chapter seven

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chapter seven, boxing match

THE BRUISES HEALED ON HER FACE quickly, although the ones on her body seemed to get even worse when Tommy finally arrived home from God knows where

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THE BRUISES HEALED ON HER FACE quickly, although the ones on her body seemed to get even worse when Tommy finally arrived home from God knows where. He was quickly updated about the attack on Kegan, his fists balling at the sound the only giveaway of his anger as his face remained the stoic usual expression.

Once Polly had arrived, she was shocked to see Tommy standing in the middle, all of them clapping along as she entered, a confused expression on her face. Finn, Kegan and John were told to go bring the car around, the three buzzing with excitement and made their way out quickly.

Later, they had all gotten in the car, driving off to God knows where, him and Polly drove in the front whilst Arthur, John, Finn and Kegan sat bunched together in the back singing along to the radio which was later turned off by Tommy.

Kegan had been told earlier by John that Polly was getting a house as a gift from them and that Kegan and Finn would be staying in Small Heath for Kegan's education and Finn to stay with the boys.

They finally came to a stop outside a fancy neighbourhood, where everything seemed brighter than anything ever did in Small Heath. "What the.." She was helped out by John, who grinned at her before looking around the neighbourhood in amazement.

"Good morning!" Arthur shouted out to the neighbours, some looking on with either concern or curiosity, Kegan couldn't tell. They all entered through the house, Polly speaking up finally.

"You said you were gonna get Ada a house."

"Yep, that's right. I did." Tommy answered, stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets. "Just had a bit of cash left over."

"This is ours?" Polly asked, turning around in a circle slowly to take it in.

"No. Polly. This is yours." Tommy answered, "because you deserve it." Polly looked towards the four at the other side of the room, the brothers and sister grinning at her.

"What do I do with all these rooms?" She asked, moving towards the couch.

"Well you could relax for one." Tommy started, "Come here at weekends. It has a garden. Eh?" He pointed out the window through the blinds moving towards it before turning again, "You love gardens. You can grow roses, Pol. I don't know. Have a piano. Have people around they can have a sing song."

"God help the bloody neighbours." John started, Kegan chuckling along with him as she slapped him playfully to shoosh.

"Fuck the neighbours." Arthur replied, moving towards Polly with a hand forward, keys dangling on his finger. "Welcome home Pol." He said, dropping them in her outstretched hand. It was quiet for a moment, Pol sitting down.

"Arthur, why don't you take the boys and Kegan outside." Tommy then said, flicking his hand carelessly to the front door. "Wait by the car." Arthur nodded, the other three following after them.

"Oh, I'm definitely staying here some weekend." Kegan spoke as she leaned against the car door, giving a small wave to a boy working in a garden who had grinned at her, waving back.

"You are a child." John reminded, the girl glaring at him.

"I'm seventeen. Literally eighteen in a few weeks." She reminded him.

"And until then, you're still a kid." Arthur spoke, lighting a cigarette.

"Soon to be an adult but still our little sister." John said, wrapping an arm around her, the other fluffing her hair up.

"Get off me you arse!" She squealed, trying to move out from under him.

SHE WATCHED AS THE TWO SHIRTLESS teen boys gave each other a few punches, Isaiah being the one getting in the most hits as Finn tried to dodge. "Call yourself a Shelby?" King Maine said for about the hundredth time that hour, making Kegan want to rip out her ears at the sound of it yet again. "Fucking hit him Finn." Finn began hitting back then, "Aye hit him, that's right." He spoke, "All right, Isiah your turn." Isaiah began hitting then, "Finn, call yourself a Shelby? Hit him for fuck's sake."

"Shut up for fuck's sake." Kegan mocked quietly, dragging her two hands down her face in annoyance. There was then a loud groan, sounding very alike to Arthurs that made everyone turn their head to see Arthur hitting some boy multiple times.

"Get him out! Get him back for fuck's sake! Get him out of there!" Maine screamed, Isaiah and Finn jumped over the small wall running towards the sounds along with Kegan.

"Oh my God..." Kegan gasped quietly, seeing a young boy's face bloodied and beat lying on the floor. "Is he even breathing?" She whispered to herself mainly, then feeling contact with bare skin as she looked behind to see Isaiah standing beside her, looking down she quickly looked away with wide eyes at the six pack, before realising what had happened yet again.

She watched as Arthur was being held back, screaming trying to get forward to the boy with a shocked expression masking her face at what was happening. They were brought back to the shop later once the two boys were dressed by Maine, who had told them to wait in Tommy's office.

"I'm not speaking." Kegan quickly said once the door was closed.

"Well I'm bloody well not saying anything." Isaiah answered, sitting down on the bench beside the door. The two then looked to Finn, watching to see his reaction.

"We're not gonna mouth about Arthur." Finn said, the two agreeing along with the statement. Unsure of how Tommy would react.

She sat herself up on Tommy's desk, swinging her legs slowly. Them all quiet as they waited for the time to go by. "There he is." She quickly said, watching her brother move towards them. Tommy opened the door, walking in before quickly closing the door.

"Off." He pointed to the bench, the girl begrudgingly moving from her spot and sitting down by the free spot beside Isaiah. Tommy leaned against the wall then, staring at the three. "All right, what happened?"

"It was a fair fight." Finn spoke, looking up towards Tommy.

"Yeah, Arthur just caught him with a good one." Isaiah chimed in.

"It's true." Kegan backed up, nodding her head.

"I saw the body." Tommy started, pushing himself off the wall and moving towards them. "Don't fucking lie to me. I saw the body. What fuckin' happened?" He asked, pointing his finger at them before dropping it.

"I'm not family, I'm not saying nothing." Isaiah said, Kegan rolling her eyes at the statement.

"I'm Arthurs favourite, I ain't saying shit." She replied when Tommy looked to her, raising her hands in defence.

"Arthur, he's blown a few times lately. Six, seven. It's like he's not there in the head. He can't even hear 'stop'. Even his own name. And then he cries." Finn spoke then, once Tommy looked towards him with a look.

"Right look." The older man said, "That's two fucking stories. Your brother killed a boy. There were witnesses. There will be questions. Get your stories straight, it was an accident." He then gave a quick, "Fuck off," the three of them moving quickly out of the office leaving Tommy by himself.

"Thanks for that." Finn said, seeming to be rather pissed off.

"I wish we were a normal fucking family some times." Kegan whispered, leaning against the wall, far away from Tommy's office.

not me going on a writing spree on the week of my mocks😃👍

lol tell me what u think of the story atm😭

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