36 - I'll Come Back To You.

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"I guess I should start with the day I... uhhh... went away." Kookie said while softly smiling but Jimin looked down with a sad face.

"I never thought you would leave me." Jimin said with a kind of a shaky voice.

Kookie gave a soft chuckle at that. "I didn't, Chim."

Jimin's head snapped up in an instant. "You didn't?"

Kookie shock his head in confirmation.

"I went for work that day morning. I didn't wait till you woke up, cause you know, I was still angry with you. But I didn't leave you. I would never do that to you."

"Then what happened?"

"I went to the countryside that day, got few photos in the evening. Stayed at a small inn that night. I went to see some more sceneries early in the morning next day. I was just walking over a bridge and a car hit me-"

Kookie's words were cut by a loud gasp from Jimin. Hi had his hand pressed over his mouth. "Oh my God!!"

"Yeah. I hit my head somewhere and lost consciousness. I was told that I had floated about 10 miles down, before someone pulled me out."

"Oh my God!" Jimin's face looked half terrified and half guilty. "I'm so sorry, Kookie. I should have tried to find you. I just..."

"It's ok. You didn't know."

"But I should have at least tried to see that you were ok." Jimin looked really ashamed. "What happened after that?"

"A good man had rescued me from the river and he had nursed me back to health. But because I had hit my head, I lost all my memories. I didn't even knew what my name was or where I was from. I just got my memories back few days ago only."

Jimin kept on looking down. He couldn't imagine what Kookie had gone through and it was his fault for not trying to find him. For over two years, he had left his husband stranded with a stranger, without knowing anything about himself.

Jimin didn't want to give excuses but he felt like he needed to explaine what happened. Kookie deserved to know that.

"I didn't call you on the day you left cause I was angry with you too. But I called the next day and your phone was off. I thought you had purposefully switched your phone off cause maybe you were still angry with me."

"I tried for few days but it was still off. That's when I got scared. I knew we had our differences but I just couldn't believe you would leave me like that."

"Then I checked your stuff in our room and I found the offer letter you got from that American university and it messed with my head. I searched for your passport but couldn't find it anywhere. So I thought that you l-left m-me."

Now it was Kookie's turn to feel guilty. He could imagine what Jimin had gone through when he thought that his husband left him.

"The passport was about to be expired in two months." Kookie explained in a soft voice. "I've been meaning to get it renewed so I took it that day, thinking that I'll get it done on my way home."

Jimin gave a nod in understanding. So many coincidental things have happened which had led him to believe that Kookie had left him. So in return, he didn't try to contact him and just decided to live his life alone.

"I contacted the university about 6 months ago when, you know..." Jimin let his sentence drag and Kookie knew he was talking about Yoongi.

"That's when I got to know that you never made it there. But so much time had passed already and I didn't know where to start to look for you."

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