15 - Show Me Only The Kisses.

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They came back from school together, flirted a little on the way and flirted some more in the house. Taehyung was giggling like a teenage girl and Kookie was a blushing mess.

Kookie offered to make them tea and after about halfway was done, Taehyung came in to the kitchen. He sat on the kitchen counter near Kookie and just watched the other work.

When Kookie had finished, Taehyung gently pulled him towards himself and made him stand between his legs. They were standing quite close and Kookie turned his face to the side in usual shyness.

"So." Taehyung said with a smile.

"So." Kookie shyly answered.

"So I was thinking, do I need to ask permission every time I need a kiss?"


"Every time I want to kiss you, do I need to ask for your permission or can I just... you know, do it?"

"Wha- I don't know." Kookie muttered with his face to the side, avoiding the other's gaze completely.

Taehyung gently grabbed Kookie's hands and placed them on his own waist. Kookie's fingers were shaking a bit but he didn't pull back. After few seconds, Kookie pressed his hands and held the other's waist more firmly.

Taehyung chuckled and placed his hands over Kookie's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. He could feel Kookie's lips trembling a bit just before he captured them with his own.

The kiss was slow and soft at first but right when it began to pick up pace, Taehyung heard Kookie letting out a pained whimper. He pulled back just as Kookie grabbed his head with both hands. His eyes were closed shut with evident pain and small gasps were leaving his mouth.

Taehyung quickly jumped down from the kitchen counter as Jungkook kneeled on the floor, still clutching his head with both hands. Taehyung pulled him on to his lap and wrapped his hands in a tight embrace and started to gently rub his back.

"Hey, it's ok.. it'll pass in a minute. I'm here.. Relax, baby." Taehyung kept on whispering soothing words in to Kookie's ear till the shaken man calm downed a bit.

"I-I'm sorry." Kookie whispered after few minutes. "I'm sorry for ruining everything."

"Kookie, don't be stupid. You didn't ruin anything." Taehyung tried to assure the other but Kookie shook his head.

"What are we doing, Tae? I can't even give you a kiss without having a meltdown. I-I... we can't-" Kookie was slightly shaking and Taehyung cut his words.

"We can and we will. I can take as many kisses as I want." Taehyung said a little sternly and Kookie looked up to see his face.

"Show me, please.."

Taehyung looked at those starry eyes, now shining with the traces of tears in them. He gave nod and gently pushed Kookie on to the floor and hovered over him.

He softly ran a finger over the other's lips before pressing his own lips on to them. The kiss was tentative as Taehyung didn't want to trigger another flashback.

He gradually heated up the kiss, watching intensely for any negative reaction from Kookie but when he didn't get one, he took the kiss to the next level.

He started to kiss Kookie little roughly and was rewarded with a surprised gasp. Taehyung bit the other's lower lip a little and Kookie immediately parted his lips in response.

There were no battle for dominance as Kookie let the other's tongue roam around his mouth however he liked. The pleasure he got from the wet muscle was making him moan against his will.

Taehyung pulled his mouth back when they ran out of breath just to attach it to Kookie's neck. He trailed a line of wet kisses from Kookie's jaw line to his collarbone, making the other wiggle a little in his hold.

Taehyung's hand subconsciously pushed up Kookie's tshirt a bit and sneaked under it but Kookie's hand immediately stopped it.

"Kisses!!" Kookie gasped out in a breathless voice. "I t-told to show me o-only kisses."

Taehyung quickly pulled back his hand. "Oh!! I'm s-sorry. I didn't knew my hand was doing that." Taehyung muttered with a flustered face scooted a little away from the other.

Kookie raised his upper body so that he was sitting on the floor and pushed his shirt down. "T-that's ok." Kookie mumbled quietly, his face was as red as a ripped tomato.

Taehyung stood up from the floor and extended a hand for the other to take and Kookie gently held it to get up from the floor too. Taehyung looked around a bit awkwardly before remembering the tea.

"Oh! The tea must have gotten cold now. Shall I make a new one?" Taehyung asked as he turned back to the kitchen counter to check it.

"It should be ok. We d-didn't take that l-long." Kookie answered and Taehyung could swear that he sensed a trace of disappointment in it.

"Uhh... did you wanted it to be longer? We can go again-"

"No!! I mean.. uhh... it's fine."


They both took their tea cups and walked towards the living room. For a while, there was only silence as both of them were lost in their own thoughts. Taehyung was the one who broke the silence at the end.

"Kookie, I want to ask about something." Taehyung said in a little nervous tone and the other gave a encouraging nod at that.

"Can I... uhh.. know what the flashback this time?"

Taehyung was looking intensely at the other's face for his emotions. Kookie looked down a bit before answering.

"More like the same as... uh... what we were doing." The last part was said in a whisper and Taehyung had to lean forward to hear it.

"I see. Is that how it was for the previous time too?"

Kookie thought for few seconds and realized that it is. Every flashback he had was directly related to what he was doing at that moment, some times the exact same thing.

He looked up at Taehyung with wide eyes and Taehyung realized that what he suspected was right. Kookie gets flashback when he does something similar. And almost all of them are related to this Chim person.

Taehyung couldn't help groan internally as he thought of another complication that could arise from this condition.

There were so many things that he would liked to do with Kookie but now, it seemed that Kookie will probably have an audience in the back of his head, remembering doing the same thing with another man.

And Taehyung didn't like that at all.

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