12 - I Know What I want.

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"You remember Mr Lee? We thought he's wearing the same sweater everyday to school when he really had 5 identical sweaters." Hoseok laughed loudly at his own story.

Taehyung laughed too. He felt kind of sad at Hoseok, the man is trying so hard to make him feel better but all he could think about was Kookie.

Taehyung sent Kookie a message saying he's going for a drink with Hoseok and got an 'ok' for a reply. He didn't want to call the other as he didn't feel like he could listen to his voice.

Taehyung and Hoseok has been drinking for about 2 hours now and both of them were getting slightly tipsy.

"I think we should call it a night, Hobi." Taehyung said as he finishes up  his glass.

"Nooo...." Hoseok whined like a child. "Let's stay some more Tae.."

"It's quite late now. And... uhh.. I should go home anyway." Taehyung said again with a slightly shaken voice.

"Why?! Because he's waiting?" Hoseok's voice had a strange emotion.

"W-what?" Taehyung was surprised.

"You know you shouldn't get attached to someone like him right? He's not good for you."

"Someone like him?" Taehyung asked with a frown.

"I-I.." Hoseok didn't know what to say. His head was kind of clouded from all the drinks he had which led him to say something he didn't want Taehyung to know.

"Hoseok, what do you know about him?"


"Don't lie to me."

"Alright!! I know about his condition. I know that he doesn't have a fucking clue about who he is even." Hoseok spat angrily.

Taehyung felt himself sobering up real quick. Only few people knew about Kookie and he can't even imagine how Hoseok got to know.

"How did you-"

"It doesn't matter how I know.. he's just an unwanted block in your life. You can do so much better than some bastard with amnesia!"

"How dare you talk about him like that?!" Taehyung got up from his chair angrily. "You don't even know him properly."

"No. You don't know him properly, Tae. What if he's some kind of a criminal?"

Taehyung pulled out some notes from his wallet and threw it on to the table. Then he walked out of the place without sparing another glance to Hoseok.

Taehyung almost reached his bicycle when Hoseok caught up with him.

"Tae I'm sorry. I was just looking out for you. You must realize he's not good for you. I did what I thought was best." Hoseok said in a desperate tone even though his voice slurred a bit due to the effect of alcohol.

Taehyung stopped mid stride as something the other said sounded bit fishy.

"What do you mean? Hoseok, what did you do?!"

"Nothing... I just told the bastard to stay away from you. As he anyway should."

A loud slap echoed across the peaceful night. Hoseok felt a sting in his cheek as he looked at the man infront of him who seemed to have a murderous glare in his eye.

Taehyung is not a man of violence and he has never raised his hand to anyone in his entire life. Call it the influence of alcohol or the frustration he felt for the past few days with Kookie's behaviour, something pushed him to slap Hoseok across his cheek.

"How dare you?!" Taehyung found it difficult to form a sentence as he was shaking with anger. "How dare you say something like that to him?! What right do you have to interfere with my life?"

Hoseok looked frozen with shock. Either it was from his yelling or the slap, Taehyung didn't care. He couldn't imagine how Kookie would have felt when Hoseok said something like that.

Kookie was gentle and childlike and Taehyung was sure his heart would have been broken. How dare Hoseok hurt someone pure and innocent like him?

Taehyung quickly mounted his bicycle and rode home. He had to go back as soon as possible.

Kookie looked at his phone for what must be the hundredth time now. The simple message about Taehyung's and Hoseok's drinking plan was the only thing he had in his mind all night.

Would they have bonded while drinking? Would Hoseok have confessed his feelings? How would Taehyung have replied, did he accept Hoseok's feelings or rejected it?

So many questions ran through Kookie's mind, over and over again. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, hell he felt like he couldn't even breathe. It was so bad that Kookie came out of room and sat on the sofa.

And he waited for Taehyung to come home.
It was after few hours that Taehyung came home. Kookie raised his head tentatively at the sound of front door opening to look at Taehyung. He had so many questions to ask but it felt strange to initiate a talk with Taehyung when he tried so hard to avoid any interactions for the past few days.

Taehyung looked at the man sitting on the sofa with a kind of scared look. He felt his heart ache at how Kookie's lip was slightly trembling and how his hands seemed to be shaking a little.  Taehyung walked over to the sofa and sat near him.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice.

Kookie looked at the man in surprise. After the fight they had today, Kookie actually expected to be given a cold shoulder. He felt the tears gather in his eyes at Taehyung's sweet and gentle gesture.

"I was waiting for you." Kookie softly mumbled.

Taehyung gave a soft smile and tucked a strand of hair behind Kookie's ear, his hand slightly gazing the other's ear. Taehyung internally cooed at the sight of Kookie blushing a bit at that.

"Did you eat?" Taehyung asked again and Kookie shook his head at that.

"Why?? Should I fix you something?" Taehyung asked with a concerned voice and Kookie just looked down at his own lap without answering.

Taehyung looked at the man for few seconds before getting up from the sofa but Kookie's soft hand stopped him there.

"H-how d-did it go with H-hoseok?"

Taehyung looked at the man who still has his head lowered and gave a soft sigh. He sat on the sofa again and gently raised Kookie's face with his index finger.

"Why didn't you tell me about him?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice, making Kookie gasp in surprise.

"I'm sorry about it ok. Hoseok was.. uhh... misguided in his own way. Don't mind anything he said." Taehyung explained with a smile.

"But he's right. You deserve someone much, much better." Kookie whispered  in a sad voice.

"Who is he to decide what I deserve? I know what I want, Kookie." Taehyung replied with a smile, making the other man blush even more.

"What do you want?" Kookie's voice was barely audible.

"You." Taehyung whispered back in an equally low voice. "I want you."

A fully sober Taehyung might not have been this confident or forward but the alcohol in his system seem to be making Taehyung braver. He looked at the man infront him, who had his doe eyes opened wide in shock.

He will worry about Kookie's past when the time comes for that but right now, he needed this man. He needed to call this man his. He needed Kookie just like he needed air to breathe and it has become unbearable to hold back any more.

Kookie watched with wide eyes as Taehyung inched closer and closer to him. When he felt Taehyung's breath fanning his face, he closed his eyes. And waited.

"Can I?" Taehyung's voice sounded so nervous.

"Yes." Kookie answered and a second later, he felt a soft pair of lips, gently capturing his own.

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