Session 11: Bonjour~

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"D.D!"Jotaro heard Joseph yell at Diana. He turned to see that she had her stands fist right through the old man.

She killed the old bastard. He did deserve to be punished but not killed! Diana... She's growing more savage. Jotaro thought a little concerned for Diana's sanity. She used her stand to pierce right through him.

He would of died anyway seeing how his fight with Kakyoin ended. Diana scoffed.

"Alright brat that's enough!" Diana turns to look at me and nods her head as she kicked the old bastard's body to the side. The two bitches then trembled in fear of Diana as she ran past them to the other passengers getting life coats.

"You stewardesses are real pros. Not a scream out of you. No need for me to get angry. Now, this old man is gonna land the plane on the ocean, so make sure you follow the brat's lead to make sure the passengers have their life jackets and seatbelts ready!" Diana paced around looking for the said life jackets.

"You know, Jotaro... I think the reason why D.D ran to help the passengers because she knew the stories or me being in a plane that's about to crash three times, can you believe it?" Joseph said chuckling nervously making the other's a little concerned.

"No way in hell I'm ever riding with you again!" Jojo face palmed.

Time skip: Hong Kong

They landed the plane safely and were on their way to restaurant Joseph was leading them to.

Right when Diana was gonna go inside Joseph makes a hand signal that he wants to talk to her privately.  They nod back at each other as they made their way outside.

"D.D what you did was a terrible thing to do, and I know you know that. Why did you do it. If you tell me I promise I won't get mad." Joseph scolded her.

"If I tell you, you will get mad." She looked down guilty.

He lifted her head with his hand, "Didn't I promise that I won't get mad?"

She slowly nod at his words.

"Do I break my promises?"

She shook her head.

"What did I promise before any of this?"

"You promised that everything is going to be alright." She slowly began to smile again.

"Then tell me. Why did you do that?"

"Because, at that time I was scared of losing my friends as well as innocent people dying while not being aware of the danger that occured and I thought 'Who is it?! Which passenger is controlling it?! Just who! Because I will fucking kill them the worst way possible for killing people as a hobbie. It may be wrong but it's justice that I will kill that person. No matter who they are'."

"D.D you are not Dirty Diana or evil. You are divine. Diana Divine. D.D to be exact. Always remember that." He said as he pat her head.

"Ok! I will Grandpa!" She swiftly covered her mouth.

"I'm sorry Joseph, I--"

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