28 - I Need Some Time Alone.

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Kookie just laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He had been avoiding Taehyung ever since they came home as he didn't really want to talk with him. He didn't want to let the other know that he, in fact, is married.

Well, maybe he's not married now. Maybe they got divorced after that fight. Maybe it's all still ok and Kookie is not legally bound to another person. But the issue here is that he. just. don't. know. With the majority of his memory still being unavailable, Kookie didn't really know what to think.

Jeon Jungkook. That is his name. For the first time, Kookie wondered whether he took the correct decision when Jin offered to find out about his past. While he still agrees with the rationality of his decision, memory of his wedding day had successfully managed to shock him to his core.

His depressing thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and after few seconds later, Taehyung's voice came from the other side

"Kookie, can I come in?" Taehyung asked in gentle tone but Kookie was not ready to see him.


Taehyung's loud sigh can be heard from inside the room even. Before Kookie could think anything else, Taehyung opened the door and came in. He looked at Kookie with a reproaching look before sitting down on the bed.

"How long are you going to avoid me? Huh..??"

Kookie turned his head to avoided Taehyung's gaze but Taehyung reached forward and gently grabbed his chin.

"Talk to me Kookie, what did you see?"

Kookie felt as if the other's gaze was seeing right through his soul. "I don't want to talk about it."

Taehyung closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose in an attempt to calm himself.

"Baby you know that's not how this works right? We shouldn't be keeping secrets from each other."

"You don't understand." Kookie said with a huff.

"Then make me understand!" Taehyung's was voice bit tight this time. "How do you expect me to understand when you don't tell me about it. Baby, I'm trying to work with this, but I can't do it alone."

"Well, will you tell me everything about yourself?"

"I will. Ask away whatever you want to know."

Kookie looked away again. He knows that he's taking a very unreasonable and childish approach to this but he just can't bare to see the look of pain and dismay that is sure to appear on Taehyung's face when he learn about Kookie's marriage.

"Kookie please, I'm not trying to pry in to your life unnecessarily. I'm just worried about you. You fainted today,  damn it!!"

"You are not gonna like this." Kookie whispered as he looked back at Taehyung with glossy eyes. "I don't want you to know this."

"Is it something that I have a right to know?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice and no matter how much Kookie wanted to say 'no', he ended up nodding his head in agreement.

"Then tell me. Whatever it is, we will face it together."

Kookie internally groaned at the understanding voice of his boyfriend. Here he is, probably a married man, trying to hide the same fact from his boyfriend like a cheating bastard. And Taehyung is still being an angel whom he definitely doesn't deserve.

Kookie got up from the bed in anger, he was just so mad at himself, and pushed pass Taehyung who had a shocked look on his face.

"Why the fuck can't you leave me alone!!?? I told to I don't want to talk about it!!" Jungkook yelled to Taehyung's face who just looked at him in surprise.

Taehyung had never seen Kookie get even a little angry so this enraged person felt totally unfamiliar. However, seeing Kookie lose his mind in anger only validated Taehyung's need to know what happened today.

"Kookie.." Taehyung said in a gentle but firm tone.

"No, please.." this time, Kookie's voice sounded really broken.

Taehyung's heart ached at the vulnerable tone but he had to do this. He won't be able to take care of his boyfriend otherwise.

"What did you see?" Taehyung asked again in the same firm tone and Kookie snapped his head to look at him.

Taehyung was startled to see the raw emotions of despair and helplessness in Kookie's eyes just before he finally gave in and spoke up.

"I'M MARRIED!!" Kookie screamed before completely breaking down. "Are you happy now??!! I'm fucking married.."

Jungkook fell to his knees, covered his face with his hands and started to softly cry. His heart ached at the thought of the heartache that Taehyung must be feeling now and for the first time, regretted ever coming in to Taehyung's life. An angel like Taehyung definitely deserved much, much better.

"Tae.. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me for coming in to your life and putting you through this." Kookie whispered through his hands in a voice so low, that he was sure Taehyung would not be able to hear it.

But he was proven wrong in the next second, when Taehyung wrapped him in a tight embrace.

"Shhh... it's ok. You don't have to apologise." Taehyung said in a voice thick with emotions.

They stayed like that for few seconds until Kookie spoke up again.

"Could you give me some time? I want to be alone right now." Kookie mumbled in a tired voice and Taehyung slowly pulled back to look at the other.

"O-ofcourse." Taehyung replied as he got up from the floor. "I'll see you at dinner."

Taehyung went out of the room and walked straight in to his own room. He tried to look calm and unshaken to provide emotional support to Kookie but the truth was that he was utterly devastated.

Not in million years would he have guessed that the other was married! With the fight Kookie remembered the other day and the fact that he didn't get any flashbacks when they were intimate, Taehyung actually was under the impression that Kookie's and this Chim person's relationship was not serious.

He would have been totally fine if Kookie had some baggage in his past, I mean who doesn't?? But to be married to someone puts things in a different perspective.

He can't be with Kookie when the man belonged to someone else. Kookie would be put in a difficult position when his memory returned as he would then have to choose between his husband and his lover.

Taehyung is ok to get hurt. If that's the price he had to pay for the time he spent with Kookie, for his happiness, then he will gladly pay that. But from what Taehyung have understood about Kookie, he knows that he is as good and kind as a human can be. Taehyung doesn't want to make him live with the burden of cheating on his husband.

Taehyung was drowned in his sorrowful thoughts while Kookie himself was struggling with his own feelings. It seems that both had another decision to make.

And if Kookie had the slightest idea about what's going on in Taehyung's mind, he would have never let the man be alone right now.

You Are Mine - Taekook Love Story.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora