Session 8: Fleshbud!

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Time skip: Kujo residence

"This is no good. It's too late. We can't save him. He'll die in a few days." Joseph concluded through his inspections on Noriaki's unconscious body.

"Jotaro, D.D... This is not you guy's fault. Look. Do you know why? Why this young man will obey DIO, even to kill? Let me show you!" Joseph said as he revealed the parasite on Noriaki's forehead.

"Have mercy!" Diana gagged bumping into Jotaro.

"You brat! Quit doing dumb ass things already!" Jotaro grunted as he held the back hem of her crop top to pull her off him.

"Getting close are we~?"

"Yare yare daze." He scoffed he plopped her on the floor again.

"Tsk. Ass hat." Diana smirked.

I sure love to tease my friends~ Diana chuckled.

Flashback: School

"You caught me off gaurd before, Kakyoin. I'm glad our stands aren't weak, but it feels like mine is getting more and more savage." Jotaro lowly smirked.

He used the terms 'us', 'we', and 'our' Diana thought with wide eyes.


Jotaro turned his head, facing her.

"Are we friends?"

"Psh. I guess so, brat."

"Yay! Thanks Ass hat!"

"Oh! And brat." He called up to her as she checked the nurse's pulse to see if she was alright.

"Yeah? Ass hat."

"So you were Dirty Diana, right?" She nods at his words, hardening her face, when he mentioned that.

"I could care less who you are brat. D.D, Dirty Diana, or just Diana. You are still a brat." He said flicking her  forehead.

"Now lets go. Move your ass brat." He spoke lowly as he starts heading to his house with Noriaki on his shoulder.

"Jotaro..."  He raised a brow.

"That is the nicest thing you have ever said to me!" She cried hugging his torso.

"Oi! Get off me brat!" He yelled as he kept his hold on Noriaki tighter.

"I know you like me~"

" Tch! You're just tolerable. Don't get your hopes up too high. Now let's go."

"Oh~ playing hard to get~" Diana giggled.

"Hey! Wait for me!"  She ran to his side.

"So is this a thing now~?"

"Yare yare daze." Jotaro sighed as he brought his cap down.

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