chapter twenty eight

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chapter twenty eight, aftermath

"I HEARD YOU WERE GIVING speeches on the back of a wagon Polly

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"I HEARD YOU WERE GIVING speeches on the back of a wagon Polly." Tommy spoke, settling himself leaning on the wall as he took a smoke of his cigarette.

"I can't remember a fucking thing." Polly groaned as she sat at the table with a wet cloth over her head. Lizzie sat with a cup of tea in her hand, Kegan near her with her hands over her face all but leaning on the table for support and Esme walking around the back.

"Well Moss tells me you were threatening to burn down the town hall." He then said, looking towards the group.

"Oh Tommy, we were having a laugh." Polly said, "You know the crowd around me was bigger than the crowd around Jessie Eden." The other three snorted at this, Tommy growing a confused look.

"Who's Jessie Eden?" He then asked.

"She's too soft." Polly merely replied, "You're not gonna break the capitalist system, talking about separate lavatories for women."

"Who is Jessie Eden?" He then repeated, looking tired with the women.

"She's a new best friend." Lizzie answered. Kegan snorting in laughter at the words.

"Shop steward at the Lucas factory." Esme piped in.

"A woman shop steward, I've heard of her." Tommy then said, nodding his head.

"There is a leaflet here if you want to take a look Tommy." Lizzie then said, handing said leaflet towards him.

"So, separate lavatory? Is that it? Is that what you want?" Tommy then asked, making the girls either roll their eyes or sigh loudly at his words. "I don't know what you want. You have to tell me what it is and then I'll know."

"Actually we want to know about the robbery you're planning." Esme then said, standing up in front of him. "Not the factory robbery. The other one. The one you're not telling the woman about."

"John has a big mouth." Tommy remarked.

"No." She then replied, "Arthur's got a big mouth. Arthur told Linda, Linda told me."

"Polly," Tommy then said, being interrupted by the woman herself.

"Read the leaflet Tommy." She replied, looking towards the woman. "Ladies why don't I talk to Tommy privately, and then I'll report back to you faithfully."  She then said making the woman all look at her.

"You're not just gonna take payments from the Russians, are you, Tommy? You're going to clean them out, is that right?" Esme then exclaimed.

"Esme." Lizzie piped in, looking up to the woman.

"So what happens after, when they come for us? When I'm about to give birth?" She continued, stepping even closer to her brother in law.

"Get out, get back to work." Tommy only replied, Kegan got up not caring to listen anymore. Hearing Lizzie follow her in also.

"Keep us posted won't you sister?" She heard Esme ask Polly who agreed in response.

"You're very quiet." Lizzie then said to the youngest, resting her hand against her forehead to feel for a temperature. "Hm, I don't think you have a temperature."

"I'm just hungover." She chuckled, sitting on one of the desks and closing her eyes in hopes of easing her headache.

"Yeah hungover from dancing on the back of the wagon." Esme teased making the three laugh in response, Kegan covering her face over as her cheeks grew pink.

"Don't even remind me." She sighed, her amused face watching the two.

"Well what about this boyfriend I've heard of yours." Lizzie then said, quirking an eyebrow and a questioning look painting her face. "Look she's fucking blushing!" Lizzie then laughed, looking over to Esme who joined her laughter too.

"Aye John told me, not shocked at all." She responded, moving across the room to pick up the empty tea mugs.

"You weren't shocked? I thought they hated each other." Lizzie replied, her eyebrows furrowing together. "Remember looking out one day to see them screaming at each other across the street."

"Oh God. Please tell me you didn't." Kegan sighed, her hands covering her face once again in embarrassment. "We did though. Absolutely hated." She cringed.

"I remember Katie asking me one morning if the two of you were together." Esme recalled, thinking about the eldest of John's kids. "Made me laugh for a good day or two." She now laughed again thinking of the memory.

"If she had of asked me that then, I may have screamed." Kegan replied, a small smile on her face also at the thought.

"WHAT'S WRONG?" Isaiah Jesus asked as he looked towards the girl who seemed to be coiling over something bad in her head. "Hello? Kegan." He then sang, reaching over in the bed to wave his hand in front of her face.

"Huh? Yeah?" She then asked, looking to the boy with a confused glance.

"Is something wrong?" He repeated, watching her as she replied.

"I feel like something bad's going to happen." She said slowly, "I'm sure of it. I can just feel something bad. I don't know why." She looked towards him with a confused glance.

"Oh." He said, looking towards her. "Come on then. We'll make something good happen." He then replied, putting his shirt and trousers on and throwing a random dress at her. She stared at the boy in amusement, quirking an eyebrow.

"And where will we go?" She asked, looking at him.

"Pictures." He merely replied, pulling her up from the bed by her hands. She got dressed then, Isaiah helping her tie it up with a grin, before leading her out of the house to begin walking towards the pictures. The two decided they'd go on foot instead of bringing the car to enjoy the nice enough day.

Once they stood by the ticket booth, their hands holding together as they waited in line she leaned into him. "I'm paying."

"What?" He responded, looking down at her with a confused expression.

"You brought me to dinner and made the picnic." She responded, looking towards the boy as she nodded her head multiple times. "So I'm paying for our tickets and our next date."

"Are you sure?" He asked, making the girl nod in response.

"Of course I am doofus." She laughed, him joining at the stupid nickname.

"Doofus? Really?" He asked, an amused smile as she watched the girl shake her head with a small blush.

SHE HAD MADE HER WAY into the living room along with Isaiah later that evening, the two giggling as he lifted her up before stopping like a deer in headlights as they noticed the rest of her family staring at the two with grim looks.

"What?" She asked, "What's wrong?"

Polly looked up to her from where she sat, "Tommy's got in some trouble. He'll be away for a few months." She answered, "At a hospital."

"What?" She asked, her body going cold at her aunt's words, "What happened, what's wrong with him?"

"He's got a fractured skull."

"Oh my God." The girl responded, her hand covering her mouth at the thought of what could've had happened to her brother it had completely ruined him for the next few months.

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