Session 17: Anne, are you ok?

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"What kind of sick game is this! I'm not playing these games!" Diana stomped right away in disappointment as she looked around for anybody in the empty ship.

"No captain in the control room, no engineer in the radio room! Yet look at this! Everything seems to be working fine!" Joseph said as he examined the rooms in the ship.

"Maybe they're all in the can with the runs?!" Polnareff suggested.

"Maybe they are all ghosts? Or maybe they where all kidnapped and left this ship to work itself to send help? That be pretty clever for them to do if that were the case." Diana shrugged.

"Look over here! Check out this room! It's an ape! Some kind of ape in a cage." The girl said as everyone entered the room.

"Who in their right minds keeps an orangutan on their ship unsupervised! Things would go ape-shit!" Diana smirked.

"Who cares about the ape? Let's find out who's feeding it. And nice joke D.D." Joseph said as he left the room. "Avdol! Look out! That sailor!"

The sailor's body dangled by the crane that moved by itself.

"Yare yare daze, now that isn't the way to greet a girl, is it?" Jotaro said as he covered the girls eyes with his hands.

"That's brutal." Diana looked away. "I was never one to like the sight of organs coming out. It gives me chills."

"But... Nobody touched a thing! Nobody touched the controls! The crane lever moved all by itself! I saw it!" " So... The crane killed him on it's own?!" " How?!" The Speedwagon Foundation sailors said to one another.

"We'll need to be careful. I'll go with... What's your name, sweetheart?"

"I thought I already told you, Diana, it's Jean P--"

"The brat asked the girl not you, Polnareff."

"My name is Anne... Miss."

"Ok! Stay with me, Anne. I don't wanna see a young girl like yourself get hurt in any way. Ok?"


"I'm going with Anne to make sure that she's safe! You guys better watch yourselves."

The girls walked together leaving the men.

"I don't know what's going on, but it seems like bad stuff happens wherever those guys are... Are they jinxed?"

"Well... I guess you can say that, Anne. We seem to attract trouble thanks to some acient old man. We're your allies Anne so you can trust us."

The girls found themselves back to where the orangutan remained dormant.

The orangutan pointed at the lock.

"You want us to let you out? We can't... We don't have the key, plus you're so big." She said to it.

It then offered a clean cut apple towards them.

"Is that for us?" She asked it.

"Anne, this is bizarre, that apple has been cut by a knife and hasn't gotten brown yet."

"Hey! So there is someone else on this ship! Do you know the person who feeds you is?" She asked it.

The orangutan then grabs a cigarette and lights it up with a match.

"Anne I don't like the way this thing thinks... What the hell?!" Diana covered Anne's eyes from seeing the playboy magazine the Orangutan had in it's hands.

"Hey! Look out girls!" "They say an orangutan has five times the strength of a human. He could rip your off arm easily." "Now come over to the room down the hall with us. Don't stay by yourselves." "Miss Divine Mr. Joestar requests for your assistance." The sailors informed.

"Anne will you be ok on your own?" Once Diana got her confirmation she grinned. "Alright you're a tough girl. See you!"

"Unthinkable! I had Hierophant Green scour every corner, yet I didn't sense a human anywhere!"

"Not even inside pipes or the tiniest cracks?"

Kakyoin nods his head that not even in those places was his stand able to detect people.

"Ass hat, I'm worried about Anne. Can you check on her?"

Jotaro nodded and went ahead to check on her.

After awhile when Jotaro walked off to check on Anne the ship grabbed a hold on them like quicksand.

"Have mercy! What the heck is going on?! I'm stuck!!! Oh No!"

"What is this?!" Polnareff moved his arms around.

"No! It can't be?! The freighter! Could this ship itself be...?!"

"The very ship we're on is the stand! On my go--" Diana was suddenly pulled down.


Diana was taken back when she found herself on a about her level of the stand ship. She shrieked when she saw Anne left in nothing but a towel.

"Anne are you ok?!?"

She nods her head yes and points to... "Ass hat!"

Jotaro was wrapped in pipes with his Star Platinum out bounded to the ship's wall.

"Why does that weird fucking orangutan have clothes on? Ew get the fuck away from me!" Diana scrambled away from it as she pushed Anne behind her. "What the fuck is that. What the fuck is that, the fucking orangutan? Hey, don't fucking look at me like that. That's a weird fucking orangutan. Ass hat! There's a wierd fucking orangutan inside. I don't want it starting a fight with Anne. Anne It's ok. It's ok Anne don't worry about it. Ass hat! ASS HAT THERE'S A WEIRD FUCKING ORANGUTAN INSIDE! It-it looks like my Grandma(Not Mama Suzie), the fucking thing. HEY GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! I don't even know if it's a fucking orangutan, blink, mother fucker! AAAH!"

The Orangutan went full speed straight to the girls.
Author: I had to type that! it's fucking funny! See you next session!

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