Session 21: Focus on the road there is nothing but the roads

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"Look, D.D, I said I was sorry..."

"You had to make me leave ass hat during our date because of that living wart that was on your arm." Diana pouted. "And they don't even have peanut butter sandwiches in their menues!"

"Please. I'm sorry. Can you forgive this old man."

"Fine. Now let's go to Egypt!"

"Sure gets cold up here in Northern India. We are close to the Himalayas, after all. We should be at the Pakistani border soon."

"There're a lot of narrow roads here too. You better watch where you drive, Polnareff." Joseph added.

"This car up ahead looks like it's on last legs. Get out of the way! I'm gonna pass him."

"Hey, Polnareff! Watch your driving!" Kakyoin tensed up as Polnareff nearly drifted off the road.

"He he he he! How about that four wheel drive? Smooth sailin' on this rough terrain!"

"Polnareff... Did you just knock some rocks into that car?! We can't afford any accidents or incidents right now. They might have a warrant out for me back in Benares because of the incident with the doctor. I just want to get across the border and outta here!"

"Well... I guess it's goodbye to India, then." Noriaki stared out the car window.

"Yeah. When I first got here I thought 'This place is a mess!' But now that were leaving, I'm gonna miss it. The crowds in Calcutta... The water flowing down the Ganga..." Joseph smirked as he looked back.

"I'll come back here one day... To give Avdol a proper grave."

The others remained quiet at Polnareff's statement till he suddenly break checked on them nearly tossing Diana out the window.

"What's wrong, Polnareff?! Why'd you slam on the breaks like that?!" Kakyoin was unnerved.

"Didn't I just tell you that we can't have anymore accidents?! Keep your eyes on the road!"

"Focus on the road there is nothing but the road!" Diana yelled punching his arm. "I almost fell out the car if it weren't for the seatbelt saving me!!"

"Ow! I'm sorry guys and Diana! Th-That's not the problem... Look who's standing in the road! I can't believe it!" He said pointing at... Anne?!

"Yare Yare daze." Jotaro said as he put his cap down.

"Yo! We meet again! How 'bout a ride?" Anne said holding up a peace sign with her hand.

"Oh! But we left you in Singapore! Weren't going to Singapore to see your father?" Kakyoin her while she gets in the car.

"Duh, that was obliviously a lie! I just ran away from home." She said as she sat in Joseph's lap since there was no more empty seats or space for her.

"Hey! Who said you could get in? Why are you in India?! How'd you get past the border-- and end up here?!" Joseph asked her as she got settled down in her 'seat'.

"Who cares? The gang's back together again, right? Let's just have a good time!" She said like it was nothing to worry about.

"Throw her out the window! She'll just be in the way! And we'll have to save her again!" Polnareff bluntly stated.

"I'll have to agree with Jean on this one guys." Diana pat Anne's head. "I wouldn't want an innocent child getting hurt."

"Look, want some porn? It's Indian porn! I stole these from a gift shop. You like sexy pictures, right?" Anne says as she bring those unholy photos out of her pockets.

"Hey! You're too young to have those things!"

"Still think she's innocent??"

"I'm starting to think that Anne just doesn't give two craps about anything. At this point she won't listen to what any older person tells her to do. Then again I do hate police so who am I to say." Diana shrugged.

Both Joseph and Anne then started complaining about her tagging along.

"I have to admit... You're pretty amazing if you came all this way on your own." Kakyoin said while the two still argue.

"She's just a pickpocket. Wait! Maybe she's a stand user? Like a theif stand or something? Kick her out. But keep the porn." Polnareff tried to shooed her away.

"Yakamashi! You idiots are pissing me off!" Jotaro said startling all of them and make Anne swoon for him. "We'll take her to the border. Then we'll put her on a plane back to her home. Hong Kong, right?"

Everyone nodded their heads except Anne.

While driving,  Anne was talking about women's growth so that she can attract guys and then asks me a question.

"Say, Diana. What did you do when you where my age? What size where you and are you now? Please tell me." She asked her making the men curious about her background.

"Well... When I was your age I was in prison at 13 a little older than you for murder and causing fights. I would beat anyone up when they messed with me or even talk about me. My size is something I would tell you but we're surrounded by men so I won't say. Does that answer your questions?" I said to her.

"Is that true, Diana?" Anne asked again.


"That's so cool!"

"Not really, but I admire your enthusiasm!"

We then see the car from earlier behind us.

"It's the car we passed earlier. Looks like he's in a hurry." Jotaro says looking back at the car.

"That hunk of junk. He was the one driving slow. And now he's riding my tail? What the hell?"

"Polnareff, go off to the side and let him pass." Joseph instructed.

He nods, opens the car window, and does a hand signal to show that he's going to let the other driver pass.

The car  got slower on purpose infront of them making dust and dirt get inside the car.

"What's the deal here? Now he's going slow again. Come on, you got the road, now go!"

"If this guy's going to drive this slow then I mind as well sleep during this bull that's happening. Wake me up when we get there." Diana grabbed Jotaro's cap and set it on her head for shade as she rested.

"Tch. Brat."
Author: Reminder! I also do one-shots! See you next session!

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