chapter thirty five

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chapter thirty seven, hospital blues

SHE WAS UP IN HER BEDROOM, putting on her earrings as she was called down by Ada telling her the car was there and with it, Isaiah

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

SHE WAS UP IN HER BEDROOM, putting on her earrings as she was called down by Ada telling her the car was there and with it, Isaiah. She made her way into the room hearing the last string of Polly's words.

"When's the last time you had a fuck?" The woman had asked, Ada furrowing her eyebrows as Kegan chuckled loudly.

"This morning." She replied, Ada elbowing her as she laughed.

"It's been nearly two years with me. Over Christmas I counted it up. So I've made a new years resolution to change the situation." Polly replied.

"Oh? Anyone in particular you had in mind?" Ada asked as Kegan looked in the mirror, touching at her lips as if to perfect the already perfectly lined lipstick.

"Not really, just me and someone unsuitable." Kegan snorted at her aunt's words, fixing her hair before following out the door. She saw Isaiah standing facing the road, looking up and down it as if searching for someone to attack. She hugged him from behind making him turn around and grin. "Hello." She smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

"Afternoon." He grinned after a small kiss.

"Are you coming with us?" She then asked, her smile falling to a frown as he shook his head.

"I'll collect you though and then we can go home and.." He trailed off, a smirk on his face as her teeth shined as a grin formed on her lips.

"Better be a quick meeting then." She grinned, the two's lips meeting once again before she pulled away at the call from Ada. "See you later, love." She smiled, before she could get into the door though, his hand was placed out to help her in making her chuckle before moving in beside Ada with a smile. He waved goodbye as the car left from the view, before looking around out of anxiety of some Italian wanker coming into view with a gun.

"SO THIS IS JUST to make things official." Polly said as they walked towards the hospital where Michael had been staying. Kegan and Isaiah had visited the boy quite a few times, who always seemed to brighten up once seeing the two lovers, it was a change from the usual depressing visits he had been used to. He was glad the two would joke and tease with him instead of having to sit through another one where the visitor would just sit and stare at him with a sorrowful face.

"Your official return to the company payroll." Ada then said as Lizzie joined the group from where she stood leaned against the wall waiting on the three, joining arms with the youngest Shelby sister. "So no more talk of New Years resolution or Tommy might change his mind."

"What New Years resolution?" Lizzie asked, her eyebrows furrowing together as she opened her purse for a cigarette, passing one to Kegan before Ada gave them a hard glare, the two sharing a look before slowly putting them away again.

SHELBY Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ