chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen, off to the races

"ALL RIGHT, MAKE READY boys, this is it

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"ALL RIGHT, MAKE READY boys, this is it." Arthur said, them all stood behind the van. "You four get round the back, take three of your boys. You three with us." He pointed to Kegan, Isaiah and Finn, moving to talk to Finn then, "But you stay back."

They made their move, walking up to the stalls and pulling out the guns towards Sabini's men. Kegan quickly noticed the face of Isaiah, who seemed pissed off more than he usually looked. "What's wrong?" She asked, looking over to him as the two walked towards a stall, the man in it raising his arms.

"Nothin'." He merely replied, then shouting commands to the man inside. When the man denied it, Isaiah quickly put him in a head lock, aiming the gun at his head and handing over the paper in his hands to Kegan, who took the lighter out of her pocket and began burning it, then throwing it to the ground.

Isaiah then let go of the man, throwing him to the ground.

"I know it's not nothing." She then said as they walked away, looking over to him to follow after John, Finn and Arthur who had just finished theirs.

"Maybe you should just fuck up and focus on the plan, huh?" Isaiah then snapped, stopping to look at her confused face before beginning to walk again moving faster to catch up.

"What the fuck?" She asked, jogging to keep up. "There's no need to get angry at me." She continued, trying to look at him as he stared straight ahead with a hard glare.

"Or is there?" He mocked, still keeping his eyes trained on the one spot as he walked.

"What? What'd I do?" She asked, looking even more confused as she raised her voice over the noise of the crowds. He didn't answer, the girl rolling her eyes before moving further along and in front of her three brothers, soon spotting Lizzie sitting by a table and running up to the woman.

"Lizzie!" She grinned, hugging the woman from the back and leaning her head on Lizzie's shoulder. "I've missed you." She smiled, turning around to sit on the seat across from her. "Wait, shit. Are you okay?" She asked then, her tone worried as she looked at the bruised woman.

"Hello, Kegan. Happy birthday by the way, love." Lizzie merely replied, turning her head at the voice of Arthur making his way towards them, whilst Lizzie's eyes darted away from Arthur and back to the table, Kegan's eye caught Isaiah Jesus making his way past the three brothers, his pissed expression still painted over him as he stalked away and around the corner.

She began wondering what was wrong with the boy, It had been weeks since they raised voices to each other and had been getting on actually well in Kegan's mind. She watched the place where she had last seen him for a while, before someone walked past making her snap out of it and join in on the conversation beside her.

John was hugging Lizzie who had a pained smile on her face whilst Arthur was leaned over the table, his nose over something that looked a bit like sugar making Kegan look at him with an odd look. "What the fuck is that?" She asked, leaning over the man.

"Nothing you need to worry about." He merely replied, grinning at the girl as he leaned back then, clearing the table.

"We're kings, kings of the fucking world!" John then shouted, looking around at the people passing by. "Where is Tommy anyway?"

A PARTY AT THE GARRINSON was in full swing, Arthur standing up on the table as he spoke to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to raise a toast!" He called out, the crowds cheering as he spoke. "To the small heath rifles!"

"Small Heath Rifles!" Everyone called out, raising their glasses.

"To the Lee boys!" He replied with a shout.


"And to the Peaky fucking Blinders!" Screams went out at his last words, everyone raising their glasses sloppily making drinks fall out from half the glasses onto others. No one seemed to care though as they all laughed harder.

The chanting continued as they all danced around the room. Kegan was standing alongside a few of the Lee boys she had made friends with that were around the same age as her, some older. The group were laughing away until out of the corner of her eye did she see Isaiah Jesus staring down at her from a wall at the other side of the room. She said her goodbye's to the group before travelling towards the boy.

"Calmed down yet?" She asked, settling beside him on the wall. He made a sound between an agreement and huff. "What got you so pissed in the twenty minutes I hadn't seen you?" She laughed, looking up to him.

"I wasn't pissed." He replied, looking back at her before turning away once again.

"Then what were you?" She asked, looking up to him once again, opening up her pack of cigar's, placing one in her mouth and lighting it before turning away to face the crowds once again. He looked down then to her once again, watching as she smoked the cigarette from her dainty pink lips, quickly looking away once again.

"Nothing, serious." He responded lightly, trying to steer the conversation. "Dance with me?" He then asked, knowing the topic of dance would steer her right away. He was thankful when she nodded her head, lightly taking his hand with one of hers and pulling him to the dance floor, the other hand still holding the cigarette as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder, his moving to her waist.

The two danced for hours, laughing at each other's moves before retiring to the bar and taking shots of alcohols that most definitely would end the two of them drunk. The night went on and they danced and sang their hearts content out.

The Garrison was more alive than ever, with people squishing past others to get a decent walkway. Couples lounged against each other, some in groups dancing in their own little world. They were excited, more excited than ever, they had won.

"JUST OPEN THE DOOR." She giggled, shoving him lightly as he drunkenly tried to open the door to his small home owned by his father. "Hurry up, I want to get in..." She said, poking the boy in the side as he laughed and pushed her off.

"Are you sure about this?" He then asked, looking towards her with a caring face.

"More sure than I've ever been, and you?" She asked, looking to him and the key to the now opened door.


Suddenly the two soft lips crashed against each other, stumbling into the entrance of the home. He took a hold of her waist, the two smiling into the kiss before giggling and moving up the stairs to one of the bedrooms.

"Hurry up!" She called from atop the stairs, the boy racing towards her with a grin.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" He called back, chasing the girl into the room. As soon as he caught up with her, she was pushed lightly against one of the walls, the kiss deepening as she unclasped his buttoned shirt.

He quickly helped her with the dress, pulling the shoulders down as she giggled lightly again. Kegan then pushed the brown eyed boy down onto the bed, moving atop to kiss him again before he switched positions to the top, the two of them laughing to themselves.

It was later that morning, did Isaiah wake up remembering the drunken memoirs of the night before. When he turned around in his bed to catch sight of the girl, she was gone. As if she wasn't there at all, but no. It seemed too real to have been like one of the many dreams he had of her before.

The part that took Isaiah Jesus most out, wasn't the fact that he had slept with his once absolute torture to now friend, but the way he had woken up without a trace but his memories of Kegan Shelby laughing drunkenly with him right there in his bedroom.

and season 2 is over !!

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