Session 31: Sun of a...

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"All righty... Now that everybody's gotten the hang of it... Let's cross the dessert! Off we go, you guys! Head NorthWest! Hey! Hey! I said Hey!" Joseph, who was all bandaged up because of his earlier stunt, shouted as he tried to ride the camel once more.

"..." They all tried moving the camels but went into different directions.

Time skip

They crossed the desert on the camels with a palm tree attached behind them dragging the sand in a straight line as the sun's rays heated us. Kakyoin was looking back once again.

"Strange. I can't help but feel like we're being watched..."

"Kakyoin, don't you think you're being to paranoid? We're cleaning up our tracks with these palm fronds. We can see dozens of Kilometers in all directions. We'll know if someone's watching..."

"No, Polnareff... I've been sensing someone's presence too..."

"Better take a look around then, Jotaro." Joseph said as Jotaro brought out a pair of binoculars and Star Platinum. "Do you see anything out of the ordinary?"

"No... I don't see anything... But something's not right..."

"Something's what...?" She looked everywhere around her view.

"Hey, let's get going. We'll put up a tent once the sun sets. It's blazing out here! Look. It's 50 degrees Celsius!" Polnareff said bringing out a thermometer."Right around this time is when it's hottest...!... Jotaro! What time does your watch say?"


"We... We might of last track of time, but... What's going on? It's passed eight o' clock at night! Why isn't the Sun setting?"

"N-No way! The thermometer jas gone to 60 degrees! It's not setting...! The Sun is rising in the west! The entire Sun is..."

"A stand!!"

"M-My God! We're in the middle of the desert! That Sun is the stand?" Joseph yelled as they all got off their camels and hid behind rocks.

"At this rate, it'll be like this all day... I mean all night! That stand is going to roast us to death!" Polnareff yelled in panic.

"We're not gonna die!" Diana said slapping him back to reality

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"

"No... It won't take that long. Even a sauna can be dangerous... If you stay in for more than 30 minutes."

"How are we going to fight that thing?!"

They all panted as they suffered under the Stand's heat.

"Damn! The temperature just rose to 70 degrees! You can't even tell if that Sun stand is close or far away! There's no sense of distance!" Polnareff panted.

"Have mercy, I haven't felt heat like this in my life!!"

"The fastest way... Is to take care of the stand user." Jotaro furrowed his brows as sweat slipped down his face.

(Jjba)||Book2||Wannabe||(JotaroxOc)||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now