25 - Must Be Hard Living Like That.

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"Cause I'm in love with you too."

Taehyung felt his heart soar at this declaration. He confessed today purely out of impulse. He didn't mean to say it this early cause he thought maybe Kookie needs some time more but he's glad he did it.

"Thank you, baby. You made me really happy." Taehyung whispered as he released the man in his arms.

Kookie looked down in shyness. He pulled back and picked up the brush Taehyung put down.

"G-go back to your seat. I need to finish drawing." Kookie mumbled in a shy way, making Taehyung chuckle a bit as he walked back to his chair.

Kookie started to do his work again. Both were really happy in their own world that they didn't notice the man standing out side the window.

Hoseok saw Taehyung walking by and followed him as he wanted to talk to him. He wanted to apologise. It's not that he regret what he did, he just wanted to be on talking terms with Taehyung.

He finally saw Taehyung walking inside the art room and after debating with himself, Hoseok looked in from the glass window. He couldn't hear what they were talking but the actions were undoubtedly romantic.

Hoseok fumed with anger as he realized Taehyung had chosen a stranger with a only a few months of a memory span over him. What's so special about that bastard anyway? He was still angry when he went to his next class.

Hoseok tried to focused but he couldn't, the scene he witnessed kept playing in front of his eyes. After trying for some time, Hoseok gave up and asked the students to do some work for the rest of the period.

That turned out to be a very bad idea as he could hear the 3 girls in the front row talking animatedly. The subject was Mr Kookie. Hoseok could not stand listening to the girls as they discussed how pretty and handsome Mr Kookie is, or how talented he is etc.

One of the girls confessed that she liked Kookie and the other 2 girls tried to console their friend. They all looked rather emotional with the whole thing. Suddenly Hoseok had an idea.

"I don't know if it's a good thing to get close to Mr Kookie like that girls. Poor guy have enough troubles as it is." Hoseok said in an apparent sympathetic voice.

"What do you mean, Mr Jung?" One of the girls asked confusedly.

"Oh, I mean Mr Kookie have enough troubles with life. Can't be easy to live like that." Hoseok replied as he noticed that the whole class is listening in to the conversation.

"Why Mr Jung? Is Mr Kookie ok, is he sick or something?" The girls were close to tears now.

"Oh no.. nothing like that. Don't worry guys. He's ok. So what if he had lost his memory-" Hoseok suddenly stopped and looked at the class with horrified look, as if he didn't meant to say that.

"Oh I'm so sorry guys. Please don't say anything about this. Kookie is already struggling to live in a strange place without any memory. I don't want to trouble anymore."

But the entire class was now talking in groups so they were not actually listening to Hoseok. And Hoseok didn't mind it at all.

"But are you sure, Mr Jung? Cause Mr Kim said that Mr Kookie have a significant other. How would he know  if he doesn't have his memory?" One of the girls asked and Hoseok almost exploded.

'A significant other?? So they are gone to that level already' Hoseok thought bitterly. He took a few seconds to calm down and answered.

"Oh I'm sure Mr Kim is just trying to look out for the poor guy. He's the one who has found Kookie. So he must have felt obliged to look after him." Hoseok explained in what looked like a kind and compassionate way.

But in his heart, he was smile so brightly at the bomb he just dropped.
It was his last class for the day and Kookie was almost done with his lesson. He had the next period free and was hoping to meet with Taehyung. As he walked around, checking  the kids work, one of the girls stopped him.

"Uhh..Mr Kookie?"

"Yes, Miso?"

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened to you. We are all here for you, Mr Kookie." Miso said with a soft smile but Kookie only looked at her confusedly.

"What do you mean, Miso?"

"We know about your condition Mr Kookie." Another boy chimed in, also with a soft understanding look.

Kookie felt a fear rise in his heart. They couldn't have known about him right?

"It must be really difficult when you lose your memory. You are not alone, Mr Kookie." Another girl said and the entire class hummed and nodded in agreement.

Kookie felt that couldn't breath, it was as if someone had put a bag around his face. He was suffocating. Kookie looked around at the kids, all of whom were having sympathetic and caring looks but for Kookie, it felt like pity.

If there is one thing he hates, it someone pitying him. He quickly mumbled a apology and ran out of the class. He didn't know where he was going but he just had to get out.
Taehyung walked in for his next class and he was kind of surprised to see the students bundled up and talking. They didn't even noticed when he walked in.

"Wow! You guys are not even acknowledging your teacher now?" Taehyung said in a teasing tone as he kept his books on the table

One by one the students turned to face him. They all looked very shaken up, some were even crying. Taehyung got immediately worried.

"What's going on here? Is something wrong?" Taehyung asked in an concerned voice.

"Something terrible happened Mr Kim. We swear, we didn't mean to make him upset." A boy spoke up and everyone nodded their heads.

The boy quickly explained what happened and Taehyung was shocked and enraged. There was only handful of people who knew about Kookie's condition and only one of them was capable of doing a thing like this. Hoseok.

Taehyung told the kids to to some other work and he went out to find Kookie. He called Kookie's phone repeatedly and Kookie answered after about 10 time.

"Tae.."The voice that came through the phone was enough to break Taehyung's heart.

"Kookie, baby where are you?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice.

"Rooftop." Kookie's voice sounded so vulnerable.

Taehyung immediately ran to the rooftop and when he reached there, he was met with a heartbreaking sight. Kookie was sitting on the floor, with his back leaned on the wall.

He had his head tucked between his knees and was clutching the phone tightly. Taehyung immediately ran to him and kneeled in front of him.

Kookie lifted his head when he heard someone infront him. He had tears in his eyes as he looked at his boyfriend.

"Tae..t-they all k-know." Kookie was having trouble with getting a sentence out.

Taehyung quickly wrapped his hands around Kookie in a protective manner and felt the other shaking a bit. He ran his hand over Kookie's back in a soothing manner till he calmed down.

"I know baby, I know. I'm so sorry." Taehyung kept on repeating the same thing.

Kookie calmed down after few minutes and just stayed there in his boyfriend's protective embrace. He didn't know how he could face the kids again or what he's gonna say to them.

But he pushed back all those thoughts and focused only on Taehyung. On the warmth in his arms and the sound of his heartbeat.

And in that moment, everything was alright.

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