Session 16: Friends

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"Jotaro!" Diana called for him as she swam in the water uninjured, the men looked shocked seeing her.

"Impossible?! How were you able to get in without dying?! Diana! Tell me why?!"

"Ain't nothing but a heart ache!~"

"Tell me why?!!" The bastard asked again more scared as she swam closer to both of them almost in her stands range.

"Ain't nothing but a mistake!~"

"Why are you here, brat! Tell me why?!" Jotaro asked still covered in barnacles.

"I never wanna here you say!~"

Star Platinum used star finger like Jotaro said and broke the guys head like a ora-nge.

"I want it that way!~" Diana ended the lyric.

The two quickly reached the surface and inhaled the air they've been missing.

"Wow! Ass hat, you look like a hot anime guy!" Diana commented.

Jotaro scoffed and mumbled his "Yare yare daze."

"Say... Ass hat! What exactly were you thinking when that bastard had you?"

"The only thing that was on my mind was how gross it would be when I kicked his ass and he'd piss his pants underwater."

"Who knew you could be funny? Ha ha ha ha!!"

"Those are my Grandkids! I feel so proud!" Joseph waved his arms around getting their attention.

"You didn't answer my question earlier, brat."

"I guess I just didn't want to see you get killed... You're someone I would truly call a friend." Diana smiled at him. "Ow. Why do you always flick my forehead?" She held her forehead sticking her tongue out at him.

"I guess that makes two, brat."

Somewhere in Egypt...

"Enyaba... Let me ask you... What does it mean to live?"

"To gain what you want. If you were to simplify life info one sentence, that would be. A lust for riches, fame, food, love, and lovers... He he he he he..."

"But you must always fight to get what you want, correct, Enyaba?"

"And when you fail to get what you want you feel frustration, loss, hurt, and you fear the next battle. I, DIO have lost my Diana because of those Joestars. Sigh. As I, DIO, was saying... To live, for me is to overcome fear. The one who stands at the pinnacle! The one who has fear! Do you understand, Enyaba?"

"I have taught you of stands, and how to use them. With your stand and your immortal body... What do you fear?"


"What are you referring to?"

"The Joestar blood-line."

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