Session 14: I love the way you lie~

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"Yare yare daze." Jotaro mumbled as he put his cap down to hide his face. I feel stupid for blushing at what the brat said.

The group then see the kid that the crewmate had in his grasp bite his arm escaped and jumped right in the water.

"Oho! Jumped right in, eh? They've got guts!" Polnareff said.

"They're trying to swim to shore!" Kakyoin added in concern for the kid.

"Do we let them?" Joseph asked.

"Have mercy, at least we know the kid's not a enemy stand user."

"Pft! Forget them. They wouldn't of jumped in if they weren't a good swimmer." Jotaro told them making them somewhat agree.

  "That idiot! They'll never make it! There are a lot of sharks in the wayer near here." The crewmate said making Diana grow concern and... Excited?

"Really?! There are sharks! I want to see one and hug it!" She said as she watched the kid still attempt to swim to shore. "Look! It's right there! The shark!"

"Yare yare daze! What are you doing brat!"

Diana started stripping off her clothes. All the men looked away with blushes evident on their faces.

"Show some respect!" Joseph smacked Polnareff.

"I was the only one looking!!"

Taking off her clothes left her with a... swimsuit under?

Since when did she...? Yare yare daze, I will never understand women. Jotaro grumbled.

  "Wha?! Come back! D.D! Kid! It's dangerous out there!"

"There's a shark out there! A shark!" Polnareff yelled right after Joseph.

Diana swam towards the kid when they finally saw the shark that was about to attack them untill...

Diana went ahead in hugging a shark?!

  "You better get going kid!"


"You moving is attracting it towards you!! Calm down!"

Diana let go of the shark and tried to direct it away from the kid.

Jotaro had enough of the whole shenanigans. He used his stand Star Platinum to punch the shark out of the way as he grabbed both of them towards the boat.

The two were confused when Jotaro suddenly paused. He reach his hands on both their chests and compared them making the kid flustered and Diana pissed off.

"You're a girl... And a young one at that compared to the brat." Jotaro scoffed as he removed her cap revealing the girls feminine looks more evident as her long hair swept behind her head.

"You ass hat!" Diana yelled as she got ready to slap him.

"Yare yare daze." Jotaro huffed as he caught her hand easily.

Something then swam very fast towards them in high speed and cuts the shark that Jotaro punched in half.

  "Oh no! Look out, Jotaro! D.D! Below you! Something's coming up from the bottom of the ocean! It's not a shark... And it's moving quickly! Jotaro grab D.D and the kid, hurry up! Swim to the boat!" Joseph warned frantically.

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