chapter four

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chapter four, nasty boy

TOMMY HAD EXPRESSED his interest in Kegan's education the past summer, encouraging her to go back to school to actually try and get something out of it, so just to pass the time and get paid a tad from Tommy who had told her not to tell Finn about...

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TOMMY HAD EXPRESSED his interest in Kegan's education the past summer, encouraging her to go back to school to actually try and get something out of it, so just to pass the time and get paid a tad from Tommy who had told her not to tell Finn about it, she did go back gladly.

It seemed quite a lot of her friends were going back to school thankfully, seeing as they could've left last year but decided against it seeing as they were trying to get a good stable job for themselves.

The good thing about the last two years of school was that she had only three subjects which she had went over with Tommy on multiple nights during the summer holidays, the two deciding Business Studies, History and English literature would be the best fit for her seeing as she did so well in them precise subjects.

She was walking to lunch one day with three of her other friends when a group of boys had joined them for it also, sadly it was Isaiah's group as all the boys were friendly with Kegan but him, the boys usually told Isaiah to suck it up and get over it but he preferred annoying her much, much more.

She was sat beside one of his pals, Gene whilst giving him a seductive look as she drank her milkshake making Isaiah look away as if it would burn his very soul to watch her flirt. He was stuck beside one of her friends, who was pretty, yes but rather annoying while she smacked her lips near her ear and put on this annoying tone as she spoke.

He'd much rather be across the booth annoying Kegan Shelby instead.

"You look really good in the uniform" Kegan had whispered with a small laugh to Gene, who now was looking down at her with a smirk.

"I'd argue you look better in yours." He had said back, placing a hand on her exposed thigh due to her skirt being rolled up a tad too high that Tommy would probably shoot her for if he had seen it. She laughed in return, joining back into the groups conversation with a grin.

She joined the conversation once again, listening in that they had been talking about meeting up on Friday night to the Pipers Inn. Kegan pondered that if she would go, not liking the idea of one of her elder brothers peeking over her shoulder every five minutes since most of them were using it as a replacement for the Garrison since it being destroyed. She seemed to have already accepted the invitation according to Deli, who was grinning up at Isaiah who was grinning down back at her.

God, he just had to try and get with all her friends didn't he?

It was as if he almost felt her stare when he looked over, trying to analyse the look on her face before she altogether looked away from the two, turning to Gene and starting another conversation with the boy.

She liked Gene, he was pretty funny, good looking and had a nice body but he wasn't really her type. She didn't really know what her type was to be honest, Dark hair for sure though, Gene didn't fit that criteria with his bright blonde hair. She didn't mind although, his veiny hands made up for it when she watched it dance on her thigh still.

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