04 - Guess I Like Banana Milk.

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The police station was not much help as the could not properly check anything with out a name. They checked the missing persons reports but no one was there that would match Kookie's description.

It could mean either the records were not yet updated or no one has reported Kookie missing yet. According to the police, these things normally take about a month so they agreed to come back later to check again.

After they came out of the police station, Namjoon and Jin went home as Taehyung and Kookie said they will take a walk in the village. Taehyung dutifully showed the other all the attractions and useful places in the village.

"Few miles on this road is where the school I teach is at. Namjoon hyung is the headmaster there. I teach music and singing to the kids." Taehyung said as he pointed to a road.

"Oh.. why aren't you going to school now?" Kookie asked with a surprised tone as he had not seen Taehyung going anywhere.

"It's holidays these days. School is starting next week actually."

"Are you going to school with Namjoon hyung?" Kookie asked as he didn't see a vehicle at Taehyung's place.

"No. I take my bicycle. There's a shortcut from home and it's not that far. It's good for morning exercises also." Taehyung answered with a soft smile.

They walked silently for few more minutes. Kookie had somethings on his mind and after thinking for sometime, he said it to Taehyung.

"I-I'm sure you sing beautifully. I hope I'll have the chance to hear it." Kookie said in a soft voice and looked away in shyness.

Taehyung felt a small smile creeping in to his face too. "I'll sing for you, one day."

Kookie was full on blushing mode now. They were walking side by side when Kookie's hand accidentally brushed against Taehyung's. They both jumped a little as if they felt a electricity running between and pulled their hands to the front a bit.

Taehyung felt the urge to touch and hold the other's hand but couldn't gather the courage to do so. He didn't think Kookie would mind it but still couldn't bring himself to make the first move.

Suddenly there was a sound of a fast vehicle approaching from behind them and Taehyung instinctively wrapped a hand around Kookie's waist, pulling him away from the road and in to his chest.

"Hey!! Watch where you're going fool!!" Taehyung yelled at the driver who was actually gone too far to hear anything and looked at the man in his embrace.

They locked eyes for few seconds before realising the pose they are in and Taehyung quickly removed his hand.

"S-sorry." Taehyung muttered with a flustered face.

"I-it's ok. Thanks." Kookie was equally flustered and looked away with a soft smile.

It was a relief for both of them when they saw the cafe across the street.

"S-should we?" Taehyung asked tentatively and Kookie gave a nod.

"Yeah, let's go drink something."

Together they entered the cafe and the girl at the counter gave a warm welcome to Taehyung.

"Oh.. Tae! Hi.." the girl said in a loud, flirtatious voice, showing her heart eyes at him too.

Kookie didn't know why exactly but he suddenly wanted poke hard at those eyes. But instead, he shifted nervously behind Taehyung as he was too much of a coward to even glare at her.

"Hi Jenny. One strawberry milkshake for me and...Kookie, what do you want?" Taehyung asked gently as he turned around to look at the man behind him.


"Or they have coffee too. What would you like?"

Suddenly Kookie felt a splitting pain in his head and he pressed a hand to the side of his head.

'Here you go, Banana milkshake. your favourite.'

Kookie lowered his head a bit and tried to breathe through the pain. It was the same voice as the last time and he was sure it was addressing him.

Taehyung immediately held him by his arms and bent a little to catch his eye.

"Hey, are you ok?" Taehyung asked in a concerned voice and Jungkook gave a weak smile at that.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. I-I'll have a b-banana milkshake." Kookie whispered, hoping that Taehyung would take the hint and not ask anything here.

The girl was looking at him with a frown and Kookie was sure it was for the concerned way Taehyung was treating him.

'Ha! Take that!' Jungkook thought smugly, his headache momentarily forgotten.

"Ok. Go and sit. I'll bring your drink." Taehyung said with a smile and watched Kookie as he walked towards a table and sat down.

He turned to the girl and gave the order. "One Strawberry and one Banana milkshake."

The girl, Jenny looked at the man with a curious gaze.

"Who's that, Tae? I haven't seen him before."

"He's my friend. From uhh... out of town."

"Oh.. " Jenny seems like she wanted to say something else but Taehyung cut her off.

"Call me when it's done ok."

With that Taehyung jogged to the corner table that Jungkook had picked  and sat down on the opposite chair. He looked at the man who was massaging his temples gently with a frown on his face.

He waited patiently till Kookie gave a soft sigh and looked at him.

"Another one?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice and Kookie sighed in response.

"Yeah. Apparently I like banana milk. Why can't it be something important? Like my fucking name?!" Kookie hissed in annoyance.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your memory will come back eventually. How's the head?"

"Better than the last time."

Just then, Jenny came with their drinks so they paused the talk. Jenny kept Kookie's drink on the table  without even looking at him properly but for Taehyung's drink, she gave a huge smile.

"Here you go, Tae." Jenny said as she twirled a part of her hair with her fingers.

"Thanks Jenny." Taehyung answered politely.

She waited for few more seconds but it was clear that Taehyung was not interested in a conversation. Jenny clearly saw how he was stealing glances at Kookie so she left the table with one last smile.

Kookie however was not looking at either of them. His mind was solely on the memory he just had. Taehyung waited till Kookie was ready and  looked at him again to continue the conversation they had.

"Same voice?" Taehyung's voice slightly wavered at the very end.

Kookie just nod his head at that. Neither of them wanted to talk about the implications of that but they both were definitely thinking about it.

What if it is someone special?

You Are Mine - Taekook Love Story.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant