars did Rhapsody. She fell in love with Caesar because of his selflessness, compassion, and willingness to fight for his ancestory. I have to say I cannot be as amazing as Rhapsody was but I can be someone better than who I was years ago and now. Like Rhapsody I am willing to fight for my loved ones. The thing about what you believe in this world is wrong. I believe in it. Faith in it."

"Faith in what?! Everlasting love? Indestructible friendships?"

"All of it. I believe in this world. And my friends Joseph Joestar, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Muhammad Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Iggy, and Jotaro Kujo! Who are willing to fight for it now! And Rhapsody who fought for it."

"You're a fool. There's nothing worthwhile in this world for anyone to believe in!"

"I AM WILLING TO FIGHT FOR THE WORLD WE BELIEVE IN" Diana shouted. "You're just corrupted in thoughts of the dangers in the world. Have you ever tried looking at the great things this world has done for you?"

"Diana, you're still naive. What makes you think you can run from what you've done. You need to understand."

Diana walks towards Delilah and hugs her. "I have always felt guilty about my past, but that doesn't defy me anymore. There may be differences between us but there is also the one true thing we have in common. We are free now."

"You are not Evil." Delilah smiled. "You are Diana Divine. Thank you."

Delilah lastly said as she faded sending warm aura of peace in Diana's being.

Back to Reality

  "I see that you are awake now. My grandchild." DIO said as he walked towards her. "Have you made your mind? Are you evil? Or-"

She cut him off by using her stand to punch him away from her. "I am me, myself, and I! If you ever get near me I will kill you. I'm going to fight you with my friends by my side! It's a promise I made to JoJo."

DIO just laughed wickedly as she ran out of his room in search for anyone.

"Everyone. Wait for me!"
Author: What will happen next? See you next session!

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