chapter five

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chapter five, gabriel chanel

THE NIGHT WAS LIT UP that Friday night and Kegan Shelby was not messing around

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THE NIGHT WAS LIT UP that Friday night and Kegan Shelby was not messing around. A cream dress that knew was too low for Tommy to not bring up, matched with a face of makeup that she had stocked away in the bottom of her drawers.

She made her way downstairs, met by a whistle from Polly in the kitchen, where she sat taking a smoke. "And where may you be off to."

"What the fuck is that?" Tommy interrupted, looking down at the rather revealing dress.

"It's a dress."

"Say's who?"

"Gabriel Chanel." She deadpanned, sitting down and reaching for a glass of some kind of alcohol for herself that Tommy had poured, the latter instantly swatting her hand away from the bottle.

"I know what she's doing." Polly said slyly, smirking slightly as she took a sip of her drink. "Getting back at a boy." Kegan rolled her eyes and grinned at this, loving how Polly's mind worked.

"Too young for any boys." Tommy started, being interrupted by Arthur who made his way through the kitchen from the hall.

"What boy's giving you bother and I'll fucking get back at him." He started, getting a glass for himself and swinging it down.

"None of your worries," She grinned.

"You need a gun, you tell me." John teased, slapping her on the shoulder as he walked in to the room also. Now there was only Finn who was already out drinking with Isaiah and their group.

"Right, I'm leaving." Kegan said then, standing up to move before being pushed back down on the chair by Tommy.

"No funny business, eh? Home by Twelve and no later, leave room for Jesus and for my sake, do not get drunk."

"I never get drunk, Tommy." She replied, innocently. A shit eating grin on her face.


Beyond drunk.

Almost to the edge of paralytic drunk.

She was moving about the Pipers, dancing along to the music that was playing, a jazzy song that made her want to swing her hips as she stopped and ran a hand through her hair, beginning to dance sloppily. A hand was felt on her waist and she began dancing once again with the music.

"Oi, get off her mate." A voice said, a boy's voice. "She's drunk, you fucking idiot."

"Isaiah!" She called out to the boy who was pushing the person behind her off of her who was now walking away. She reached out her arms and all but threw herself towards the boy in a messy hug.

Isaiah stood rather rigidly at the hug, shocked she was actually talking to him friendly, never mind touching him without the two fighting, he then remembered she was quite drunk. "You know, I think about that day when we were kids a lot." She giggled.

"What day would that be?" He asked, sitting her down by one of the booths and looking round for Finn so the two could walk her home.

"When we had that fight silly." She giggled. "I beat you."

"My biggest defeat of all." The boy replied, a grin playing as he went over the memory. "Still can't get over the fact you brought Tommy's hat, out of all your brothers." He laughed.

"I wanted to be like Tommy so bad." She giggled, hiccupping as she leaned against the booth's wall. She then caught the eyes of Gene, who was staring at her from across the bar, she slowly sat up, looking over to Isaiah and lifting his hand. "Play along." She whispered slowly.

"You're so funny, 'Siah." She giggled, moving to touch his arm as if to feel a bicep before stopping as she actually found muscles larger than she expected. "You're not ripped are you, Oh God. You just had to go be better looking didn't you." She laughed loudly, Isaiah wondering if this was a part of the plan too or was she really just that drunk.

"I think it's time we get you back." Isaiah said then, her hand still holding onto his bicep lightly. "How are you half out at only ten to twelve?" He asked rhetorically, chuckling to himself. Although the girl shot up and ushered him out the booth.

"Need to get back before Twelve!" She squealed, her walking going from side to side as she tried to walk through the crowds. She was quickly caught though before she found Isaiah's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her up and balancing her before helping her out of the club to walk straight. "Tommy is going to kill me." She giggled, covering her mouth with her clean nail painted hands.

"You really cannot handle your drink." The boy laughed looking towards the girl, "Another thing to bug you about." He grinned.

"Oh yeah?" She spoke, "What about when we were younger that one morning at school..." She began Isaiah shaking his head and slapping a hand over her mouth.

"Not a chance we're revisiting that subject."

"You sure about that?"



Three brothers stood in front of the door, seeing Isaiah and Kegan all but clinging to each other as Kegan's head leaned towards him, resting on his shoulder. "I'm not the only one seeing this right now, right?" John spoke, looking at the two.

"They haven't killed each other." Arthur said in shock, looking from Kegan to Isaiah multiple times. "What the fuck." He then repeated, laughing at the sight then before Tommy spoke up.

"They're drunk." He deadpanned.

"I'm not, I swear." Isaiah quickly said to the three, "She wouldn't have gotten home though so I had to, y'know." He spoke fast, intimidated by the three older men staring down at him, their younger sister leaning on his side.

"Right, is Finn still out?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, he should be home soon though." Isaiah replied.

"We'll see you later then, eh Isaiah, good lad." Tommy then said, taking Kegan's arm and helping her in. Isaiah muttered a quick goodbye before leaving and running down to his door down the street.

"Five past twelve eh?" Tommy asked, "Bit late don't you think." He said, his tone dripped in sarcasm.

"Sorry?" Kegan giggled.

SHELBY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora